Under Tang Muchen's evil request, Gu Yuena finally gave in.

Obediently, I called my brother in a low voice.

In short, Tang Muchen was very happy in his heart. He was so happy, he was so happy.

Just imagine, a beautiful girl with a cold and wise personality, obediently cowardly, reluctantly but shyly calling you brother, what will you do.

Let me judge, maybe you'll writhe like a maggot.

That's right, that's right.

Girls may be shy and difficult, but they still muster their courage.

Gu Yuena just felt a little dizzy.

Calling her brother just now seemed to drain all her strength.

Moreover, the postures of the two are so ambiguous.

Her arms were still tightly wrapped around his neck.

After a long time, her breathing gradually became steady.

"It's very good, Nana."

Tang Muchen's voice seemed satisfied.

Indeed, being able to make her call brother again is absolutely satisfying.

Ask this continent, and there is absolutely no one who can really have emotional entanglements with the Silver Dragon King like himself, even though it is still very weak.

After lightly stroking her small head a few times, the silver-white hair is still extremely soft, and there is a faint heat on the head.

"Sister Nana."

He tried calling out again.

Gu Yuena nodded slightly, actually agreeing.

"So cute."

Touch the head skillfully.

Tang Muchen seemed to know Gu Yuena's head well now, and touched it casually.

"Don't touch it."

Her expression seemed a little unhappy.

Maybe it's because they don't like being patted on the head all the time as a child.

As the co-lord of soul beasts, Gu Yuena has always presented a calm and wise image, even in front of those hundred thousand year soul beasts whose strong human beings would turn pale upon hearing it.

Gu Yuena is still a high and inviolable existence.

Now, Tang Muchen can wreak havoc on her little head, messing with her long hair indifferently.

This seems to make our Silver Dragon King very unhappy.

She felt that her majesty had been challenged.

Although this guy can be regarded as an existence of the same level as himself in his own mind.

But the Silver Dragon King is arrogant, this man knows that he likes to rub his head.

I raised my head.

"Okay, okay, good."

Tang Muchen put down her body gently.

Slight active squat.

Put your big head out in front of her.

She looked at the big head in front of her, and after thinking about it, she reached out and touched him actively.

Stiff, short hair feels great to the touch.

He patted his head slightly.

Tang Muchen raised his head.

With a faint smile on his face: "That's enough."

Look directly into her big purple eyes.


She lowered her head, stretched out her hand actively, and hung in the air: "Let's go."

Tang Muchen immediately understood what she meant.

The big hand reached out and held her small hand.

The contact of the two hands transmits the heat of the two.

"Let's go."

"I'll take you to your room, and then we'll have lunch together."

he smiles.


She nodded vigorously this time.

Following the direction indicated by the attendant just now, the two walked quietly on the boulevard.

"It's here."

Tang Muchen looked at the somewhat luxurious villa in front of him.

Mouth is a little big.

Although this guy usually lives in Yuexuan's building, which is very delicate and expensive. '

But this student's dormitory is actually so high-end.

In Tang Muchen's impression, the student dormitory should be a dormitory for several people, the poor living environment is like Shrek, and the good one is very suitable for living.

But the force of this Wuhun Academy is too high.


Gu Yuena asked with some doubts: "Is this considered very powerful?"

The Silver Dragon King is completely ignorant of the housing prices in the human world.

So, he adopted plain language.

"Well, let's put it this way."

"This house is equivalent to two thousand gold soul coins. The big meat buns you like to eat are five copper coins each. Based on your 500 per meal, you can eat them for about 730 years."

Easy to understand, simple and crude mathematical answers spit out from Tang Muchen's mouth. '

Gu Yuena, who didn't pay much attention to it at first, couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes when she heard the data he said, and she seemed to be surprised.

Immediately afterwards, she asked, "What about the special black pepper steak?"

Tang Muchen thought for a while, and said with a smile, "I don't think it's a problem to eat for at least a few years."

"That's it."

Gu Yuena seemed to be lost in thought, she nodded, looking at the house in front of her, a strange color flashed in her eyes.

Tang Muchen probably knew what she was thinking in front of him.

Inexplicably, I wanted to laugh.

So he raised his hand to stop him and said: "Don't think too much, we have officially entered the Wuhun Academy now, so what I said just now can definitely be prepared for us, maybe there are even better delicacies."

The grand vision he depicted made Gu Yuena's purple eyes glow with starlight.

"There are so many good things in the human world."

She couldn't help but sigh with emotion.


"After all, human wisdom is infinite."

Tang Muchen nodded.

"Let's go, let's take you in, let's see how comfortable the room prepared by Wuhun Academy is."

Step up and enter.

Two people opened the door with a key, and they saw neat decorations.

"It's still very tidy, and it can be said to be luxurious."

Tang Muchen nodded.

"Basically the complete furniture conditions are met."

"A lot of things ordinary people don't even have."

Walking in the door, there is a sandalwood shoe cabinet next to it.

Tang Muchen took off his shoes first, and put on the slippers in the storage space.

Turning his head to look at Gu Yuena, he squatted down quietly, and took out another pair of small purple slippers from the storage ring.

"Hey, let's change."

He greeted.

Then he reached out his hand actively and held her round ankle.

She was wearing longer boots today, and Tang Muchen used a lot of strength to take them off.

He commanded: "Straighten your legs."

Then, with the cooperation of the two, they quickly took off their boots.

Neatly placed in the shoe cabinet.

He pinched her snow-white jade feet, and then gently put her on her regardless of her thoughts.

Out of sight, two red clouds suddenly appeared on Gu Yuena's pretty face.

Feet are very sensitive places for girls.

It is even said that only her husband can touch a girl's penis.

The soul is light, Tang Muchen.

Gu Yuena, who already has a strong sense of chastity, will fall into the trap sooner or later when you intensify your molesting again and again.

The soul is light, the soul is light.

With a warm smile on his face, he smiled at her and said, "Lift the other one up too.

In short, the posture is beautiful, and Nana is shy.

Tang Muchen's face was invulnerable.

The short shoe-changing time turned into a flirting time for Tang Muchen.

Although it's not the first time this guy has done it, but his skillful technique will definitely stir the hearts of immature girls.

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