Come to The Peak

Chapter 1595: : The Power of the Holy Beast

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A shot of Thunder Dragon, the potential of great luck!

The gun went straight to Luo Yu's head and stabbed.


Lei Zun looked ashamed, as if he had seen the picture of Luo Yu's head exploding.

Click ~!

The space cracked, and Kirin flew out of it, holding the Aster, holding a sword in emptiness to meet the shot.

The silver sword awn was cut on the silver thunder dragon, and the world became pale.

Broken ~!

Thunder Dragon shouted, shattered the silver swordman, and bombarded Kirin's avatar's chest.


Kirin's avatar's chest was bombarded with a big hole, and Lei Zun swept across the body of Kirin's avatar, and Kirin's avatar flew out.

"Hello ~!"

Luo Yu dragged his severely injured body to Lei Zun, and clawed at him with one claw.

"Hum, dying!"

Lei Zun fired a shot, pierced the dragon's claws directly, Luo Yu's physical strength was almost exhausted, the true strength was not enough to maintain the Qinglong body, and it turned into a human drop.

"You must die today"

Lei Zun stunned with a shot of lightning and inserted into Luo Yu. Kirin yelled and was too late to save.


At this time, a body flew out of the ground and landed in front of Luo Yu.


The shot penetrated her chest and penetrated her delicate body, and green blood burst out.

Uh ~!

Luo Yu fell to the ground and saw her pupils shrink.

"Qing Luo, ah ah ah ..."

Luo Yu's eyes became extremely red, and it was not Hua Qingluo who blocked the shot.

"Luo Yu, me, ah ..."

What Hua Qingluo wanted to say, but a powerful thunder force broke out from the thunder gun, extinguishing her body and flying smoke, and Lei Zun was pinched in his hand.

"Let her go ..."

Luo Yu was furious, and Kirin turned into two streamers, and Lei Zun sneered, slaps at them with one palm, and Thunder palm trembles and the two fall into the sky.

"Hahaha ... Luo Yu, you who are called Xiuluo Zidi need a woman to protect you, haha ​​..."

Lei Zun grabbed Hua Qingluo and laughed, Luo Yu gritted his teeth and looked at Lei Zun. In the heart of Lei Zunmei, a golden soul sword pierced and penetrated into the body of Hua Qingluo.


Hua Qingluo made a terrible cry and was dropped by Lei Zun.

Luo Yu quickly caught the soul of Hua Qingluo.

"Let you go, why did you come back"

Luo Yu hugged Hua Qingluo, her eyes ruddy and growled.

Hua Qingluo said with a gentle smile: "If I leave, who will take me out of the Tongtian Tower in the future"

Luo Yu's heart was in pain, but Hua Qingluo's soul was faint and dissipating. She stroked Luo Yu's cheek with one hand and smiled.

"It's a pity that I still can't go out with you. Look at the world outside, Luo Yu. I know you don't love me, but I have lived in Qingluo for so many years.

After speaking, Hua Qingluo's spirit slowly dissipated, and that smile disappeared forever between heaven and earth.

"No, don't go, don't go, I haven't taken you out yet, don't go, ah ..."

Luo Yu kept grabbing Hua Qingluo's dissipated soul light, and she seemed to want to retain something, but she left, and the mottled golden light spot disappeared into the sky, and only a green crystal fell on In the hands of Luo Yu.

This is her Mu Lingjing, ninth grade top grade.

Luo Yu held Mu Lingjing, her eyes turned ruddy, and she knelt on the ground and wailed.

"Huaqing Luo, ah ah ah ..."

The voice resounded sadly in the sky. She didn't have a long relationship with him. She was just a flower demon who had been alone for tens of thousands of years.

She has eaten countless people, killing people like hemp, but she also has feelings and emotions, and she will despair for those she loves.

"Hahaha ... It's so touching to leave life and death. Since it's so touching, go down with her, don't lose your beauty!"

Lei Zunxi laughed and then raised his gun, firing angrily at Luo Yu's head.

Luo Yu has no resistance to this gun.

Luo Yu held Mu Lingjing and looked at the shot. There was no panic in his eyes, only a flat look.

"Is it over? Maybe, in my life, I have let down too many people, too many people have died for me. In my life, my cadavers have counted millions of bones, maybe it should be over ..."

Luo Yu closed her eyes and waited for the shot to stab his head. The day he set foot on martial arts, he already had the consciousness of killing and being killed.

But at this moment, he opened the cave world again, a huge golden dragon claw stretched out, blocking him in front, one shot off the shot.

A behemoth was torn from the cave sky, and floods were fierce.

The tiger's head is a horned unicorn with a slender dragon tail, a golden dragon wing on its back, and a body length of ten feet.

But at this time, the strangeness and the coercion radiated were no longer the seventh order, but the eighth order and the eighth order sacred beast!

Luo Yu looked surprised at the sudden appearance of Qi Qi, and on his head, there was a white figure standing proudly with a small paw, looking like an expert, very funny.

"Well, you poor Uncle, Uncle Shirasawa."

Bai Ze stood on poor Qi's head, and said proudly to Lei Zun, who was shocked.

"Little white, poor strange ..."

At the sight of the two beasts, Luo Yu was relieved in her heart, her deity was exhausted, and her unicorn flew over to hug the deity.

"Xiao Bai poorly, kill him!"

Kirin roared, looking into Lei Zun's eyes, all killing.

"Master, look at me"

Poor Qi laughed, roared, and clawed at Lei Zun.

This claw space was distorted and shattered, and a red energy claw burst the space, slamming towards Lei Zun.

"Thunder Dragon is broken!"

Lei Zun's complexion changed greatly, another shot of Thunder Dragon blasted out, thousands of Thunder Dragon blasted out, but was shot with this claw, and his gun burst.



The claws struck Lei Zun's body. Lei Zun flew out like a sandbag, and the huge force broke all his bones.

Uh ...!

Lei Zun vomited blood and fell into the sky, and Poor Qi's wings flew out, turning into a streamer, and his tail was whipped.

With a snap, this tail was drawn on Lei Zun's body. Lei Zun's body was completely shattered into mud, and the body was destroyed.

"What, here, ah ..."

Lei Zun quickly fled, his face panicked.

"All spirits walk in front of me, Bai Ze"

A cold voice sounded, and two golden lights swept out, sweeping the soul of Lei Zun away.


However, a silver thunder erupted from Lei Zun's spirits, turning into a thunder dragon, tearing the void in front of Lei Zun, wrapping Lei Zun's spirits and escaping into the space.

"Ah, this ... uh, embarrassing ..."

Bai Ze swallowed the light, swept his head with little paws, a little embarrassed, his face became a sloppy character.

"Mother, is this your soul wandering?"

Poor Qi glanced at Bai Ze above his head.

"Ah ... haha, mistakes, mistakes, right brother, are you okay?"

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