Come to The Peak

Chapter 1015: : Miles

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Chu Xinli left after speaking, and Chu Tian, ​​who had turned around, was slightly shaken, and his daughter's words undoubtedly gave him a lot of shock.

Chu Tian glanced at the sword in his hand, and sighed heavily after a long time.

Yes, he changed. He changed on the way of God. But what can he do, the Great Chu Kingdom is stronger than that of ancient Korea. But if he does n’t marry Chu ’s compassion, this will cause Chu Kingdom to lose great benefits. How to face the temple of war and the civil and military of the Manchu dynasty.

Emperor Road, this is a trade off, Emperor Road is a ruthless road.

The most ruthless emperor's house, the most **** emperor road ...

Chu Xinli was imprisoned in the palace, and Chu Xinli, the head of the hundred young women of the Chu country, was to be married to ancient South Korea, and the first day of marriage to the ancient Korean youth was Han Li, which naturally caused a lot in Chudu. sensation.

Chu Xinli is definitely popular in Chudu. I don't know how many young handsome men and young strong men secretly loved each other, and now they are going to marry ancient South Korea, which makes many young people in the family of Chu capital secretly hurt.

In a restaurant on the street closer to Chu Palace, people always enjoy chatting in Tiannan Haibei while drinking.

"Have you heard that our Dachu father is mainly married to the ancient Prince Han?"

A river and lake guest carrying a big knife took a sip.

"I have heard about this too, hey, the princess of compassion, but the head of the hundred young people of our youth in Chu, went to marry the ancient Korean. What is this?"

Some alcoholic sighed beside.

"Hehe, you do n’t know. I have a brother on duty in the palace. It is said that the ancient Koreans cut off the eight cities and added a legendary Qipin Spirit Sword to ask for marriage. To ancient Korea "

"Cut the land and the eight cities! Qipin Lingjian, this! This is a huge handwriting, and it is no wonder that Chu Huang is tempted. The ancient Korean prince Han Li also has the courage to love beautiful people but not mountains."

"Hehe, this can only show that our princess Dachu's pity is shocked to heaven. I don't say that princess pity herself is smart, and she has first-class cultivation talent.

If it is to become a martial arts king in the future, the gifts of the Eight Cities and Seven Pins Swords are not too scary. "

"That being said, how important is the land of the eight cities. The Qipin Spirit Sword is even more rare. It is used as a gift for a princess. This is definitely the first place on the mainland. You can also see the charm of our pity princess and the ancient times. Prince Han ’s Place in Ancient Korea "

Gradually, the princess of Da Chuxinli princess Chuxinli marry, and the offer of the ancient city of Eight Cities and Seven Pin Lingjian spread to the people. The amazing offer of gifts brought Chu Xinli's fame to the top.

"Gong Xingong is mainly married to the ancient Han Prince Prince Han Li!"

A man in Tsing Yi, the shopkeeper of this restaurant, was shocked when he sat at the counter, and then called a clerk to sit on the platform, and he went up to the fifth floor of the restaurant.

After the man in Tsing Yi entered a room, he walked to a wall, moved a vase next to it, and after six rotations, the wall split in two, and a secret passage appeared.

The man in Tsing Yi entered the underpass and walked for a long time to a spacious hall, where many people were talking, laughing or practicing.

Upon seeing the arrival of this man in Tsing Yi, he immediately looked at him and came over to salute.


These people's cultivation is not very high, most of them are just innate.

"Well, have you heard about Princess Marry getting married?"

Tsing Yi man asked.


"In the beginning, our sword pupil came to Chudu, and Lord Wang once explained to me. If there is anything for the princess, I will report immediately. It is too far away from Daqin, and I am afraid of being captured in the road by a penetrating cloud carving. Tell the news to the Lord in one trip? "

These people are among the sword pupils placed in Chu Capital.

"Let's go. This is a long way, and I have to pass through the cities of Chu. I am the highest, and I should be more confident in sending letters."

A white man came out. This man was the highest in the sword group and had the strength of the late Ningyuan period.

"Well, you can go, Mu Qiu, this is a dangerous road, beware of yourself"

The man in Tsing Yi didn't say much about it. The man in white, Mu Qiu, picked up the pack and rushed to Daqin.

This road Mu Qiu can be described as difficult and difficult. Several times when passing the checkpoint, almost accidents occurred. Now in troubled times, the Seven Kingdoms are very bad for entering and leaving the city. After all, they are not Chu people, and their name plates are fake.

The last city, Jiuyan, almost closed, was the last line of defense to Daqin.

Seeing that he couldn't pass, Mu Qiu decided to take a detour, cross the Tianhuang grassland, and walk through the dry bone wasteland.

There are many fierce corpses and ghosts in the dry bone wasteland, and Mu Qiu has also encountered many. Fortunately, he has been saved for several times to save his life.

But this time, he was not so lucky, he met a ghost in a spirited state.

Mu Qiu, who was severely wounded, looked at this spirit-level ghost monkey, and despair had already arisen in his heart.


With a roar, the five-meter-high ghost monkey slammed at Mu Qiu.

"Are you going to die?"

Mu Qiu smiled bitterly, half a month through the heavy checkpoints, and eventually died in the dry bone wasteland, his heart was unwilling.

Whew ~!

At this moment, a black sword light cut in the sky, and the sword fell like a thunder sky, and the sword slashed the ghost ghost monkey in half.

Mu Qiu looked at the two men who appeared suddenly in the sky in a daze.

The two men, a man in a black robe, had dark skin and a straight face, but with a gray horn on his forehead, white pupils, and black element wings condensed behind his back.

The other is a woman in blue with a beautiful face. She is holding a hand with the black-faced youth and is flying in the air. They are a pair of lovers.

"Boy, are you okay?"

The black-faced young man laughed, but he looked startled at Mu Qiu.

These two people are also Luo Qing and Luo Yan. Luo Qing often practiced in the Death Valley deep in the dry bone wasteland. This time he came back to Luo Yan and met Mu Qi by accident.

However, the speed at which Luoqing refining Yuanyuan ’s cultivating Yuantai was horrible. It had been cultivated to five calamities for more than half a year. It was appalling and the Yuantai had half of its energy left unrefined.

"No, it's okay, thank you seniors for saving!"

This Mu Qiufa hurriedly saluted the two with salute.

"Well, you are Yu Jian's sword pupil?"

Luo Qing's eyes suddenly fixed on Mu Qiu's neck.

Mu Qiu's neck and shoulders can be seen through the tattered robes. There is a sword-shaped tattoo.

Mu Qiu was so shocked that he immediately watched the two alertly.

"Hehe, it really is the sword pupil, you don't have to worry. We are also the brother of Yu. I am his brother Luo Qing. She is Luo Yan. You should have heard of it."

More than a dozen kings under Luo Yu, who do not know the Great Qin Empire.

"It turned out to be King Qing and Yan Wang, and Jian Qiu Mu Qiu met the two kings."

Mu Qiu was surprised and happy when he heard the words, and then immediately gave a big gift, and Luo Qing and Luo Yan also brought Mu Qiu back to Jin Yumeng. After learning that Mu Qiu was going to see Luo Yu, Luo Yan personally sent Mu Qiu to See Luo Yu in the new city.

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