Come to The Peak

Chapter 1400: : Pyroblast Starry Sky

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Uh ~!

The two fists collided as if two stars collided together, and a circle of terrifying waves of vital energy swept away, and the people in the hall turned into a stream of light, dodging and retreating to the high altitude, afraid to be affected by the shock.

boom! boom! boom!

Taking this Qiyang Hall as the center, the air waves smashed buildings one after another, almost destroying most of Qiyang City, and countless demons were killed and injured in the air waves.

"Star Wars!"

Luo Yu could not bear to hurt innocent, and took the initiative to fly into the starry sky.

Huochi snorted and flew in, but his heart was slightly shocked, and Luo Yu's fist made his arm numb just now.

In other words, the physical strength of the opponent is stronger than him!

The two rushed into the starry sky with almost a breath, staring at each other indifferently every ten thousand meters, and Fire Red couldn't help putting down his contempt.

Realm does not necessarily represent strength. The world is too big, and there are not a few geniuses who can kill the enemy. Isn't the ten emperors the best proof?

Emperor Wudi has the saint's combat power.

"Boy, if you are interested, if you retreat now, you will still have a life. If you do not, you will not have the chance to reincarnate."

Huo Chi said coldly.

"Oh, you can say this to yourself. If you surrender now, you can lose a little humiliation for a while."

Luo Yu said with a smile, flat tone, but overbearing.

"It's up to you, not qualified!"

The fire red words fell, a red long-handled tomahawk appeared in the hands, and the foot was empty. Suddenly, a force of space erupted, and Tianyu instantly killed Luo Yu.

Luo Yu was suddenly emerged from the rear wing of the Phoenix wing, blessed by the power of space, and flickered back a hundred miles with a flash, the speed is not slower than the horizon.


The fire axe split, and a huge red axe cut open the void.

"Sword evil, lead!"

A spleen of blood flew into Luo Yu's body and merged into the real Yuan. The strength of Luo Yu's real strength instantly rose to the level of Liutian in the cave.

"The sword moves mountains and rivers!"

A sword was cut out, and the blood-red Jianmang was slashed towards the fire red, and the firered axe was cut out. The fire-red axe greeted Luo Luo's sword.


Two powerful elements bombarded the starry sky, the space was broken, and the stars were annihilated.

"Three types of wasteland!"

In the fire axe, Yuanli surging axe, another axe was cut out, but three huge axe staggered and turned to Luo Yu.

These three axes seemed to lock the space and locked Luo Yu's figure, and a Qi machine was pulled out of the axe, leaving Luo Yu nowhere to hide.

Luo Yu couldn't escape, and he didn't have to escape. He punched out with one punch, and he combined the burning power of the Red Lotus Demon Fire with energy shock, and bombed out with the meridian running line of Huanglongquan.

"Hello ~!"

Nine blood-red flames and wild dragons roared and killed the three axes.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The fist power of the Red Lotus Demon's fire-burning power rose sharply, smashing three axe, and killing to the fire red.

Nine flames and wild dragons came and killed them. Although the fire red was not shocked, only the monster power of the hands gathered and gathered, and eight red palm prints were condensed in the palm and shot.

With eight palms superimposed, the power is amazing, with the power of shattering void stars.

Eight palm prints and nine flame wild dragon bombarded as fireworks annihilated in the starry sky.

The two met the energy shock wave and killed each other.

The starry sky in the distance, Yu Jiuyao's three old battle dragons also flew up to the starry sky, Yu Yi's eyes showed a hint of worry.

Huochi was the former leader of the eighteen Jinwu commanders. Her combat effectiveness was only strong and not weak among Emperor Baquan. She had some concerns in her heart.

"Brother Luo Yu, you must be safe and sound."

Yu Yan muttered to herself, what she most hoped was not Luo Yu to win, but the word "ping'an", which shows the woman's affection for Luo Yu.

"Oh, Princess Yu Yan, rest assured, my boss will not only come back safely, but he will definitely win"

Zhan Long smiled confidently, he didn't have any worry, because he believed in Luo Yu and had no doubt at all.

Because, brother!

Zhanlong's trust in Luo Yu also gave Yu Xuan some peace of mind. Yu Xuan nodded heavily, revealing a bright and touching smile.

"Well, it will."

"Second sister, that boy is so strong. The cultivation of Tiansiquan in Myeongdong, but he can compete with his brother."

On the other side, six other city masters also flew in the sky, a man in a black robe said.

Huoyu also nodded solemnly, Meimu did not leave the battle.

"Second sister, should we take the princess at this time ..."

Huowu said a hint of cold light.

Huoyu glared at him and said, "Don't act lightly, do you also want to be the chaotic person with your elder brother?"

"But we have fallen out with the princess just now. When do we have to wait now if we don't do anything?"

"No, let ’s look at it first. In the event of the failure of Brother Yida, we still have room to maneuver, and in the past Dongyang Emperor's kindness to our seven brothers and sisters, did you really get to work?"


The other five hesitated when they heard the words.

The two played fiercely in the starry sky, and Luo Yu also had to admit that this fire red is indeed a master in Dongtian Baquan, and his strength is very strong.

"The sun is so hot!"

Fire Red was split by Luo Yu's sword, and his tomahawk was inserted into the void. A golden flame and true strength exploded in his hands, and gathered into a huge fireball in his hands.

The golden flame was naturally his true fire, the real fire of the sun, and the burning power of this fire has been astonishing in the late stage of Emperor Flame with his cultivation.

The fireball in the hands of the fire was getting bigger and bigger, emitting golden light, like a golden sun.


Luo Yu's eyes narrowed, and then five flames of different colors and flames spewed out of the body, all of which were Emperor Flames.

Five flames gathered in Luo Yu with one hand, and began to condense into a black fireball.

The fireball in the hands of the two was getting bigger and bigger, a few breaths reached the size of a thousand feet, and the two roared at the same time, holding two huge fireballs to kill each other.

This time he did not use Jiuyou Emperor Flame

"Yan Yang is extinct!"

"Five flames shining moon!"

Rumble ~! Rumble ~!

Two large gold fireballs and black fireballs collided together in the starry sky, and a dazzling light lit up the starry sky hundreds of thousands of miles.

Two terrible incinerations swept through the 10,000-mile range, forcing everyone to recede thousands of miles away. Stars burned in the flames and melted into nothingness. The space was distorted. Human figures are drowned in the endless fire.

"Brother Luo Yu ~"

"Brother ~"

Both sides of the horses exclaimed, but did not dare to approach.

When the flames gradually dissipated, in the void, two figures stood proud, facing each other for thousands of kilometers away.

Luo Yu, who was broken in a purple dragon robe, began to heal himself, and his scales were broken and blackened.

The same is true of fire red, but in his eyes there is an incredible and even horrified look!

!! Positive ☆ version of the first tN

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