Come to The Peak

Chapter 1068: : Tacit cooperation

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The Cyan Dragon retracted the dragon's breath, and the space was burned, and the space cracks slowly dissipated. The overbearing nature of this dragon's breath can be seen in general.

The blue dragon shone away and formed a generation of beauties in one pass.

Qing'er packed up a powerful bomber and killed the three, and then turned into a green streamer and broke into the distance ...; ...;


The breeze lifted lightly, ripples appeared on the surface of the lake, and a purple streamer burst into the air and stopped over the lake.


A figure flew fast at one end of the lake. The person who came was not purple hair, his face was handsome, and it was not who Luo Luo could have.

"Second brother, how are you, haven't you encountered any danger along the way?"

Luo Yu laughed and said, "Are you alone?"

"Well, it's just me. The third brother-in-law and the monkey spirit haven't come yet."

"Well, let's wait for them for a while"

Luo Yu nodded, and then landed on a small island in the center of the lake with Luo Yan. This is where they agreed to meet. At the same time, it was also a space seal boundary.

This small island is not large, so it has a range of several miles. There are some low trees on the island. Luo Yu swept the island and did not find anything.

"Hmm! Wait!"

Suddenly, Luo Yu stopped for a while and stopped somewhere on the island.

In a giant jade stone gap, a golden body with a tinge of golden light emanating from the gap between the jade stones.

"This is, Kampochi!"

Luo Yu exclaimed, ecstatic in her heart.

This Shenzhi Zhi is a chance to become an emperor.

"Haha, we're lucky, second brother, go"

Luo Yu was in a good mood, and she flew down with Luo Yan, took out a dagger, and carefully stroked the spirit soul out of the entire jade.

"Booming ~"

As a result, as soon as the two received Shenzhizhi, the island shook for a while, and a huge creature protruded from the lake with a huge body, and the cold dark golden eyes looked at them indifferently.

This monster has shark fins on its back and looks like a crocodile. The blue scale armor on the body of more than ten meters in diameter exudes a metallic luster, and the abdomen has thick claws, full of strength.

The body of the whole giant monster out of the water is tens of meters, showing the huge body.

"Ancient Beast Emperor Dragon Snake Crocodile"

Luo Yan raised his eyebrows and recognized the origin of the beast.

"Brother, this dragon and snake crocodile is comparable in strength to the middle emperor of the Emperor Wu, and it is estimated that it is the guardian of this god."

"Mid-time Emperor ...? ..."

Luo Yu heard his eyes froze, and looked at Luo Yan, the two brothers were all in silence.

The purple light flashed in Luo Yu's hand, the purple giant sword appeared in Dantian's hand, and Luo Min also took out the purple flame dagger.

After the Purple Sword Great Soul is completed, it can be put into Dantian and nourished with true elements, but Luo Yu can still carry it on his sword most of the time, allowing Purple Sword to absorb the power of the stars for his own cultivation.


The dragon snake croak roared, standing against the empty jade, and the dark golden pupils were full of anger.

The sixth-order beast emperor's spirit is much higher than that of ordinary beasts. Looking at the two little dots in front of him, how could they be fooled by these two?

The fierce beast protects the heaven and earth treasures, usually when they are about to evolve to help them evolve, and this magical spirit has the magical effect of opening up its wisdom.

Huh! Huh!

Luo Yu Luo Yan directly turned into two streamers, one left and one right to shoot the dragon snake crocodile away.

The dragon snake croak roared, and the huge crocodile spouted a bucket of thick blue divine light and blasted it out to Luo Yu. The space was blasted by a slight crack by the divine light, and a raging wave swept across Luo Yu. .

At the same time, one claw of the dragon snake crocodile shot to Luo Yan, and a powerful shock wave formed and hit Luo Luo.

This dragon snake crocodile can never sacrifice a million pounds, and can easily break a mountain peak.

"Ten swords, dominate swordsmanship, cut!"

Luo Yu slashed down with both hands holding a sword, and a nearly 1,000-kilometer-long purple swordman spit out the ray of spitting light to the dragon snake crocodile.


Jianmang cut a thunderous thunder on the blue **** light, but the light of the sword mang was dim, and was broken by the blue **** light. After a pause, he killed Luo Yu again.

But at the moment of this pause, Luo Yu's punch had already blasted out, Nirvana Jinyan merged with the true power, and after a sound of Fengming, a purple-golden phoenix blasted to Shenguang.

The fire and phoenix fist swayed, and the blow was blown away by a punch, and the fierce impact hit the dragon snake crocodile.

Hey ...; ...;!

With a thunderous thunder, the fire phoenix hit the dragon snake crocodile's huge body and exploded. The violent flame hit the dragon snake crocodile's body, burning a large area of ​​black.

Luo Luo's wings flew into a radian, avoiding this tail, and a bang of the dragon snake crocodile thundered and thumped on the island. The island shook for a while and was drawn out. Huge gully, countless trees turned into powder.

Huh! Huh!

Luo Yan released two daggers and turned them into the eyes of two dragons and snakes.

噗 ~ 噗 ~

The two daggers were severely inserted into the eyes of the dragon snake crocodile, which directly exploded the eyes of the dragon snake crocodile.

"Hoo ~ hoo! ...; ..."

The dragon snake crocodile's eyes were abolished and a roar was heard, the huge body twisted wildly in the lake, and a blue light burst out in the mouth. In the lake, there were explosions on the island. The body They are constantly ramming.

"Ha ha ...; ...; second brother, well done, without the eyes this dragon snake crocodile is a toothless tiger"

Luo Yu laughed, and then flew over the dragon snake crocodile, avoiding the energy and light from the dragon snake crocodile's breath.

Luo Yu held the sword in one hand, holding the sword in one hand and holding the sword in one hand. The burning power of the three sun real flames merged into the purple lotus, and the surging true elemental power also melted into the purple lotus.

A sword stabbed out, and Zhenyuanli erupted, condensing into three golden suns, Jinwu striking the dragon snake snake with the sunray.

嘭 ~ 嘭 ~ 嘭!

The three-headed round of golden sun severely hit the dragon snake crocodile's body and exploded into countless flames. The entire dragon dragon snake crocodile was shrouded in golden flames, and the lake was boiling. .

The blue scale armor was broken by the high-temperature sword gas, and numerous wounds were shot, each of which was deep bone.

"Slashing the Demon Blade"

Luo Ying's palms were combined, and the surging demon power gathered in the palms. Then, a few hundred meters of a huge demon blade chopped to the body of the blown scale armor.


This light blade directly slashed the dragon snake crocodile that had lost the defense of the scale armor into two pieces. Then the dragon snake crocodile lay in the lake mournfully, and the blood stained the lake with blood.

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The tacit understanding between the two people for almost years has almost reached the point where they are seamless. If they are replaced by two to kill the dragon snake crocodile alone, it is impossible to kill the dragon snake crocodile without paying a huge price.

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled, everything was silent.

Luo Yu took a blood crystal from the dragon snake crocodile and fed it to Xiaobai, who had long coveted in her arms.

After Xiaobai devoured, he immediately fell asleep and digested, and Xiaobaili evolved to the sixth-order beast emperor, which was only a half step away.

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