"If I wasn't as perfect as you thought, would you still love me like I do now?"

Once people care too much about something, they will keep trying. The word perfect seems to define too many. We always like to use perfect to define love. Perfect people always match perfect love, and the fantasy of love is always perfect.

Is it really supposed to be like this?

Ji Lianxing just looked at Jiang Shu like that, looking at her eyes, the anxiety flashing in her eyes was obvious.

Several possibilities flashed through his mind, thinking, Jiang Shu asked such a question, what happened to her recently? Or what did she do to make her so sensitive?

"Why do you ask this question all of a sudden?"

"You answer me first." Jiang Shu insisted on getting the answer.

"I love you has nothing to do with whether you are perfect or not." Ji Lianxing never thought that Jiang Shu would care about this one day, "Do you love me because I am perfect? ​​You see that I also have many shortcomings, don't you?"

She hugged Jiang Shu tightly, soothing Jiang Shu's anxiety.

"I like all kinds of you, why do you think so much? Silly mouse."

Girls always want to be coaxed and given a sense of security. Although Ji Lianxing is an activist, she is also willing to tell Jiang Shu a love story.

The worry in Jiang Shu's eyes did not dissipate, "I used to—"

I've had a lot of canaries before, you know. But what you don't know is that one of them is Sun Jie, who is your current partner. I have had some photos with her. Don't think about it when you see it. The past has passed. We only see if the future will be good. ?

These words have been repeated in Jiang Shu's head several times. It is very simple to imagine, but it is really difficult to say it.

Jiang Shu stared at Ji Lianxing's eyes, but didn't say anything, his throat seemed to be blocked by a plug, choked and astringent.

"The past is over."

Ji Lianxing's voice was so gentle, so gentle that Jiang Shu felt a strong sense of guilt.

Maybe it should be said, at least a part of it, otherwise what is it like to hide it from her?

"I used to have some girls..." Jiang Shu looked away, not looking at Ji Lianxing's eyes, "At that time I asked them to sleep with me, and I gave them money. Because there was no substantial relationship. , so I don't think it's anything, but every time I think about it in recent years, I feel an uncomfortable feeling."

"Well, I know." Ji Lianxing's tone was calm. She used to be one of those girls, so she couldn't be more clear about Jiang Shu's actions.

She still remembered the first time she slept in this bed, thinking in her head how many girls had slept in her arms.

To be honest, don't care if those canaries are fake.

But people are not sages, no one can be blamed, and what happened before her and Jiang Shu, it seems that there is no position to accuse her.

"So do you care about my past with them? I hold them to sleep?" Jiang Shu continued to test.

"As I said, Jiang Shu, I don't care about your past. I only look at the future. We can go on without betrayal."

Ji Lianxing's tone was also serious, she was answering Jiang Shu's question seriously.

Jiang Shu lowered his head and put his head on Ji Lianxing's stomach, looking for warmth in her arms.

"How could I betray you?"

Identify a person for a lifetime. She is not so leisurely, and it is impossible for her to fall in love with anyone else.

"That's right, you're really stupid. You've been thinking a lot lately, like the kind of little girl who is just beginning to fall in love." Ji Lianxing touched her head, but felt it wasn't enough, so he lowered his head and dropped a kiss on her forehead. , "These things are in the past, I only look at the present, and believe in the decision we made to start over, okay?"

"Okay." Jiang Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and his hanging heart finally fell.

As for Sun Jie, Jiang Shu wanted to wait for Ji Lianxing's company to settle before the showdown. Otherwise, they looked up and didn't look down to see how embarrassing it was for the past two days.

The topic came to an end, and Jiang Shu's cheeks flushed because he was too nervous just now.

His face was flushed, and Ji Lianxing felt itchy, but when he thought about how tired Jiang Shu was at work today, he couldn't do it all the time.

"are you gonna sleep?"

"Well, so sleepy."

"Go to sleep then."

Ji Lianxing turned off the lights and lay beside Jiang Shu with Jiang Shu.

Since Jiang Shu's hands were inconvenient, almost all Ji Lianxing was holding her to sleep. Jiang Shu was not used to it at first, but now he seems to be used to this lying position.

"Good night, Jiang Shushu." Ji Lianxing whispered in Jiang Shu's ear.

"Good night, hedgehog."

Hedgehog? A strange feeling flowed in Ji Lianxing's heart, Jiang Shu's voice was very soft, as if it was tickling on the tip of her heart.

