Come to The Peak

Chapter 1074: : Yunluo Layout

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Boom ~

The white-haired great ape's huge body collapsed to the ground, and his head was blown to pieces by Jiufeng.

Several people joined forces to kill the white-haired giant ape and looked at Yunluoshan again, but the other kings of hesitation hesitated.

Luo Yu and others did not rush to break through the spruce fir to grab the world's tree species, because there are still so many people staring at it.

None of the people present was stupid. Once anyone grabbed the world tree species first, he would certainly be the target of criticism and besieged by others.

When everyone was hesitating, no one found that the white-haired great ape on the ground had gradually dried up.

Oh ~!

At this moment, a fast stream of extreme light suddenly hit Yunluoshan, and suddenly broke the Yunluoshan tree. Zhenyuanli rolled it up and took out the world tree species.

"Hahahaha ~ Since you don't want it, the world tree species is mine"

This was a thin young man in a black robe, flying very fast, like the same red lightning bolt.

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"No, it's the history of the deities, everyone is chasing after all, this deity is the most famous for its body type"

Someone recognized the robber.

"Huh, you just want to go after you grabbed the treasure, can you?"

Several warlords flew over to intercept and issued various true yuan attacks.

A number of military kings in the back also attacked and killed.

The history of the Demon Sect changed greatly, and he immediately moved, turning into more than a dozen afterimages rushing in all directions, trying to confuse the eyes of everyone.

"Boom! Boom! Boom ~"

However, there are too many people. Some warlords attack this residual image, and some attack that one. Soon, someone tried Shi Qian's true body.

"He's here!"

An exclamation led to twenty or thirty powerful attacks to kill Shi Qian.

"No ~"

Shi Qian's face changed, Zhenyuan's body was bombed by various attacks, and then a blast of explosion turned into a mist of blood.

After Shi Qian was blasted into slag, blood was scattered in the sky, and a red nine-weave element collection was suspended in the air, as well as a green tree species with a large crystal clear thumb, which is not what the world tree species can have.

Everyone looked at the fiery eyes in the world's tree species, but found no abnormalities on the ground. On the ground, black roots quietly broke through the ground like tentacles, and were wrapped around a large tree withered. .

The world's tree species are suspended in the air, but no one dares to snatch. Just now, the scene of Shi Qian being attacked by the crowd is still in the hearts of everyone.

Luo Yu and others asked Nangong that Zhao Guoyi was born, and the three strongest forces did not rush.

But the tripartite camp of triangles surrounded the world's tree species.

Although the treasures are good, they still have to be fetched. No one dares to take any shots under the jealousy of each other.

boom! boom! Boom ~

There was a sudden roar from below, and the roots of the black trees shot suddenly, killing a famous king of the cave.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Earlier everyone paid attention to the world's tree species. Where did you find the changes in this area, all within a hundred miles, all black tentacles soared into the sky, like black angry pythons, densely covering this? space.

"What is this? Ah ~"

More than a dozen warlords were caught by the black tentacles, and the surrounding black tentacles came to the warrior's cave.

After a middle-aged man in a yellow robe was struck, Zhenyuan kept shaking and wanted to shake his tentacles.

call out! call out! ~

Several black tentacles shot at him immediately, and only one tentacle penetrated his skull, chest, thighs, and lower abdomen.

The man in the yellow robe didn't make any grievous noises, so he was drained into a human body and then discarded on the ground.

None of the warlords in the roll was listed as a human being.

Luo Yu and others reacted quickly, and flew up to the sky when these black tentacles sneaked in. The black tentacles couldn't reach them, and they looked at this scene in surprise.

"This, this, brother, what are these things?"

Duan Yu spit out the straw stick in his mouth and was also shocked.

It wasn't just them who escaped, most of the King of War fled.

Luo Yu frowned, and searched with divine knowledge, and found that these black tentacles did not have flesh and blood, but were wooden, as if they were tree roots.

"Yu, these are the roots of the tree, and if I'm not mistaken, they are the roots of this spruce fir tree.

"Yunluo tree root, this Yunluo fir has such a means!"

Several people in Luo Yu looked at each other, showing surprise.

Qing'er Mei's eyes narrowed, then she looked at the surrounding scene, and also found the countless dead bodies. Qing'er Qiao's face suddenly showed shock, and it seemed to suddenly remember something.

"This is the case, this is the case. I am so clever that the spruce pine is so smart that it is no less human."

Qing Er muttered to himself, and then said to everyone: "All this should be a round under Yunluoshan cloth!"

"Bureau, Qinger, how do you say that?"

Luo Yu asked in surprise.

Qinger looked at the roots of Yunluo tree dancing wildly and slowly said, "This Yunluo fir is estimated to release the breath of life of the world's tree species, causing various powerful beasts to snatch.

