Come to The Peak

Chapter 1263: : Yuan tire complete

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Rumble ...

Within a circle of thousands of miles, the vitality of the earth and the earth was surging, and there was a sound of roar, all of which poured into Luo Yu's body.

A huge coercion that belongs to the Emperor Wuhuang Power in Yuantai Realm shrouded the whole city. Under this immense pressure, everyone shivered, and the few Emperor Wuhuang powers in the city looked into the sky in shock. The figure that absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth.

"Which one broke through?"

They wondered in their hearts that this coercive force was gradually rising.

On a certain street in the city, more than ten aliens were detained in a fine gold-built prison car.

The skin of this alien race is greenish, and their long ears are slightly pointed. The men's faces are handsome, the women are also pretty and pretty, and they are trapped in the prison by a group of escorted warriors.

But now these martial arts are attracted by this mighty coercion, and all their attention is focused on the sky's crazy absorption of the vitality of the world. At this time, the eyes of one of the alien teenagers, aged 18 or 19, flowed. A key appeared between the fingers.

Under the cover of other aliens, he secretly unlocked the prison car.

"Everyone run away"

With a roar, more than a dozen aliens rushed out of the prison car, and two aliens also seized swords and killed two warriors.

The alien boy ran into the crowd frantically with a little girl aged five or six.

"No, the Mulings have fled, chase me soon"

At this time, the group of martial artists responded, and one of them, who was in the state of Shenhuo, seemed to be the leader of the anger and ordered.

Suddenly, the twenty or thirty escorted guards chased after the escaped aliens.

Those foreigners are also around the Ningyuan Realm, which is comparable to this group of warriors, but they seem to be imprisoned by elixir and have not exerted their strength.

Shortly after escaping, three or four were captured, and one leg was brutally cut off.

The figure in the sky is still absorbing the vitality, a coercion seems to break through the critical point and reach a whole new level.

The absorbed heaven and earth vitality suddenly stopped, and the youth of Canglong Purple Robe also slowly opened his eyes, a smile appeared in his eyes.

The appearance of the Yuanta in Dantian in his body is exactly the same as that of the current one, and the true elemental power contained in it is much stronger.

Yuantaiyuan, great success!

Luo Yu finally broke through to the successful completion of Yuantai Realm.

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"Haha ... Boss, congratulations, I didn't expect you to break through suddenly"

Congratulations to the laughter of the dragon dragon, Luo Yu smiled lightly: "Breakthrough has some insights, this realm has broken through"

"Brother is really evil, but the battle dragon and I will not slow you down too long"

Yan Yan vomited his tongue and was a little speechless. He could suddenly break through while walking. This cultivation talent is indeed a bit irritating.

"Well, let's go down first and ask the news in the Guteng Mountains"

The three turned into three lights and appeared in the street crowd instantly. No one knew Luo Yu as the strong one who just broke through.

"Get off, get off!"

At this time, a loud drink came from the crowd. An interracial teenager pulled a little interracial girl to sprint on the street, scaring the people around to evade in half.

"Boy, let me grab you and see if I don't cut your leg"

In the back air, a warrior in black robes was flying and chasing after him, getting closer and closer to the alien girl.

A flying knife appeared in the hand of the black robe warrior, and he shook his hand at the young boy running below.


The flying sword turned into a white light, and the slamming through the young man's leg, the green liquid suddenly flowed out.

The young man's blood turned out to be green.


The teenager made a terrible cry and fell to the ground, causing him to roll out several meters away.


The little alien girl made a scream of heartbreak, and hurriedly ran to the teenager and picked up the teenager.

The alien teenager was sorely sweating on his head, but he didn't care about it, he pulled out the flying knife, and quickly said to the girl: "Sister, you run away, find a place to hide, and I'll entangle the guy. "

"No, I won't run away, Na'er will be with his brother when he dies"

The look in the little girl's eyes was firm.


The teenager slapped her on the face with a slap, which smothered the little girl.

"What stupid thing do you say, how can you die, you can't die if your brother is dead"

The teenager growled, terrified the alien girl, and then kissed him fiercely.

"Nar, brother loves you, run away ~"

The young man then burned a green flame on his body surface, and the imprisoned true Yuanli went out of the Yuanzang wildly.

The teenager pushed the girl away, turning into a green streamer and rushing towards the sky.

"The origin of burning, no ..."

The girl let out a scream of sorrow and stretched out her hand to catch something.

"Run away!"

The boy roared and tore with the warrior, and the girl returned to her senses and continued to run forward.

However, at this time, a few streamers followed, flying to the girl, stopping the alien girl. The alien girl hit a person and sat on the ground with her buttocks.

"No ~"

The alien boy saw that his eyes were red, and he was going to save it, but Fen Shen was stabbed in the chest by the warrior, kicked, and fell into the air.


The interracial girl ran to hug the teenager and started crying, the picture was desolate.

This scene happened just under the eyes of Luo Yu and others.

"Poor, brother, what race are they?"

When Yan Huan saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel weak.

Luo Yu, however, looked blankly in that direction, a little lost, and some memories in his eyes.

"I know that kind of alien race, that's the Muling race"

Zhan Long looked at the two brothers and sisters.

"Mullings, I haven't heard of it, brother, let's save them, the two little guys look really pitiful."

Yan Huan hugged Luo Yu's arm and begged, but at this moment, Luo Yu suddenly turned into a residual image, appeared next to the girl, and looked closely at the girl.

"Like, it's too like, how could there be such a similar person ..."

Luo Yu murmured in his mouth, and at that time the soldiers were all around.

A man reached out to catch the girl, but was caught by one hand.

The warrior looked angry and looked at the young man: "Boy, let go, who are you? Dare to care about our Guto Chamber of Commerce"

"I want these two guys, let's go."

Luo Yu said lightly.

"Oh! Good boy, dare to rob our Guto Chamber of Commerce, brothers, kill him"

The surrounding Dawus screamed angrily, and they were about to start.


But Luo Yu gave a cold hum, and this cold hum carried a shock of divine power. The aggression Dawu felt their heads roar, and rolled a terrible cry, Qiqiao bleeding and headache.

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