"Why call me a hedgehog with a reduplicated word?"

"You call me Jiangshushu, I call you Hedgehog, our couple id."

"Pfft..." Ji Lianxing bit Jiang Shu's ear fiercely, "You are too cute."

"Don't brag next time, just express it with behavior." Jiang Shu raised his head and took the initiative to approach Ji Lianxing.

No one spoke, only the lips that touched together, soft and sweet.

It was a kiss that lasted for a long time, and finally Jiang Shu fell asleep under Ji Lianxing's gentle wrap.

All night, no nightmares, a good night's sleep.

The next morning, before dawn, Ji Lianxing got up early. Although it was Saturday, she still had to go to the company. She had made an appointment with Sun Jie yesterday.

Jiang Shu rarely slept in, but Ji Lianxing didn't disturb her when she saw that she was sleeping soundly.

Make breakfast before going out, and she can eat it as soon as she wakes up.

Ji Lianxing went to the parking lot to pick up the car and drove to the company. There is a song playing on the player, a new day and a new mood. Ji Lianxing is in a good mood, but it feels unreal. Starting today, she is also the boss?

In fact, life has not changed for the time being, how it was before is still how it is now, the only difference is that it has become busy.

At eight in the morning, the car was parked downstairs in the CBD, and Ji Lianxing opened the door and got off.

Although it is Saturday, some companies in this building still have a single holiday, and employees have to work on weekends.

The crowd is not as bustling as it is on weekdays, but there are also many people.

Ji Lianxing ordered a cup of coffee with his mobile phone, filled in the address on the eighth floor, and entered the hall alone, ready to take the elevator up.

She is authorized to take the VIP elevator, but she feels that the difference is not much, she is more used to ordinary elevators, so she decided to take the ordinary elevator with many people.

It is no different from going to work before, scan the code to enter, and everyone lined up to enter.

Ji Lianxing stood in a group of people, sent a message to Sun Jie, and asked her if she was there.

As a result, the shoulder was suddenly tapped lightly, and Ji Lianxing turned his head, a familiar face.

Black-rimmed glasses with a beard and a simple and honest smile.

"Lu Fan?"

Lu Fan adjusted his glasses and said excitedly, "It's really you!"

He glanced at Ji Lianxing, and his eyes flashed with surprise. I haven't seen each other for three years, and Ji Lianxing's temperament is even more moving. She is still so beautiful, with the same black straight and long hair as before, a delicate and thin face, a raised nose, fair skin like snow, and she wears makeup, mature and intellectual. .

Putting on a suit again makes the whole person more popular.

Lu Fan didn't spend too much time looking at it, otherwise it would be too rude.

He scratched his head, a little shy, but still said, "Why are you back? Do you want to continue working in the company?"

Ji Lianxing shook his head, "It's on the 8th floor now."

"Have you changed jobs?"

"Well, try something else."

Lu Fan couldn't help but look at Ji Lianxing more. He always felt that the current Ji Lianxing was very different from the previous Ji Lianxing, but she was still the same person, and she was still so kind, so what was the difference?

"Your elevator is here." Ji Lianxing pointed to the high-rise elevator, signaling Lu Fan to go quickly.

"Oh! Alright~" Lu Fan turned around in three steps, "Have a meal together when you have time!"

Ji Lianxing smiled and nodded, "Okay, no problem."

The elevator on the lower floor came soon. Ji Lianxing got into the elevator, pressed down to the eighth floor, and stood by the corner.

The elevator slowly ascended, but the smell in the air remained the same. The familiar feeling, coupled with the fact that she had just met Lu Fan, reminded her of a lot of people...

Pharaoh, team leader, Sister Zhang... and even Mia who worked together at the beginning. After that incident, Mia resigned, and she doesn't know where she is now.


When the elevator arrived at the eighth floor, Ji Lianxing stepped out on high heels, just to see Sun Jie standing at the door fiddling with something.

"What are you doing?"

"Test this fingerprint switch, why can't I press it?"

Ji Lianxing walked up to her, pressed her fingers, and the door opened.

"Eh? How can you do it again?"

"You didn't record it, this one has to be recorded twice."

The two went in side by side. Someone was on duty. Some people had already been recruited, but the number of recruits had to be expanded. The personnel department had already started interviewing new employees.

