Come to The Peak

Chapter 1060: : Bafang Yunju

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"I agree"





The crowd basically had no opinion, and they all agreed. Luo Yu then selected five meeting points on the map and then transmitted them to the Vientiane mystery. You can gather at the nearest meeting point.

After they discussed some details, they all dispersed separately. The Luo Yu brothers, Qinger, and the six of them left together and entered a cabin, and this time Vientiane's trip, Xiao Lin did not come.

Luo Yu's fingers surged and the knots kept changing, and more than a dozen runes were condensed. The hands shook, and the dozen runes opened and split, forming an isolated enchantment to prevent others. Inquisition.

The six sat in the cabin and sat beside the coffee table, Qinger nodded to Aoyue.

Aoyue took a map from the ring of Qian Kun, this map is the map of Vientiane Mystery, but it is more detailed than the map in front of Luo Yu.

Aoyue pointed at several red dots on the map and said, "Princess, these places are the boundary points of the second space of Vientiane Mystery. As long as the space in these places is broken, the second space can be broken. seal."

"Well, then we choose a place to gather, so that we can act together when we go in."

Qinger looked at Luo Yu and asked him to come up with an idea.

"The opening time of Vientiane Mystery is generally one year. Qinger, I suggest that we first open up these eight boundaries, and the last one will be opened during the last period of Vientiane Mystery, so what do you think? In this way, we have time to find the spirit Shiba and World Tree Species "

Luo Yu suggested that a total of nine points were marked on the map.

Luo Yu knows that once the four royal families of the demons are released, I am afraid that the mysterious realm of Vientiane will be immediately occupied. How will he find the gods and the world tree species at that time.

"Yu, I listen to you"

Qinger smiled, and the husband sang the wife.

Aoyue didn't say much, this time the fate of his demons is still on Luo Yu. After all, Luo Ye, Duan Yu, and Ape Spirit, the major inheritors of their demons, basically listen to Luo Yu. As for Qinger, Not to mention.

I am afraid that in Qinger's mind, Luo Yu's status is not lower than that of the ethnic group.

"Brother, sorry ..."

Luo Yan concealed Luo Yu with guilt. He didn't hide anything from Luo Yu in his life, but he never disclosed it to Luo Yu.

"Brother, I'm sorry"

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Duan Yu also bowed her head in guilt, only Ape Ling scratched her head.

He was born innocently and honestly. He didn't know about the demon tribe, but only Luo Yu in his heart.

"Haha, you two rotten boys, apologize, who has no secret, you are the best brothers, Qinger is my favorite woman.

Your affairs are naturally my Luo Yu's affairs. If you have been with me for many years, why bother with this? "

Luo Yu looked at the sadness of his two brothers. Haha smiled, stretched out his hands and held the two brothers' hands tightly.

"Brother ..."

Their eyes were red, and they almost did not shed tears.

"Big brother, second brother and third brother, what's wrong with you? I don't understand what I said, but I listen to you everything"

The ape spirit also put his big hand over, the four brothers' hands clasped tightly together.

"Good brother, I have said that life and death are inseparable, no matter how expensive or cheap, there is your martial arts, which is the martial arts I seek, and your world, which is the world that I am nostalgic for Luo Yu"

Luo Yu laughed.

"Life and death are inseparable.

The three nodded their teeth, and their eyes were firm. From the day Luo Luoyu followed, Luo Yu had been using a companion to prove that although Duan Yu had only known each other since then, he had long been like a biological brother.

As for the ape spirit, after returning from the beast mountain range and Luo Yu, there are only Luo Yu and Luo Family in his world.

Qinger was also infected at the side, and wiped the wetness of the corner of the eyes with a smile.

And Aoyue, looking at this young man who stirred the world, is full of admiration in his eyes, and he can also be said to be watching the young man's rise step by step in secret.

There is a feeling in Aoyue that this young man will one day be looked up to by all peoples and reach an incredible state.

This feeling comes from his observation of the youth's growth trajectory. He has created too many ordinary people to accomplish miracles. He is a man born by nature.


At this moment, with a roar, Luo Yu put out a white fluffy paw in her arms and put it on the hands of the four.

Xiao Bai stuck his fluffy head out of Luo Yu's arms, and a pair of blue eyes stared at the four, turning the audience over.

Seems to be saying, "Don't forget me

"Haha ... yes, there is also Xiaobai, Xiaobai is also a good brother"

The four laughed, and Qing'er hugged Xiaobai from Luo Yu's arms and caressed them, and Xiaobai's big eyes also smiled and turned into two round black lines, so cute ...


However, in three days, the Vientiane Valley reached the Vientiane Valley under its full flight. At this time, hundreds of people have gathered in the spacious Vientiane Valley, and there are people in other major gates.

And these hundreds of people, all except one, are all powerful kings of the sects and first-class forces.

In the sky above Vientiane Valley, there are more than twenty martial arts strong men floating around the vortex of space. These twenty people are the martial arts strong men who escorted their ancestors to enter the martial arts king.

