Come to The Peak

Chapter 1388: : Murderous Sizo

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Jian Xuan Palace, the main palace palace.

"Hahaha ~ Good job, Luo Yu really gave the Emperor a big surprise."

Jianxuan Palace commander Hu Qianyu was not overjoyed after reading the report.

The other elder Emperor Wudi below was shocked after reading the battle report.

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"This, not only rescued the battle dragon intact, but also killed a total of seven other Emperor Wudi, even the Emperor Dongtian Baquan was also killed by Luo Yu, how is this possible!"

The owner of the Thunder Sword Island looked at the battle report, his face was incredible.

"Haha, I ’m tired of the nine-day sword sect. According to the battle report written by Elder Li Yuan, Luo Yu ’s cultivation of this sect ’s supreme sword tactic has achieved little success. , The legend of the emperor "

Yue Feng laughed. Luo Yu was brought back by Murong and Qinghai. Luo Yu was very proud of this achievement.

"Great Emperor ..."

Everyone heard the words and yearned for it. There are only ten known people in this world, who can seal the title of Emperor, less than saints.

Although the emperor is only in the heavenly realm, he already has the strength comparable to the saint, and even the saint must respect it.

"But the palace master, this time it hurt the Temple of Thunder. You have to come back to Elder Luo Yu as soon as possible. The Temple of Thunder is expected to make a crazy revenge."

Said the wise elder.

"Well, our revenge against Jiutian Jianzong is enough to comfort the Zongmen people. Withdraw our troops. How can Wanzongzong want to make trouble with Jiutian Jianzong, then it won't matter to us."

Linghu Qianyu ordered decisively that they would not be able to destroy the Jiutian Sect of the Sect. After all, there are saints behind them.

However, this time the joint beasts of Ten Thousand Beasts and Jian Xuan Gong attacked, Jiutian Jian Zong had vitality, and it is estimated that he would not dare to provocate against Jian Xuan Gong.

"Brother Murong, in order to prevent accidents, you should take a trip in person."

Linghu Qianyu said to Murong Qinghai, who was content with a small drink.

Murong Qinghai heard the last sip of the wine, nodded, and turned directly into a sword. He acted decisively and decisively.

Some people rejoiced and some were worried, and when the temple of thunder received the news, they were mad.


Lei Zun smashed the jade table with one palm, gritted his teeth.

"Abominable, a group of seniors who have been practicing for many years was actually killed by a kid who first entered Dongtian. What was the grand plan to eat? But he was killed by Luo Yu, the Eighth Emperor of Wuquan in Dongtian! The others were all a waste."

Lei Zun was furious. Others did not dare to say anything about it now.

Lei Kuang also looked ugly and ugly, saying, "Brother, according to the news, that Luo Yu has cultivated a special sword trick, and the sword strokes issued can be hidden in the void, and he suddenly kills his opponent. Many elder Emperor Wudi are Died of his tricks "

Lei Zun heard his eyes froze and suddenly thought about it. After a long time, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Sword Qi is hidden in the void ... Is it the sword tactic of Jian Xuan Gong!"

Lei Zun's complexion suddenly became heavy, and even became ugly.

"What's wrong, brother, did you think of something?"

Lei Kuang asked.


Lei Zun nodded his head and said, "I have heard from my father that Jian Xuan Gong has a sword tactic that transcends the order of heaven, and vanishes the vanity of emptiness. That sword tactic seems to be the first realm of it. Can hide sword energy in the void "

"Beyond the heavenly order sword, that is not the legendary god-level supernatural power!"

Thunder Mania and the other elders were shocked.

"Well, that's right, that sword tactic is said to be a powerful magic sword tactic in the Divine Order, but that sword tactic is very demanding in practice. Only Emperor Wudi who understands the rules of the ninefold perfection of space is qualified to practice."

"You are skeptical, the boy from Luo Yu cultivated that god-level sword tactic!"

"If a boy who has just entered the cave can have such powerful martial arts, I am afraid that it is the supreme sword trick of the legendary sword Xuan Gong, and the vanishing vanity sword trick."

Lei Zun nodded solemnly.

"So, how can we be good, we must not let the kid cultivate successfully, otherwise Jian Xuan Gong said in the future that there might not be an emperor-like figure, that would be a big deal for us."

Lei Kuang said in a panic.

"Here, he must not let him grow up, he must be killed in the bud"

Lei Zun said, squinting his eyes, sharp eyes flashed.

"Tomorrow, you and I will go to Xuanminggu!"


When Lei Kuang heard this name, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.


After Luo Yu and others won that battle, they also realized that the Temple of Thunder might retaliate madly, and immediately flew back to Shenzhou with all the horses.

The Emperor Wudi was powerful, and it was not a problem to lead soldiers and horses. The crowd was safe all the way, and they met Murong Qinghai on the way. A group of people arrived safely at Shenzhou and Jianxuan Palace.

What they expected was true. Afterwards, the Thunder Temple did send a large number of people to kill the carbines, but by that time, the sword Xuan Gong was already empty, and Mao did not see one.

The angry thunder temple vented the fire on the Manchu Sect, and together with the Jiutian Sword Sect, the Manju Sect retreated from Qingzhou.

Manchu Sect is miserable for this. Although they did not form an alliance with Jian Xuan Gong, Jian Xuan Gong said and walked away, leaving Wan Shou Zong to face the two Holy Sects. Man Shou Zong ate a lot Dumb loss.

However, Jiuzong Jianzong has been maimed, and Wanzong Zong can be regarded as revenge for the blood feud on that spiritual road.

After Wanzongzong retreated from Qingzhou, the fighting ceased, and the mainland resumed the undercurrent, without the calm of the waves.

Among the ten thousand beasts, among the ten thousand beast halls, Lu Fanghao's mood was not very good either.

"Luo Yu's little beast can kill Dongtian Baquan's grand plan. This growth rate is too scary."

Lu Fanghao walked in the temple, his face was a little gloomy, Luo Yu, but the enemy that killed his son.

"The lord, Luo Yu, has planted hatred with my Beast Sect. This kind of genius must either step back and make good, or only have to find a way to kill it as soon as possible."

A white-haired elder Wudi said.

"Regression? Huh, it's impossible. How can my sacred ancestors who have passed down for tens of thousands of years can step back to a new emperor who entered Dongtian. That is not a joke for the people in the world.

Lu Fanghao said coldly.

"That being the case, then we have to find a way to kill as soon as possible"

The old man murdered Ling Ran again.

"Hey, this is also my headache. This Luo Yu must be protected by layers of Jian Xuan Palace. We can't get started." Lu Fanghao had a headache.

The old man smiled insidiously, "Since we can't kill Jian Xuan Gong, then we can let him out, isn't the woman in Luo Yu still being held in our black jail, and there are ways to kill him."

Lu Fanghao heard that the corner of his mouth also evoked a smile.

"I already thought of a way to kill him ..."

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