Come to The Peak

Chapter 1203: : Bloody Confidence (Six consecutive kills, burst!)

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"Blood and confident"

Murong Qinghai looked at Linghu Qianyu word by word.

"Blood and confident ..."

Linghu Qianyu heard silence, Murong Qinghai again said: "Luo Yu was forced to cut his leg and not kneel. This is the temperament and blood nature of the warrior, and he dare to set a hundred years with Lu Fanghao of the cave of heaven. About, this is the confidence we are lacking.

Brother, do you think I was so energetic in the Three Sects? Why, now it ’s so daunting because of the ancestor's affairs?

"Our sword Xuan Palace, can we only cling to our ancestors. Without them, we will have no confidence and we will not be able to strengthen ourselves? Brother, when did you lose your ego, once you, for the sake of my brother, dare to kill Lei Ting, What kind of spirit the brothers had at that time "

Murong Qinghai's remarks completely talked about Linghu Qianyu's heart. When did you lose your ego, Linghu Qianyu's heart shook and made waves.

After a long time, Linghu Qianyu sighed and said, "Well, since you insist on staying, let them stay. My sword Xuan Palace has not reached the point where even three juniors can't keep it, only the future is possible. Are you prepared for the chain reaction that occurred? "

"Oh, my brother is always ready"

Murong Qinghai smiled freely.

Luo Yu listened to some conversations in the clouds and fog, and heard some reasons. It seems that Jianxuan Palace's situation is not very good. What kind of crisis is it facing?

Luo Yu gritted his teeth and opened his mouth: "Linghu Emperor, there is a saying in the younger generation that I don't know if I should speak properly"

Linghu Qianyu heard the words for a moment, looked at Luo Yu, frowned and said, "What do you say?"

"The martial arts are contentious, accomplishment is in the sky, and work is done in people. There is always something for the martial arts in my generation to give up, and to give up the original one. In order to equate the abandonment of martial arts and hope, there will be no turning point.

If I persist, go to the front line in the deadlock, there will be no chance of reversal. I should have been killed, but I am alive, because I have waited until my vitality, Brother Murong. "

After speaking, Luo Yu bowed a gift to Murong Qinghai, and then said, "Although I don't know what Jian Xuan Gong is facing, as long as Jian Xuan Gong gives me the platform and time, maybe I am the line of vitality."

Linghu Qianyu looked at Luo Yu in shock after listening to this revelation. The revelation that Luo Yu said just now hit him in the heart like beads.

"Hahaha ~ What a confident and arrogant junior, just now this emperor looked away, you are indeed as my teacher said.

OK, since this is the case, Bendi will give you this platform, but it wo n’t be too long. Within a hundred years, I see how you can become the lifeline of my sword Xuan Palace. ”

Linghu Qianyu laughed suddenly, and it seemed that some levels in her heart were suddenly opened, which was completely different from just now.

Murong Qinghai and Yue Feng both looked at this scene with a smile. This Luo Yu was really extraordinary, and even opened the yoke in the hearts of their brothers.

"Brother, you will see it, because I believe in Luo Yu"

Murong Qinghai laughed, and Luo Yu was moved, even though he was abandoned by the Emperor Tianhai, but he met real nobles and friends.

When you are in trouble, you will see the true feelings. When you are in danger, you will find someone who can help you.

"Brother Yue, please take Luo Yu to register with Zongmen. Let me talk with Brother again."

Murong Qinghai smiled at Yue Feng, Yue Feng promised, and went down with Luo Yu and others.

After Yue Feng and others left, Linghu Qianyu's smile gradually dissipated, his face solemnly said, "Is there any news?"

Murong Qinghai shook his head and said, "I haven't found any news in Dahuangzhou, Leizhou, Haizhou and other big states. The ancestors really don't seem to be in this world ..."

"Hey, if I travel to other worlds, my ancestor should not leave a little news, so it seems that something really happened to my ancestor"

Linghu Qianyu sat down and sighed.

Murong Qinghai frowned: "But Master is still there, he can still live in the town, but if the ancestor of the next calamity has not been able to return, our Jianxuan Palace is in danger. Brother, we ca n’t sit still, just like Luo Yu. It ’s said that martial arts only fights, we have to fight, why are we afraid of the other two? "

"I know that the little guy's words just sounded a wake-up call to me. It was a matter of being too close to my ancestors. I really do n’t know if it is a blessing or a curse on this genius, but whether it is a blessing or a blessing. , My sword Xuan Gong, should face and not be silent, in the next two comparisons, I will pick up the sword Xuan Gong. "

Linghu Qianyu gritted his teeth and squinted his eyes, and Morin's light appeared in his eyes.

"Haha, this is my brother"

Murong Qinghai smiled when Linghu Qianyu showed the spirit.

Yue Feng took Luo Yu and others to a suspended island and entered the main hall. They recorded their age, cultivation system and other information. The three became disciples of Zongmen, and Zhan Taiyue became the core. disciple.

The first island of the three islanders of Luo Yu and Nine Islands entered Tianjian Island

Jiujian Island has a clear hierarchy. The areas where the inner disciples and core disciples live are different, and the treatment of resources is different. The strength of the region ’s heaven and earth is different. The core disciple Jian Xuan Gong has a thousand in total. There are as many as 200,000 disciples, and there are countless outside students.

The inner disciples' cultivation is all from the spiritual state to the Yuantai state. The span is large. The Yuantai state is a top figure among the inner gate disciples, and there are not many.

And a thousand core disciples are almost all emperors of the Yuan Dynasty.

Jianxuan Palace has several advanced methods. It is very simple. As long as you can understand the sword domain, or if other realms break through the eleventh, you can become the core.

There is another one, which is listed on the Jianxuan spectrum. There are a hundred rankings on the Jianxuan spectrum. That is the strongest 100 core disciples among the core disciples of the Jianxuan Palace. , Has also become a master on the Jian Xuan spectrum, has better treatment.

The three Luo Yu stayed at Jianxuan Palace in this way, and they were also learning about the system of Jianxuan Palace. The three lived in three close courtyards in the inner gate area, and Yan Huan exerted her communication skills and soon Get a clear picture of Jian Xuan Gong.

The three were sitting at the stone table in the courtyard of Luo Yu, chatting about the sword Xuan Palace.

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"Boss, really, it's okay for your strength to hit Jian Xuanpu, don't have to cling to us inside this door"

Zhan Long took a sip of wine, Jin Mei said, Yan Huan nodded, agreeing.

"You don't need to say anything. The three of us have to join together. Isn't Huaner saying that there are various cultivation secrets? From tomorrow on, I will conduct hard training on you two and impact the sword mystery together!"

Luo Yu was very determined.

"Hmm ... Hey, new here, open the door, it's really hard to understand when we come to the inner door area."

At this time, there was a scream from outside the courtyard protected by the formation law.

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