If there is a snatch, there must be a killing, and the dead person or the beast has become the nourishment of this spruce fir. Look at the big feathered golden eagle and the white-haired great ape. "

Under Qinger's speech, everyone looked down, and saw that the two huge corpses of the big feather golden eagle and the white-haired giant ape had been sucked into dry corpses.


When everyone saw this, they took a breath and looked at the huge Yun Luo shirt. They couldn't believe that Yun Luo Shan could make such a killing game.

Twenty martial arts kings were killed and sucked into the roots of Yunluo Tree Roots. Others flew thousands of meters away from the roots of the trees and looked at the roots of Yunluo Trees horribly dancing.

"What the **** is that? Why so many!"

"It's dangerous, I almost died just now!"

Everyone was shocked, and the tree of the world was at the center of the root dance, and no one dared to move the tree of the world.

"Then how is this good?"

Luo Yu looked at Yun Luoshu, which was a hundred meters in diameter and a kilometer high, with a pair of swords and eyebrows.

According to Qinger, if the Yunluo tree is designed, the only tree species in the world that can be destroyed is the Yunluo tree.

Suddenly, the spruce spruce glowed, the huge canopy exuded a layer of green light, and the light condensed into one body, slowly turning into a human shape.

This is a man wearing a green robe with a handsome face, but his eyebrows are green and his hair is green, sneerly looking at these warlords.

"Hehe ... just you guys, also want to think of the world tree species? Funny, this world tree species I have been pregnant for thousands of years, should you say you want to take it away?"

The man in the green robe looked at the crowd with sneer and sneered.

"Who are you? Could all this be your ghost?"

Someone yelled.

"Pregnancy for millennia, wait, you are this Yun Luo shirt, are you Yun Luo Shu Ling?"

There were also clever guesses about his identity.

"Hey, yes, Wang Yunluo, you guys remember, this will be a name that you will never forget."

The man in the green robe who professed to be Yunluo sneered, and then his hands kept changing, and the numerous tree roots underneath grew quickly, turning into black pythons entangled in the air.

Within the radius of a hundred miles, the roots of the trees that rushed into the sky enveloped the sky.

And all the kings of war over the sky had no retreat.

"Huh, it's just a tree spirit. Let's go together, kill this tree spirit and grab the world tree species."

Someone roared, and many people immediately responded. A powerful warrior killed the past with countless clusters of Yun Luo with a strong breath.

Rumble ...!

A variety of true elemental attacks bombarded the black tentacles. The powerful attacks directly smashed the tentacles. The weak attacks were just strong enough to touch the watch skin.


A golden slash was cut, and three black tree roots were cut off, and more than a dozen black tree roots were immediately encircled. Several of the tree roots entangled the Wu King's body.

The Wu King's face changed greatly, and he wanted to break free, but the other tree roots stabbed him with a sharp blade, and he could not retreat.

Puff puff!

The sharp root of the tree pierced Zhenyuan's body and pierced his skull and chest. The king of war died instantly.

A large number of tree root packages protected Yun Luo. These warriors attacked Yun Luo long and close.

The Kings of Martial Arts were forced to retreat again and again, Luo Yu and others were watching, but did not shoot.

"This Yunluo has a lot of tree roots wrapped, why can't he?"

Luo Yu's eyes narrowed, and Qing'er said by the side: "Yu, attacking his own body, his own avatar will die if his body dies."

"The body!"

"That spruce tree?"


"I see, my second brother, I will attack Yunluoshan itself later, you go near to **** the world tree species"

Luo Yu ordered decisively.

"Understand Brother"

The Luo Luo brothers nodded.

Yun Luo's situation was also uncomfortable. He originally thought that he would attract some fierce beasts to come, but he did not expect that so many human warriors suddenly came in this Vientiane mystery. Now he is just barely able to resist the attack of so many warlords.

"Huh! When I have thoroughly refined the vitality of the two peerless beasts, don't even try to escape one of you!"

Yun Luo's heart hated.

This was Luo Yu's departure from the crowd and flew to Yunluo fir tree body, Luo Yan and others also launched an attack on Yunluo's avatar.

Luo Yu held the aster, chopped off the entwined tree roots, and flew towards the towering spruce fir tree.

"No! They want to attack me!"

Yun Luo also found this scene, and immediately controlled a large number of tree roots to intercept, Luo Yan cut a huge light blade, and the ape spirit also transformed into the body, and cut the windings to Luo Yufei's tree roots.

The rays of light in Luo Yu's eyes flowed, ten swords intended to condense outside the body, the three real flames of the sun rioted, and then stabbed severely at Yun Luoshu.

cracking! cracking! cracking!

After three screams, the three-headed Sun Jinwu turned into three rounds of golden sun and bombarded the huge spruce fir.

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