The planning team, who did not know which boy had sharp eyes, saw Ji Lianxing and Sun Jie, and took the initiative to say hello:

"Mr. Ji is early." Say hello to the big boss first, and then say hello to the little boss: "Mr. Sun is early too."

"Good morning." Ji Lianxing nodded, without any special expression, he walked into the office quickly, Sun Jie followed behind, and closed the door by the way.

The office is still very empty, and the things are not finished. There is a desk, a computer, a chair and a coffee table, but it is very spacious. This is Ji Lianxing's private space in the future. For the time being, the rest may have to be taken slowly. added.

Sun Jie was not polite and found a stool to sit down.

"The photographer has found two, but I'm a little dissatisfied." Sun Jie said.


"There is a man who likes to pretend to be an uncle. It's annoying."

Ji Lianxing was confused, "Pretend to be an uncle? How to pretend?"

"I can understand if you want to match an assistant, but if you want to match a young and beautiful girl, I'm not Sister Li." Sun Jie put one foot on the other and leaned back, looking very casual.

"Then turn it off." Ji Lianxing didn't hesitate, "What if he harassed girls in the future?"

Sun Jie stared at Ji Lianxing, her eyes fell on Ji Lianxing's face, in terms of appearance, she seemed to have lost a few points.

"Okay, you can fire it if you say it. You are the boss, and I will listen to you." Sun Jie smiled.

"You too, you have the right to speak. I said that he was fired for the sake of the employees, especially our female employees." Ji Lianxing paused, but still said: "I personally think that female photographers match female assistants, and male photographers match. A teacher with a male assistant, you can do it, if you can't, you can leave."

"Well, that's what I think too." Sun Jie nodded in agreement. She is also a girl, and of course she knows how difficult it is for women in this society, especially in the workplace, and immediately said, "Do you have any recommendations? For example, photographers. Such things, our salary is not low, the benefits are very good, but it is a policeman."

Speaking of photographers, the first person who popped out of Ji Lianxing's head was Meng Xiao.

Meng Xiao's videos are really good. From the perspective of the boss, Ji Lianxing really wanted to dig her over, but she just didn't know if she wanted to.

"I have a friend, but I have to ask her because she recently hurt her hand."

"Okay, look back and ask." Sun Jie stood up and wanted to leave but didn't want to leave, but it was really nothing to stay here, so he hesitated, and finally asked her, "Are you free to have lunch together at noon? ?"

"Ah? Is it noon today?" Ji Lianxing felt that he should talk to Jiang Shu, "I have to ask my friend."

Oh, these two are so sticky.

Sun Jie shrugged, "It's alright, it's alright if you can't eat it, mainly because I heard that you are a big N, and also said that we should go there and explore the food."

"Also." Ji Lianxing felt that it was necessary to have more contact with Sun Jie. After all, she would have to meet frequently in the future, and she hadn't been near N University for a long time.

Ji Lianxing told Jiang Shu that she wanted to have dinner with her colleagues, but Jiang Shu didn't ask any more questions and went with her.

So at noon, Ji Lianxing and Sun Jie went to a shop around N University to shop for fans.

This is an old shop that has been open for many years and is also an online celebrity shop in the city. Unlike other online celebrity shops, the decoration of this shop is really down to earth.

In fact, it is not decorated.

A few low tables and low stools are placed at the door, and the store and the backyard are all full.

Ji Lianxing and Sun Jie found a table and sat down. Ji Lianxing pushed the menu in front of Sun Jie and said, "I usually eat the beef noodles from this store, which is a classic taste, slightly spicy. If you don't like spicy food, you can order Sanxian noodles."

"I'm like you! Beef noodles." Sun Jie's real purpose was not to eat, but to chat with Ji Lianxing.

"Actually, I like N University quite a bit." She seemed to be casual, but in fact she planned it carefully.

Without waiting for Ji Lianxing to answer, he said to himself, "I talked to a girl from N before."

Ji Lianxing felt a little subtle, girl, oh, so she is also a Ji.

"Oh, is that so?" Ji Lianxing didn't know how to continue, so he took a sip of the mineral water at hand, covering up his slightly embarrassed expression.

I was thinking in my heart, should I report to my home as well? Say you like girls too? It doesn't seem too good. Why reveal so much.

Sun Jie raised her eyebrows, seemingly unwilling, and continued: "That girl is very tall and beautiful, and many people are chasing her. When I met her, she had just graduated from N University, her family was rich, and she was the boss of a company. , engaged in finance."

