Come to The Peak

Chapter 1098: : Thunder Flame Wizard

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Lei Fei was broken, and a little guy appeared in Luo Tian's Dantian.

This is a small purple beast with a big slap, looks like a fox, has nine thunder-wrapped little tails, and is surrounded by thunder. A pair of purple eyes are like two gems, extremely cute.

Lei Yan Elves, Jiuwei Thunder Fox!

"Father, father ...; ...;"

Nine-tailed fox curled up in Luo Yu Dan Tian, ​​blinked his eyes, and passed on a childish idea to Luo Yu.

And Luo Yu's mind was stunned and staring at this nine-tailed fox, not even knowing that the robbery in the sky had dissipated.

Luo Yu's palm was spread, a purple flame burst out, and then condensed into a nine-tailed fox. The nine-tailed fox rushed into Luo Yu's arms and rubbed Luo Yu's cheek constantly. It feels very comfortable.


At this time, Ruo Lan also flew over and laughed: Congratulations to the brother for his success, and since then he has been a true Emperor of the Emperor.

"Yeah, this little fox is so cute!"

When Ruo Lan saw the nine-tailed thunder fox in Luo Yu's arms, a pair of big beautiful eyes brightened, and he quickly hugged from Luo Yu's arms and touched them.

"Well, there's thunder and lightning, giggle, numb"

Ruolan hugged Nine-tailed Leihu for a while, and then asked, "Brother, where did this Nine-tailed Leihu come from?"

At this time, the three-tailed fire salamander turned into a spark by the domain also flew over, looking at the nine-tailed thunder fox also showing surprise.

"Master, master, he is also a flame elf!"

Xingling asked in surprise.

"Well, this is caused by the fire thunder flames in my body, and the soul is born to open the mind!"

Luo Yu was also a bit surprised. He had never thought that the kindling in his body would become an alternative life, the flame elf.


The nine-tailed thunder fox jumped into Luo Yu's arms and was very attached to Luo Yu. It was one of the longest flames of Luo Yu and one of the Lei Yan beast fires. It was born when the dragonfinch was born, the one-eyed scorpion tail leopard A raging fire left by the crossing.

Later, Luo Yu boldly refined, and continued to practice and make breakthroughs in these years, from the three thunderstorms in the spiritual realm, to the countless thunderstorms of the fire, and eventually became the emperor.

Almost all the Thunder Forces of Luo Yudu Jie were absorbed and refined by this Thunder Flame, and were often nourished and influenced by Luo Yu's soul power. Over the years, now a coincidence also gave birth to a ray of soul.

Luo Yu looked at the little guy who was coquettish in his arms, and also had a lot of compassion in his heart. This Lei Yan was cultivated by him and accompanied him throughout his martial arts life, like children and loved ones.

"Hey, there's another robber in the sword body."

Ziyu looked at the nine-tailed fox and sighed. Now Luo Yu's body is almost becoming a big villa, and the purple-necked phoenix, the star spirit, and the newly-born nine-tailed fox are all living in the Dantian of Luoyu.

Fortunately, Dan Tianben is a meson space, which looks small, but the real volume is not small.

And Dongtian is to open up Dantian into a world.

Don't say that it can accommodate a few elves, as long as Luo Yu's hole is big enough, he can put Luo into the world of the hole.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

At this time, the four emperors, including Wugan and a group of military kings, all flew over.

"Haha, Luo Yu, congratulations on becoming emperor. Today, you should not be called overlord, but overlord."

Wu Gan laughed as soon as he flew over.

"Congratulations to Luo Yu for your success!"

The other three emperors also clenched their fists, and there was another respect in their eyes. They all saw the arrogance when Luo Yu crossed the gang.

"Congratulations to the overlord"

More than a dozen martial arts kings, nearly 10,000 martial arts soldiers who came to watch from below all bowed and saluted, with a respectful look.

Chenghuang, that is the supreme existence of hundreds of millions of people from now on. If you think about it, how many military emperors are in the entire Qin Empire.

In the ancient Cang continent, the total population of all ethnic groups is in the tens of billions, but the total number of military emperors of all ethnic groups in the mainland will not exceed one thousand.

"Thank you, Tongxi Tongxi, Wushu"

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Luo Yu respected Wugan as a tribute to his juniors. He respected him very much. At the beginning, Wuyu had sent him the grace of nine fires.

Wu Qian praised him secretly. This son really is not the one who forgot the book. He didn't swell the book because he broke through to the Emperor Wu.

"Hehe, now you are also a peerless strong Emperor Wuhuang, just talk to my peers."

Wu Gan waved his hand and laughed, but he was just in the middle of Yuanyuan and asked about his strength. He may not have beaten Luo Yu yet.

"This is not possible. The realm is a realm. My uncle and my uncle's generations can't be messed up. Besides, my sister and Qingluo are just like my brother and sister. If I have my uncle and my uncle, I will kill me.

"Haha, she ca n’t beat you for a thousand more. Well, let ’s not talk about these. You have just become the emperor, have n’t you returned to Zixia Tianzong?”

Wu Gan didn't entangle this topic, suddenly the words turned around and said.

"Well, I'm preparing to go back, what's wrong?"

Luo Yu frowned.

"You don't know that there are a large number of hidden emperor warriors from all ethnic groups suddenly gathered near Zixia Tianzong. You want Zixia Tianzong to hand over the world tree species. No one will succeed after your death. Living scenes, such as today's situation is a bit bad

However, Hao Di is far away from the extreme cold, and he should always pay attention to that ancient and fierce prince, and he cannot help you as Zixia Tianzong. As for the reincarnation emperor, he has long disappeared and seems to have traveled to other continents.

We are interested in helping Tianzong. How can it be that the Emperor Wuzhuang who is in trouble with Tianzong is basically a person who is in the Yuanyuan Realm or in the late stage, and who is not far from Chengdi needs a tree species in the world, we can't deal with it. "

Wugan frowned.

"What, there is this!"

Luo Yu heard a flash of coldness in his eyes, and Zixia Tianzong is also a Luo-like home for him now.

In order to protect Luo Yu, Zixia Tianzong has secretly spread the news that the world tree is planted in Zixia Tianzong but not Luo Yu. He is doing his best to maintain his Luo Yu's gate. How can he allow others to insult him?

Of course, the world tree species is still in Luo Yu's hands.

Chengdi's appeal is too great, not to mention that Gu Cang is now sealed by the saints, Chengdi only has the way of world tree species.

With such a big temptation, naturally, some people dare to take the risk of offending Hao Di to trouble Zixia Tianzong, not to mention that Hao Di restrained the ancient and the fierce in the extreme cold world, and could not escape, they were not afraid.

"That being the case, uncle Wu, everyone, I don't want to stay any longer, I have to rush to Zongmen immediately"

Luo Yu was so attached to the ancestral gate that he had no time to talk with this group of people and left his fists.

"Luo Yu, I'll go with you, maybe I can help you."

Wugan took the initiative to speak, intending to make Luo Yu thoroughly.

"So Luo Yu is grateful"

Luo Yu clenched his fists, hugged Ruolan and rode on Baize, and flew with him.

Wu Gan followed, others left, and the news that the youngest warrior on the mainland became emperor was passed on, and eventually caused shock in all directions.

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