Come to The Peak

Chapter 1029: : Marching into Dead Bones

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The three-meter-tall giant Han Tao and Ape Spirit led the order, and the two then left the camp and began to integrate their troops.

"It's time to start our counterattack!"

Luo Yu shook her fist, and her eyes flashed fiercely.

On the second day, more than a thousand infernal sword guards and horses and horses at the summit of the summit, riding on their mounts to the boneless wasteland.

Although there are not more than a thousand people, they are all elites. There are more than 70 people in the smart martial arts. Their fighting power is no less than a 300,000 army. They also have the powerful and powerful Ape Spirit and Wang Tao.


Dry bone wasteland, gray dead body shrouded in death, diffused over the city, King of the Kings League of Kings.

In a large secret room, seventy or eighty people were tinkering with bottles and jars, and the medicine racks around were filled with various medicinal materials.

A Tsing Yi woman is dispensing the medicine in several vials in her hand.

The woman had green hair, bare feet, and a delicate face. She was also a rare and wonderful woman. She was one of the top ten young flowers of the Daqin youth and asked the drug king Xiaoqiao.

The other people in this closet are also Shennong people, which is the medicine master Shennong Hall in Overlord House.

Several different medicinal solutions were mixed together, and the white medicinal solution in the bottle suddenly turned green, emitting a strange fragrance.

"How's it going, Xiaoqiao, are you ready?"

Then a blue woman came over and asked with a smile.

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"No problem. After many experiments, several treasures on the Bone Wasteland have finally been formulated with a detoxifying medicinal solution that can resist corpse gas for a long time.

Xiaoqiao shook the jade bottle in his hand, revealing a smile.

"This medicinal solution can be taken on a large scale by adding it to water for at least seven days."

Xiaoqiao used to bring half of the Shennongtang disciples to the Bone Wasteland to study the medicinal solution that can be given to the army on a large scale.

Ordinary Baojie Detoxification Dan can also crack the corpse poison, but it is impossible to give everyone a Baojie Elixir, without so much material support.

"Oh, great, so that the Lonex Alliance can pass through the Bone Wasteland"

Luo Yan heard a touching smile.

At the headquarters of Jin Yumeng, ten martial kings, such as Luo Qing, Wang Tao, Yuanling, Luoyan Xiaoqiao and Heikui and Qiuye of Dragon Sparrow Alliance, gathered.

The Dragon Sparrow Alliance was transferred from the East China Sea in batches one year ago, and secretly entered the overlord city without attracting the attention of the Chu army.

Before the troubled times, Qin Chu was the doomed enemy, and naturally the two men and women had intervened in each other.

If the soldiers and horses that attacked the borderless city of Chu Kingdom this time were transferred from the Qin Army, a large number of people and horses would inevitably attract the attention of Chu State. If Chu State speculated that the loopholes of the Bone Wasteland would strengthen the defense.

And the batch of manpower transferred from the East China Sea can conceal the eyes of the Chu army without knowing it. Only Luo Yu has the layout of the East China Sea.

Who knows that Qin Guozhuo transferred troops from the East China Sea to the dry bone wasteland from thousands of miles away? Including Qin Guo himself did not know.

Luo Qing has a single horn on his forehead, his eyes and eyes are pale, and looks different from ordinary people, but the breath exuded on his body is strong, and he has the realm of the Eight Ghost Kings.

In terms of cultivation, he is higher than Luo Yu, so the speed of such an anti-day cultivation is naturally attributed to that ghost emperor's birth.

"We have a strong energy, and now it's finally time for us to fight, this battle, we must play beautiful, not to embarrass Yu Yu, Yaner, this arrangement is your deployment"

Luo Qingwang smiled at his lover, Luo Yan, and Luo Yan smiled and said, "This time, our 100,000 warriors from the Golden Feather League and the 50,000 horses brought by the Dragon Sparrow League will kill them from the ghost town in the border town of the Chu Army, a boneless wasteland. Into

I have sent someone to explore the ghost town and found out that there are only 300,000 defenders, although it is more than us, it is not a problem depending on our strength.

The important thing is that we must kill Jiuyan City within half a day after breaking Fengfeng Ghost Town. After breaking Jiuyan, we will break the city with the siege army in front. Once we are too late, we will be rearward. The encirclement of the Chu army and the entire army collapsed.

Do you know the main points of this operation? In a word, fast, unexpectedly fast, break through Jiuyan City with a blitz. "

Luo Yan talked enthusiastically and started her own layout plan. Luo Yan deserved to be Luo Yu's think tank and made this operation clear and transparent.

On the second day, more than 100,000 people gathered in the Overlord City of Dry Bone Wasteland. Of the more than 100,000 people, 100,000 were Jinyu League warriors, all of whom were above the seventh heaven.

And more than 50,000 are queen alliance martial arts soldiers, all of these 50,000 people are queen alliance martial arts elites, all of them are above the Ninth Heaven, and there are nearly 10,000 congenital warriors.

And more than a thousand iron-blooded sword guards and Wen Ding summit are naturally the sharp knife of this operation.

"set off!"

Luo Qing ordered that more than one hundred thousand people rode on the war horses who had drank the sacrifice fluid and marched out of the city to the mighty wasteland.

The boneless wasteland is thousands of miles away, and the corpse is full of fog and fog. Luo Qing opened the road in front of him, and the breath of the Eight Ghost Kings radiated, which deterred the ghosts and other ghosts encountered all the way.

Luo Qing today is a ghost clan, and the breath of the ghost clan king can naturally deter the weak ghost clan.

Thousands of miles in a straight line are just two or three days away for a warrior army. This is still to take care of the weak. If the warrior in the prenatal state has to go all the way for one day.


On the edge of the vast skeletal wasteland, a black stone-built city is located on the edge of the skeletal wasteland, and a Great Wall connects several large cities, which isolates the skeletal wasteland from the Chu land.

Fenggui City, this city was once the border city of Chu against Qin in ancient times. Later, due to the continuous war, the formation of dry bone wasteland, the two countries no longer use the dry bone wasteland as the battlefield, and these border cities are not being valued. .

Gradually, only a small amount of Chu army was left behind in these cities to prevent ghosts from entering the Chu territory and killing the Chu people.

In the setting sun at dusk, the crows screamed, and the sparse Chu army on the Fenggui city wall was patrolling. The boneless wasteland in the distance was still as foggy as usual, deadly, without any vitality.

"Ha ~ hey ~ Every day in this ghost place, the real people are almost silly."

A Chu army stood on the beacon and yawned.

"You can be content. Those brothers on the front line are fighting hard every day. I don't know how many people died. There is no peace like ours."

The person next to him laughed and cursed.

"The battlefield is where men ’s warriors should go, and it ’s better to go to the **** battle than to stay in this dead city every day."

This companion disagreed, but longed for the battlefield.

"But then again, Qin Jun has begun to fight back. I heard that it has hit Jiuyan City."

"Hey, what are you worried about, Jiuyancheng is so solid that Qin Jun can't make it?"

The Chu army spoke unintentionally for a moment, but he was stunned at the moment when he saw this ...

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