Come to The Peak

Chapter 1081: : Meet the Emperor again

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After Luo Yu and others entered the mysterious realm of Vientiane, the people of all major forces naturally returned, and the blood demon tribe came to the kingdom of Zhao, countless ancient beasts, and the news that the ancient beasts appeared on the Arctic ice sheet spread across the mainland immediately. There was a stir.

In just over ten days, Zhao Guowai was completely occupied by the Blood Demon clan, the Taiqing Palace was destroyed, and more than a dozen of the Emperor Wu of Zhao Guo were destroyed.

The strong actions of the blood demon family shocked the mainland and completely destroyed a country. This is a rare event in the history of the mainland.

Only a small number of people in Zhao Guo were raised in captivity by the Gorefiends and treated as pigs and dogs, which were used by the upper-class people of the Gorefiends.

The Seven Kingdoms of Chu, Qin, Qi, Wei, and Xue were all shocked. The seven countries immediately acted and convened a conference of the various countries in Luoxia City of Qin. Nearly a hundred military emperors gathered in the seven countries. Hao Di, Xu Shaoxin, and a gray robe veteran Qin Tian, ​​led by three Emperor Wu Di, formed an alliance against magic.

At the meeting, nearly a hundred emperors gathered together, one after another with solemn expressions, Xiang Yu, War Emperor Muchen, Zhenhuang Road, Xiaohan, including the first Emperor Wu Emperor of the mainland, a slender and handsome face, wearing a white robe Emperor An Ruwu is also there.

Almost all the Emperor Wu of the people came.

"Everybody, the Blood Demon Clan was born out of Vientiane's secret place for no reason, and Zhao Guoyi was destroyed. Now if my ancient Clan nations are not united, then Zhao Guo is our end."

Hao Di looked at the Emperor Wuhuang coldly and said.

"Yes, in the past, the human race was originally one, and later lived in separate countries. Now the blood demon tribe is born. This will be more terrible than the firefighting and killing. We can only cope with the blood demon tribe if we are united."

Qing Shao man Xu Shaoxin also said seriously.

"There were nine emperors during the ancient invasion of the Guangxue Demon Clan. Later, the strongest Shadi was killed by the reincarnation emperor. The Emperor Demon and Luohe Wudi were all killed, and the Emperor Mei was also killed. Now the Emperor Mei Undead resurrection, plus the five demon emperors from the broken seal, the blood demon clan and six emperors.

The Emperor Wu of our ancient Cang continent is still in the ancient Cang, and we are a few. Some time ago, Emperor Lin was severely injured and his body was broken. Now he is rebuilding his body.

The situation is already a downside for our people. If we are not united, we will only have the danger of extermination. You can understand the overall situation. "

The old man, Qin Tian, ​​also said that their emperor Wudi had already transcended humanity and enjoyed permanent life. After enjoying power and fame, they practiced in hidden worlds. Usually, they did not control the fighting between human races.

In addition, the advancement of martial arts originally needed to fight and fight, the better off.

But now the people of Gu Cang are in danger and they have to unite.

"I'll see!"

The Emperor Wu also nodded solemnly.

"And the countless ancient beasts and ancient beasts in the Vientiane mystery have taken the Arctic snowfield under the leadership of the ancient and fierce, and the Snow clan is almost destroyed.

Today, our people are not only facing blood monsters, but also countless ancient beasts. Only by working together can we survive this difficult time. "

Hao Shen said in a deep voice that the Arctic snowfield was occupied by fierce beasts, and the threat to their snow country was undoubtedly the greatest.

Everyone heard that their hearts were cold, and the seventh-tier fierce beast was too ancient and fierce.

It is one of the four strongest ancient archaeological beasts in the legend, and its strength is above that of the ordinary Emperor Wudi.

"I am willing to listen to the dispatch of the three emperors and unite as one to defend my people!"

The Emperor Wuwu stood up at this moment and bowed.

"Okay, starting today, there will be no seven nations, and the peoples of the mainland will be unified again. Only the Anti-Magic Alliance will work together to fight against the Blood Demons!"

Hao Di finally clapped, and the Anti-Magic Alliance was established.

The establishment of the Anti-Magic Alliance was only one month after the birth of the Blood Demon Clan.

And now the situation in Gu Cang has undergone great changes again. Human race, blood demon race, demon race, fierce beast, these four forces meet.

The Yao clan is hidden in two holy holy shrines, 100,000 Dashan and Tiannan Linhai. Obviously, they don't want to get involved in the human race and let the people take responsibility and cause and effect themselves.

The biggest confrontation is the human race and the blood demon race. As for the ferocious beast, although it poses a threat, it is only secondary to the blood demon race.

The situation on the outer continent changed, and in the Vientiane Secret, Luo Yu and others did not know it, and they did not know that Poor Qi had opened a space passage on the first floor of the Vientiane Secret to access Cang Cang, and has been in Vientiane Wandering around in the mysterious realm looking for the spirit of Shiba.

However, the kings of war in the mystery have also discovered that all the beasts in the mystery of Vientiane have disappeared, which allows the kings of war to look for the treasures of heaven and earth in the mystery of Vientiane.

Luo Yu and five others were flying in mid-air, Luo Yu's pair of sword eyebrows had been wrinkling slightly.

He has a great responsibility to bleed the demons, and he has always been worried about the outside world.


"Ah ~"


At this moment, there was a sound of fighting in the distance, and everyone looked at it in a footstep.

I saw six aliens besieging above the forest in the distance.

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And this group of people is exactly the nine demon kings of the blood demon tribe lurking in each clan led by the emperor.

It wasn't anyone else who was surrounded in the center. It was Nangong Wentian and other war shrines.

The situation at the War God Temple was not very good. Four people had already died at their feet, and only three people, including Nangong Wentian, were left.

Emperor Emperor was also half-demonized, wearing a blood robe, carrying fleshy wings, and a pair of blood-colored horns pointing at the sky, dancing with blood, holding a blood-colored long-handled war sickle indifferently looking at Nangong asking the sky.

Nangong's situation was not very good. He had a huge wound on his chest, severed his ribs, and his shoulders were blood red. He was obviously seriously injured.

However, Nangong Wentian still clenched the rifle tightly, and there was no fear in his eyes.

"Haha ~ Nangong asked God, the God of War Temple genius, today is when you die!"

Emperor Yun sneered, holding the Scarlet War sickle.

"Yang Ye, who are you? Are you not human?"

Nangong asked Tian squinting.


"Who, you will know when you arrive at Huangquan that if you kill you, my family will have fewer enemies in the future," Emperor Yun sneered.


At this time, a roar came from the distance, and five of Luo Yu flew over to the Emperor and others.

"Well, Luo Yu!"

The emperor's eyes brightened, revealing great joy.

"Luo Yu, I'm looking for you everywhere. I didn't expect you to come to your death."

Emperor Emperor smiled coldly.

Luo Yu flew over, his eyes were about to spit fire, angrily shouted: "I ask you, is Elder Aoyue controlled by you? Is this all a ghost you are behind?"

"Haha ~ I only realized it now, yes, it's all my game, how about it, do you want to kill me?"

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