"Brother ..."

As soon as Luo Yu entered the Vientiane Valley as soon as the Ziyun Ship entered, a loud voice rang out.

A white shadow flew open as Feiyan returned to her nest.


Luo Yu quickly opened her arms, and the scent of fragrance suddenly fluttered to her face.

She has a delicate face, a pair of big beautiful eyes like talking, crystal clear skin, a long white snow cape, wearing a white palace dress, like a fairy in the snow, a princess.

Not who else is Ruolan.

"Hehe, brother, sister Qinger, why did you come here, I have been waiting for you for a long time"

Ruolan mumbled his mouth, let go of Luo Yu, and looked at them with some dissatisfaction.

"Don't we come here, why, Madam let you enter too?"

"Master Luo"

At this time, a middle-aged man also left. It was the Ice Emperor Shangguan Ling.

"Brother Shangguan!"

Luo Yu returned with a fist.

"Well, Master asked me to go through the exercises. This is all right. After entering the secret realm, I can act with my brother Qinger and my sister."

Ruolan's heart is still innocent and simple like a girl.

Luo Yu and Qinger smiled and were amused by Ruolan's simplicity.

"Hey, look, isn't that overlord Luo Yu?"

"Hey ~ this is boring. Overlords are here. How can we compete with him?"

"I knew that Zixia Tianzong would send overlords, but we don't have to worry about it. In the secret realm, we need to rely on not only strength, but also opportunities. As long as we don't mess with him, we should not be embarrassed by the overlord.

The warlords of other forces in the valley saw Luo Yu's discussions, showing awe.

After all, Luo Yu is now the No. 1 king of the mainland ’s warlords. He has killed the emperor. Except for the emperor, there is no force king who dares to provoke the overlord.

"Luo Yu"

At this moment a figure flew over riding a black tiger, and it was Nangong who asked the sky.

"Ask me!"

Luo Yu smiled and greeted her deceased, and the King of War in the Temple of Chu Kingdom also went to the Valley of Vientiane.

"How is my sister?"

As soon as Nangong asked Tian, ​​Chuan Yin asked with concern.

Luo Yu didn't say anything, she took the soul soul jade and asked Nangong.

After Nangong Wentian took over, Divine Insight entered into it, and found that Xin'er's spirit was asleep, and the intensity of the spirit was much stronger than what he had seen before, almost having the intensity of the spirit in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty.

Soul jade absorbs the power of the soul, and then transforms and nourishes Xiner's soul. This takes time, not to say that if you absorb the soul, you can immediately grow Xiner's soul. This is the same as cultivation.

Nangong asked Tian a smile, and returned the soul jade to Luo Yu.

Nangong asked Tian and Luo Yu for a few words and returned to his own camp. Although it is not a troubled time, the relationship between the Temple of War and Zixia Tianzong is still tense, and he is not good to behave in front of outsiders. Too close.

Zixia Tianzong's Tao Chongwu Emperor Daoyi Wuyi flew up around the space vortex and talked to other emperor's Wumen.

"Everyone, everyone in the major gates is almost here, right?"

Wu Zhengxuan, the Emperor of the God of War, asked.

"Our eight major gates are almost here. Only some first-class forces have not arrived yet."

Emperor Wu responded.

"We don't care about the first-class forces. Now record the people who entered our eight major gates first. People from other forces came and then entered. What do you think?"

Yu Zhengxuan suggested, after all, the sooner you enter, the better. There is also a time limit for the Vientiane Mystery to open.



The other Emperor Wuhuangs all agreed, and the interests of their ancestors were assured, and other forces could not control so much.

After everyone agreed, Yu Zhengxuan then looked at the hundreds of warlords below and said, "Let's prepare, when you arrive, join the team and enter the Vientiane secret one by one."

Hundreds of powerful kings of the various forces below have heard and gathered with their own ancestors. Eight major forces, each of which has twenty powerful kings of the king, are eligible to enter, and the first-class forces have only five places.

Twenty people including Luo Yu also gathered together. Luo Yu and Luo Yiqinger nodded, communicating with each other about the meeting point selected in the previous discussion of entering Vientiane.

"I ’m Zixia Tianzong as a winner in troubled times, so is Zixia Tianzong going to everyone first?"

Emperor Dao Yiwu looked at the emperors and said that the others had no comments. Then Luo Yu and others under Dao said, "Luo Yu gathers his disciples and enters."


Luo Yu shouted loudly, and then said to the crowd: "The kings of Zixia Tianzong follow me!"

After Luo Yu finished speaking, her wings were fixed behind her, and her footsteps shot up. The nineteen kings of Zixia Tianzong immediately flew up one after another, and Luo Yu led the team into the space vortex.

"There is a faint space turbulence in the space passage. Everyone really cares about it!"

Luo Yu shouted, everyone should be, a group of people first flew into the space channel of the Thunder Vortex Center.

As soon as they flew into the Thunder Vortex, a suction was drawn to the crowd, one by one.

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