Every description hit Jiang Shu, Ji Lianxing almost choked on the water, there was an illusion that they had talked about the same girlfriend.

"Well... so you like N University a lot, don't you?" The topic changed quite naturally.

"Yes." Sun Jie's eyes were deep, and she continued, "Because she is so good, the people I met later always felt that it was almost meaningless."

Sun Jie turned the topic around again.

It seemed that she had to pick it up, so Ji Lianxing could only ask her, "Why don't you tell me why you broke up?"

"She said that she wanted to live alone and would never like me, a scumbag."

"She can never like you... Then how did you get together?" He almost blurted out the words, and he felt like he was quick to speak.

Sun Jie didn't feel offended, but was very eager to talk: "I have a very complicated relationship with her. When I was young, I was ignorant and did some wrong things, but she is a good person, at least not stingy when it comes to money, so I also have mixed feelings for her."

Ji Lianxing's heart skipped a beat, this description...really similar to Jiang Shu.

So that when looking at Sun Jie again, Ji Lianxing's expression changed slightly.

Originally, Sun Jie planned to continue, but when she looked up and saw Ji Lianxing's pale face, she hesitated again.


What do you get by doing this? Sun Jie admitted that she was a little unwilling, but Ji Lianxing was innocent.

Before Jiang Shu appeared, she also had a good impression of Ji Lianxing.

Seeing that the beauty was sad, Sun Jie couldn't bear it anymore. So she chose to shut up and ended the topic.

It happened that the beef noodle was already on the table, interrupting the conversation.

"Try the noodles you recommended." Sun Jie took a mouthful of noodles and swallowed, then gave a thumbs up, "It tastes amazing! It's worthy of being a ten-year-old shop."

Ji Lianxing is still distracted, always wanting to think about Jiang Shu, but thinks it can't be Jiang Shu. After all, Sun Jie and Jiang Shu also met last night, and the two of them didn't know each other.

If you think too much, you will not be happy.

Ji Lianxing came back to his senses and smiled, "Is it delicious? Eat more if it is delicious."

Her smile was clean and pure, and the pear sockets at the corners of her lips were so contagious that Sun Jie felt astonished when she glanced at it.

No wonder Jiang Shu likes her, and Sun Jie understands a little bit why.

Who doesn't love such a beauty? She's good-looking, considerate, doesn't do anything, and is independent and self-reliant, even she likes it.

"Little season."


"Do you have a partner?" Sun Jie asked knowingly, deliberately looking for a topic.


"Your partner is so happy, really."

Being praised so suddenly, Ji Lianxing was a little flattered, "No, no, I'm also very good to her, mutual."

very good? You don't know how many canaries she has raised behind your back, sister! Is a scumbag! I love you because you are beautiful!

Sun Jie had already complained a hundred words in her heart, but she still pretended to be calm on the surface.

She gets angry when she thinks of Jiang Shu. She doesn't know how a scumbag can find such a good girl. The more she looked at Ji Lianxing, the more pleasing to the eye, the more she liked it, and at the same time, she hated Jiang Shu even more deeply.

I posted the photo last night, purely to "revenge" Jiang Shu, and actually didn't plan to do anything out of the ordinary.

Looking at Ji Lianxing's reaction today, it should be that he still doesn't know about it, and the little pitiful is kept in the dark.

After trying to attack Ji Lianxing for a long time without thinking about that, Sun Jie instantly felt like a big villain. Wouldn't it be very sad if Xiao Ji really knew that Jiang Shu was a scumbag?

Instantly feel a little distressed beauty.

It's okay to take revenge on Jiang Shu, but Xiao Ji can't get hurt.

"Actually, looking for a partner, it's best to know more, and then trust it." Sun Jie was worried, pointing at Sang and scolding Huai: "Don't be like me, when you meet a scumbag, that woman is too scumbag. , but I'm content now, I just hope she's not doing well."

Ji Lianxing was amused by her straightforwardness, but Xiao Sun was actually quite funny.

Sun Jie saw Ji Lianxing smiling, her heart skipped a beat, she pursed her lips and smiled, suddenly a little shy.

In the next second, I suddenly felt that there was more than one way to make Jiang Shu uncomfortable, such as...

Glancing at Ji Lianxing one more time, the little heart was pounding.

For example, flirting with beautiful women?

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