Come to The Peak

Chapter 1125: : Blood Slaughter

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Xiao Tian also wolf into Luo Yu's hands and turned into a humanoid monster with white hair.


As soon as the soles of the feet stepped on the ground, they turned into a streamer that fired at a rapid speed. The hand of the wolf Sirius has turned into a claw, and inserted into the chest of the Emperor Gan Yue severely. Broken Gan Yue's neck.


Gan Yue's demons flew out in horror and were about to flee, and Xiao Tian's mouth burst into a terrible suction.

"Swallow the moon!"


The slap of the Gan Yue Devil's fetus was so horrible that it was sucked into his mouth by Xiao Tian, ​​chewed directly and swallowed in his stomach.

On the other side, the blood maple's fetal fetus also burst out in horror, turning into a streamer and escaping, but how can he escape in Luo Yu's sword domain.

Luo Yu's five fingers burst into a suction, Zhenyuan erupted, and directly sucked the blood maple's fetal tire into her palm.

The blood maple's fetal body looks like the blood demon's body, with horns at the head and teeth, covered with fine scale armor, looking at Luo Yu in horror.

"You, who are you?"

The Blood Maple fetus looked at Luo Yu in horror.

And the two spirited blood demon in the temple have also been killed by the chalk tiger, the chalk tiger directly devoured the hearts and Yuanzang of the same family.

Luo Yu Xiaotian went from shooting to killing. The whole process took less than two seconds. It happened too fast and too fast. No wonder Xuefeng didn't respond.

If it is a normal battle, how could the strength of the ten maple emperors of the Blood Maple and Blood Demon Clan be so easily killed by Luo Yu, and it will be hard to fight for life and death. Ke Luoyu suddenly attacked with the help of the sword domain. Blood maple naturally hit.

"Who is it?"

Luo Yu looked at the blood maple, and his face showed a faint color, and a black and black flame appeared in the palm of his hand, enveloping the blood maple.

"Ah ~"

Blood Maple's fetal womb made a terrible scream.

"Do you remember the human race that was defeated by your sneak attack? The emperor's path is empty? I'm his junior disciple. I'm here to avenge him. By the way, my name is Luo Yu. You should have heard of me."

Luo Yu looked at Xuefeng struggling and said with a sneer, the picture of Grandpa Daoxu taking care of him had been hopeless in his heart.

The picture of Grandpa Daoxu being attacked and killed by Blood Maple suddenly while lining up, has been stinging in his heart.

And this sting can only be returned by bloodier and crueler means.

He was a purple sword Shura when he was a teenager, and he became famous even as the overlord of the **** million million troubled times. He has a strong affection, but he has absolutely no mercy to the enemy, especially to those who hurt him as a loved one.

"The battlefield is empty, ah ~ you, you are the human race Zixia Tianzong Luo Yu, Luo Yu!"

The blood maple fetus said in the flames of Luo Yu's palm.

"Yes, I'm here to collect debts. You kill my loved ones, I won't kill you, I will use Jiu Youhu to burn your spirits a little bit, let you slowly, slowly die in the most terrible pain. Hahaha ~ "

Luo Yu looked at Xuefeng struggling miserably, and smiled awkwardly, Xiao Tian aside felt cold in her heart.

"Luo Yu, a small beast, I hate it. I hate you. When you went to Zixia Tianzong, I should kill you on the Ziyun ship. Hate, hate, ah ~"

"Oh, the attack on the Ziyun ship was also your move? At that time, my sister Luo Yan was almost killed, and our account is even deeper."

Luo Yu remembered that for the first time on the way to Zixia Tianzong, the Ziyun ship was attacked. At that time, Luo Yan was almost killed. It turned out to be the blood demon.

Luo Yu thought to increase a bit of burning power, the blood maple fetal pain was distorted, and kept miserable.

"Ah ~, Luo Yu, don't torture me, kill me, kill me, ah ~ please kill me, let me be destroyed"

The blood maple was terrible, and this tragic sound also attracted the blood demon in the entire palace. Luo Yu grabbed the blood maple fetus and broke through the magic hall, flying to the palace, and Xiao Tian and the magic servant Chahuhu quickly followed.

"Look, Terran, that's Terran"

"Every step is empty, it is the emperor Wu Huang, there are two more"

"Who is miserable, oh dear, then, that is the blood of the Maple Devil Emperor!"

As soon as it flew over the palace, thousands of Gorefiends gathered below. These thousands of Gorefiends were the guards in the palace. There were hundreds of Gorefiends in the spiritual realm, and more than 20 Demon Emperors. Looking in horror at the two above, as for Chahu, they ignored it.

At the same time, they also saw Luo Yu's palms, constantly struggling in the flames of **** maple fetuses, one after another showing a horrified and unbelievable look.

"Blood Maple Devil was killed and caught the fetus!"

Huh ~

Suddenly, these goblins suddenly felt that the surrounding space was full of a powerful sword, like countless sharp swords pointing at themselves.

Luo Yu's spirit surged into the heaven and earth shrouded in sword territory, and the true elemental force was also incorporated into the void. The fire and vitality in the heavens and the earth were violent and gathered together.

The heaven and earth vitality condensed into a red or blue Yuan sword, and thousands of Yuan swords condensed, and then were blessed by the power of the sword domain, turning into a flying sword hanged to thousands of blood demons.

Oh ~!

"Ah ~"


Thousands of Gorefiends were hanged in two breaths.

"Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Bai, slaughtered this magic city!"

Luo Yu grabbed Xiaobai in her arms and said coldly.


Xiaobai heard a tiger howl, turned into a peerless fierce beast of a hundred meters, rushed to the city, and a cold air swept through the area of ​​ten miles, and all the blood monsters and World of Warcraft in this world were frozen into ice sculptures.

In Xiaobai's eyebrow, purple runes flashed, and suddenly dark clouds converged between heaven and earth.

Rumble ...

Clouds of thunder clouded around, covering a range of more than ten miles, and then countless thunders fell to smash the blood demons below into ashes, and the power of each thunder was comparable to the strongest thunderbolt of the fiery calamity.

Xiaobai is like the extinct thunder beast. Wherever he goes, the dark cloud follows, and a large number of bloodslayers are killed.

This thunder call is just one of Bai Ze's new awakening talents.

Xiao Tian also slaps a large number of blood monsters fleeing downwards, each palm can kill thousands of blood monsters, and Luo Yu clutches the **** maple fetus with a hand, a hand-held sword, and fly to where Where is the sword area that shrouded more than ten miles.

Feng! Feng! Feng! ~

Countless flying swords roar, and instantly kill the blood demon in the sword domain.

Luo Yu is like the same killing god. Wherever people fly, the flying swords are killed. The entire city of Jinsha has nearly one million blood monsters, but all of them are slaughtered for half an hour.

Luo Yu came over a large prison. Yuan Jian smashed the gate of the prison. In the prison, he was a frightened and terrified human face.

In this prison, nearly 100,000 human races were detained. All of them were human races raised by blood demon captives.

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