Come to The Peak

Chapter 1509: : Continental Cloud Movement (Six consecutive bursts)

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What happened today is nothing more than Lu Fanghao. He questioned the top ten masters on the celestial stele, and was defeated by a junior who had not yet been a century.

Xinyusheng looked at Jiuzhaizi, snorted coldly, and waved his hand to open his own world. The elders of Jianxuan Palace followed and flew into the world of Xinyu.

Whispering tears open the cracks in the space and step into the chaos of space.

"Brother Murong, Luo Yu, will he be okay?"

In the world of Xinyu, Nan Mengfei was still a little worried.


"Relax, I heard Luo Yu say that he and the reincarnation emperor are brothers of righteousness, and nothing will happen."

Murong Qinghai said.

"Haha, rest assured, my boss, he has to take care of everything, everything is good and bad, nothing will happen."

War Dragon smiled and comforted.

"But I didn't expect that Brother Luo could beat Lu Fanghao. This growth rate is terrible."

Murong Qinghai couldn't help but sigh. The word is too scary, which shows that Luo Yu shocked him today.

"Oh, Elder Luo is so powerful, the next time the Ding Tianji Stele is born, I may have another top ten power in Jianxuan Palace."

Everyone heard the words and sighed.

And Manju Island.

A lot of elders of the Beast Sect were a little downcast, and Jiuzi Zi landed and let Hao snorted coldly.

"Being defeated by a junior who hasn't reached Dongtian Jiuquan, you can be a master."

Today, Ge Xiuzhu was swept away, and Jiu Xunzi only got angry with Lu Fanghao.

Lu Fanghao's eyebrows were pleasing to his eyes, and he should be so afraid to say more.

"But the boy is so hostile to you, and now he hates the Beast Sect. He will have a chance in the future and try to get rid of it. Otherwise, he will have more troubles in the future, but Ge Xiuzhu cannot be known."

Jiu Xunzi threw to Lu Fanghao a cold spirit sword that exudes powerful energy, said coldly, and then opened his own world and disappeared into the void.

And strange things, Luo Yu's secret, this time was not discovered by Jiu Xunzi!

Lu Fanghao took the sword and looked cold with sharp eyes.

"Luo Yu, you wait, this thing is not over!"


What happened today spread shortly after, and the mainland shook.

Hundreds of people gathered in a tea house in a certain city in Shenzhou, listening to the storyteller talking on the stage.

"It was said that that day that Xiuluo Zidi learned that his face was red and fragrant, and Diyan was furious. One person, one sword, tens of millions of miles and months, and the hand-toi ice coffin killed the Manchu Sect alone.

He came out with a sword, it was a sky-scratching, one person in and out of the hundred emperors, no one can stop the edge ... "

The Mr. Shushu was excited, speaking as if he had seen it with his own eyes, but the sound of applause from the audience became loud.

"Have heard of it, some time ago, Xiuluo Didi Luo Yu killed one of the beasts by killing more than 20 Emperor Wudi for revenge, and even more powerfully, he even defeated the queen of opportunity. The physical body of Lu Fanghao, one of the ten strongest people on the monument

"I just heard about this, it ’s too incredible. Although Zidi is a spiritual star Emperor, Tianzhijiaozi, the growth rate is too terrible. It is only a few years now that she can beat Lu Fanghao. "

"Who said no? In the end, the saint had to kill him, but he was rescued by the reincarnation emperor. I really don't know what the relationship between these two people is."

"Hehe, one is a rising star in the great power, and the other is the supreme in the Emperor Wu, perhaps the reincarnation emperor appreciates him."

"But the person who can be related to the reincarnation emperor, that is not the power of heaven and earth, the spoiler of heaven, which also illustrates the potential of Zidi."


In the world of warriors, the battles between the strong will always be of great concern. This time, Luo Yu killed the Beast Sect alone, killed more than 20 Emperor Wu, defeated Lu Fanghao, and made his fame in Yucang mainland. No one knows the time, no one knows it, and no one talks about it.


The Temple of Thunder, the backlog of thunderclouds, always gives a feeling of heavy mood.

In the temple, Lei Zun and Lei Kuang of the Thunder God Temple sat with serious faces discussing something.

"Anyone who has happened to Manchu Sect a while ago must have heard the news."

Lei respected everyone and said in a low voice.

The crowd nodded, and the elder said, "According to the news, Luo Yu killed one of the ten beasts and killed twenty-four elders. Fifteen of them died out of their lives and died. All the secrets he used at the end , Improved his strength, defeated Lu Fanghao, and attracted the saints, but he was rescued by the reincarnation emperor Ge Xiuzhu. "

This elder is responsible for intelligence, so he knows the information more accurately.

Elders who didn't know about it took a deep breath.

"How many years did Luo Yu become emperor, and he was able to defeat Lu Fanghao, and it had something to do with the reincarnation emperor?"

"Yeah, this person is too terrible for talent, and the growth rate is too amazing. If not, it will be a confidant of my thunder temple sooner or later."

"Huh, sooner or later? It's a confidant now."

Everyone talked, and Lei Kuang's face was the ugliest. His son was killed by Luo Yu.

Lei respected everyone, and said coldly, "Don't be too busy to be surprised first, or think about countermeasures. It won't take many years, but the day when the Dingtianji stele was born again and the Tongtian Tower opened.

At that time, it is destined to be a battle for rankings, a battle for chance, and Luo Yu's current strength, Jian Xuan Gong will certainly let him participate. At that time, there will be a battle with us. "


Everyone heard the words and became silent. If Luo Yu really had the ability to kill Lu Fanghao, few of them would be Luo Yu's opponents.

Lei Kuang suddenly said: "Now Luo Yu and Wanzongzong are in an endless situation. We may take advantage of this."

"Oh, you mean, join hands?"

Lei Zun squinted and looked at his brother.

"Yes, before the battle of the ten thousand beasts against us and Jianxuan Palace was watching the fire from the other side, they did not help each other, but now, Luo Yu and them have become enemies of life and death, will they still wait and see ?, haha, if we and Wanshou Zong teamed up, this time, absolutely overwhelmed Jian Xuan Gong "

Ray sneered.

After listening to everyone's eyes, this method was feasible.

"Not only Wanzong Sect, but also Luo Yu's revenge, Taiyi Zhenshui Sect, Fire Spirit clan, etc., can be used. I don't believe how much power he can hold off in one case? Saying that Jian Xuan Gong finally gave up Luo in order to protect himself. Maybe Yu may also "

"Haha, second brother, in one word you wake up the person in your dream, I forgot, the kid is full of enemies."

After hearing this, Lei Zun couldn't help laughing, but Lei Kuang's face was cold and cold, "Luo Yu ... Hehe, you are destined to be a genius to fall, Mu Xiu in the forest, the wind will urge it."

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