Come to The Peak

Chapter 1493: : Fire Dragon Trouble

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Montenegro obviously also recognized Liu Qinger.

"Brother Luo, isn't Brother Luo with you?"

Liu Qinger looked forward to asking.

"The master has been away from us for many years, and is not with us. Let me not talk about it first. I will help you to solve this guy."

Montenegro sneered and looked at the sea-horse ape, and the sea-covered giant ape was looking back at Montenegro.

He also recognized the Archaic Demon, one of the four Archaic ape beasts who were with him.

"Who are you? It ’s best for the acquaintance to ignore my good deeds. I think you are my kind and can let you go."

The giant ape threatened.

"Hey, I'm still nosy today"

The Archaic Ape sneered, and slashed to the seahorse ape with two giant axes.

When the sea-covering ape hit the sea surface, the sea surface was choppy, and a huge sea dragon crashed into Montenegro. Two huge axe of Montenegro opened up the ground and chopped the sea dragon, and chopped the sea dragon into a sea of ​​seawater.

The seahorse ape condensed a blue stick with seawater and swept towards Montenegro.

Montenegro had just resisted the blow from the sea dragon, and was a bit surprised by this stick. It was swept fiercely at the waist and swept away by the stick.

The hippocampus ape continued to make up, and this stick hit the head of Montenegro directly. If it was hit, it would be seriously injured if it was not dead.

Montenegro quickly crossed the two axes with one block, the stick hit the two axes, and the stick of seawater that burst into the sea burst.

Montenegro's double axe is also made by Luo Yu, which is naturally much harder than the seawater stick that the seahorse ape condenses with talent.

The sea-horse ape burst in the hands of the sea-horse ape, Montenegro sneered, and an axe slashed at the sea-horse ape, whispered, and a huge blood was split on the chest of the sea-horse ape.

The sea-covered ape roared back, then stepped on the sea surface, the sea water boiled, a huge vortex appeared, and a sea tornado appeared, like a huge sea snake, wrapped around the body of Montenegro.


Montenegro roared and kept struggling. He and the sea-horse ape were the four archaic ape beasts, but in the sea, the sea-horse ape's talents and supernatural powers could get the most out of it. Montenegro is naturally not an opponent.

This is where this silly big man didn't expect.

"Hey, nosy guy, let's die!"

A hippocampus ape with a huge claw clawed at the head of Montenegro.

This palm uses all the power of the seahorse ape, and the space is distorted until it breaks, and one palm can break the sky.

Heishan sank in his heart, a little regret, and an unwilling roar came out of his mouth.

"Montenegro ~"

Liu Qinger also looked pale and worried about Montenegro.

But at this time, a breakthrough broke through a gap, and a figure wearing a purple dragon robe appeared on the top of Montenegro.

He had long hair and shoulders, was wearing a purple Canglong martial arts robe, his eyes were bright, like the stars in the sky were blooming, and his cheeks showed tenacity.

With one punch, nine deep purple wild dragons bombarded this palm.

Uh ~!

This palm of the sea-covering giant ape was directly exploded with blurry flesh and bones.


The tremendous strength shook the hippocampus ape and kept backing, looking at the small dot that suddenly appeared.

"Master, master ~"

He saw ecstasy at the sudden appearance of the man.

"Luo, Brother Luo Yu"

When Liu Qinger saw the sudden appearance of the heroic figure in the air, Jiao's body shuddered slightly.

"Elder Luo Yu"

Haidong also showed joy.

The golden-colored golden eagle knew Montenegro, so when he saw Montenegro, he contacted Luo Yu, who was practicing in the cave world, and he had the current scene.

"Human, howl ..."

The hippocampus ape shouted angrily, regardless of the pain of the palm, and used the magical powers of the talent, the sea water boiled, the two water dragons rolled and condensed, and they came to Luo Yu.

Luo Yu's face was indifferent, with a finger pointing out, the spirit was rolling, a huge black finger was crushing away towards the seahorse ape.

Uh ~! Uh ~!

Two huge water dragons exploded directly. This finger bombarded the hippocampus ape. The body of the hippocampus ape bursted with flesh and blood. The huge body flew and flew out. It lay down in the sea and set off a hundred waves.

This finger smashed how many bones he had in his body.

Luo Yu's body turned into a thunderbolt, landed on the body of the seahorse ape, and stomped on one foot.

Uh ~!

Uh ~

A large mouthful of blood spewed out of the hippocampus ape, the internal organs were crushed by the force of one foot, and the eyes were dim.

"Don't ... don't kill ... me"

The seahorse ape was frightened. The strength of this human is far from being able to fight.

"Submit, or die"

Luo Yu said indifferently.

"Submit, I am willing to surrender, asking my adult to forgive me"

The hippocampus ape resolutely surrenders, the world of fierce beasts, pays more attention to the strong.

Luo Yu did not collect his soul mark when he heard the words, an eighth-order healing dan shot into the body of the hippocampus ape, and the wound in the hippocampus ape began to recover quickly.

After a few breaths, he resumed as usual, struggling to get up in the sea, standing respectfully on the sea, Luo Yu stood on top of the seahorse ape, and Montenegro flew over.

"Meet the host in Montenegro"

Montenegro knelt directly at Luo Yu and bowed to the ground.

"Well, Montenegro, why are you here, aren't you with Xiaobai?"

Luo Yu nodded and asked.

"Hey, this, I did stay with the boss to help the host build up the forces in Canghai, but recently I encountered some troubles to get out of my mind. I didn't expect to encounter the Canghai giant ship that met the Shipping Pavilion and he came to help."

Montenegro scratched his head a little, and came over to help him.

"Trouble? What trouble?"

Luo Yu frowned and asked.

"We still expanded our forces in the form of bandit regiments. As a result, in the past few years, under the plan of the White Boss, the fire dragon bandit regiment has conquered many bandit regiments. Their strength has become stronger and has attracted the attention of a top bandit regiment in Canghai. We went to war, but our team of fire dragons and sea bands was defeated. "

Montenegro said that Luo Yu knew it.

"Brother Luo Yu ..."

At this moment, a tender voice came, and a green streamer burst into the air and flew towards him. It was Liu Qinger.

Liu Qinger looked rosy and excitedly at Luo Yu, and stopped three feet away.

"Ha ha, Qinger, haven't seen you for a long time, are you okay?"

Luo Yu froze slightly, and did not expect to see Liu Qinger again, and laughed.

"I'm fine ... I'm fine, Brother Luo Yu, I, I miss you so much ..."

After Liu Qinger finished speaking, he dared to plunge into Luo Yu's arms and hugged Luo Yu.

The fragrance was soft, and the woman's body fragrance filled her nose. Luo Yu sighed. He knew that Liu Qinger was in love with him.

Luo Yu patted Liu Qinger's jade back and said softly, "Brother Luo Yu misses you too, I haven't heard you play a tune for a long time."

"Brother Luo Yu wants to hear, Qinger can listen to Brother Luo Yu for a lifetime"

Liu Qinger let go of Luo Yu and said affectionately.

Luo Yu heard a sigh of laughter and showed a bitter smile, and immediately shifted the topic and talked to Haidong who flew in.

Luo Yu narrated the old story with Liu Qinger and Haidong on the Canghai giant ship, stayed for two days, and then took the two apes, flew to the Fire Dragon Sea bandit with the two apes.

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