Come to The Peak

Chapter 1057: : Tell the truth

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Her tender body was completely cold in his arms, and he was just a meal.

"Fool, wake up, wake up, there are many places in this world you haven't been to, don't sleep well, OK?"

All the vitality in his refining Nirvana Jinyan poured into her body, and wanted to keep her temperature, even if it was only a trace.

"Don't sleep, I know you're having fun. The next place, I ’ll take you to Donghai Yugu, where is the place closest to the sun, you can see the most beautiful sunrise, how are you up "

Tears fell on her face, but this time she really closed her eyes forever.

Her soul was too fragile to be condensed, but she turned into a ray of light, wandering around him, and then disappeared between heaven and earth in reincarnation.

"Dream Butterfly ~ Ah ~"

Luo Yu screamed as she hugged the dream butterfly. The sound of weeping and the entire grassland could be heard.

This situation reminded me of a song.

Don't dare to stop here

Make sadness impossible

Next parting on your own handwriting

I can't refuse

We went too hastily this way

Embrace unreal desires

Can't wait to look back

Magnolia can not cover the wound

No longer seeing the light of the sun through the clouds

No more finding a promised paradise

Stop sighing about the impermanence on earth

You can't borrow three inches of sunlight.

The Iraqi people died, I love it so much, and now only Fei Meng Ying is left.

After knowing the sadness, I found it hard to find ...

She left, lying in his arms without a trace of pain.

She waited for more than ten years of loneliness in exchange for this March happiness.

She has no regrets because she loved him to the deepest.

He was holding her cold body and crying like a child in the field. A man who was decisive and decisive and could kill the million-hearted man of the butcher could cry so sadly.

After a long time, he gently kissed her cold lips, then took out a large piece of millennium precious jade, made a jade coffin, and put her in.

He stroked and rubbed her cheek gently, staring for a long time before closing the coffin, Zhenyuan dragged the jade coffin to suspend, and he disappeared between the heavens and the earth on his feet.

Four days later, the atmosphere in the Red Flame City's Overlord House was extraordinarily dignified, and a pale soul-elevating sail was hanging. In the Overlord House, there was a tomb made of white jade beside a osmanthus tree.

Luo Yu was sitting against the grave, drinking wine with a big mouth, his eyes blurred, without a trace of charm.

Luo Yan, however, kept burning the paper and wept.

A large group of people in the distance did not dare to bother, but they all expressed their anxiety.

"Brother, little sister"

Luo Xue cried red eyes long ago.

"Sister, I have never seen Yu so sad before, I, my heart is so painful, I want to cry ~"

Chu Xin looked at Luo Yu's desolation and drunkenness, his heartache was like a knife cut.

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Not to mention her, Qing'er's eyes were already rosy, and Ling'er kept wiping tears.

"Sister, should we comfort the husband?"

Linger asked.

"Don't let Yu himself stay with Mengdie for a while, he is not a person who can't get out of sadness."

Qing'er shook his head, and then said to the others: "Everyone, let's go, let them sit for a while."

Other Luo Yu's relatives, friends, parents, and others also left, leaving only this pair of father and son, and a lone tomb.

He was constantly drinking, and after another, Luo Yan leaned on Luo Yu, drinking like a sip.

I don't know how long it took, one day, two days, or ten days, the wine jars around the mountains were almost piled up, and the gas was audible beyond a few miles.

Finally, he took away his father's altar.

There was a little light in Luo Yu's eyes, looking at Luo Yan.

"Father, stop drinking. If your mother knows you like this, it will be sad to know you under the fountain."

"Father! My son, you finally want to call my father!" Luo Yu showed a hint of excitement.

Luo Yan smiled, looked at Mengdie's tombstone, and whispered softly: "Mother never wanted to tell me about Dad, and she said the most is the encounter with you, all your deeds.

So when I was young, I didn't have any imprint of my father in my mind, only your heroic deeds, all I adore you, but I now understand that my father is beside me.

Because your mother told me that your story has always been in my mind, and it has become the goal for which I worked hard and insisted, so you have always been by my side.

She loved her for a lifetime, and waited for her life, but there was no trace of regret. Mother and her life's love was given to you and me, and I must stay with my father forever and complete my mother.


Luo Yu heard his words and embraced her son in her arms, her eyes guilty.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, in fact, I haven't fulfilled my father's responsibilities, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for your mother, I'm sorry for Dream Butterfly."

"No, father, I know. When you accepted me as an apprentice, treat me as your biological son. I do n’t lack fatherly love. What I do wrong is that you let your mother wait for so many years. Wait for you "

"Hey ..."

The two fathers and sons finally reconciled in front of your grave. Is all this in your eyes again ...

Half a month later, Luo Yu finally came out of the sadness of Mengdie. He still had great responsibilities. He couldn't stop in the sadness for too long, and he continued to move forward.


The sad autumn passed, and it was another year of heavy snow. At night, the cold wind outside was like a knife, and in the room, spring was lingering, and two figures were lingering.

Qinger lay in Luo Yu's arms, exhaling like blue, with charming eyes like silk, and the spring water in his eyes could melt the heart of the strongest man in the world.

Luo Yu clutched Qing'er Jiao's body with one hand and a pillow with one hand, looking at the ceiling with a deep look, apparently thinking about something.

"What's wrong, what are you thinking?"

Qinger murmured tenderly in his arms.

"Thinking about the Vientiane Secret"

Luo Yu smiled, retracted her gaze, looked at her exquisite cheek, and rubbed her hands gently.

"Vientiane Mystery"

Qing'er heard a bit of strange color in his eyes, looked up at him, and said, "Yu, I won't conceal you until now. Do you know what I have been carrying?"

"What's on your shoulder? Is the rise of the demon tribe?"

Luo Yu frowned slightly, and then frowned.


Qing'er nodded, and then the jade arm squeezed Luo Yu tightly, and said, "The war of ancient times, my demon tribe made huge sacrifices against the demons.

But the four royal families of my demon family, the dragon family, the phoenix family, the dragon and turtle basalt family, and the white tiger family were sealed by the saints in the secret place of Vientiane. I do n’t know the specific reasons. "

"What, there is such a thing, so your parents are also in the Vientiane mystery?"

Luo Yu heard a shocked look on her face.

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