Come to The Peak

Chapter 1665: : Ming Wen Ru Yu

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Boom ~!

With Luo Yu's loud scream, the nineteenth sword area and sword intention suddenly merged together to form a groundbreaking purple giant sword.

With this sword as the center, the tens of thousands of miles of grass and trees are filled with a powerful sword.

And the sword repairers in Luoshen City, under this sword, all gave birth to a feeling of facing Tianwei, the sword in their hands issued a burst of Jianming, and suddenly flew into the sky.

Feng! Feng! Feng!

The sword in the hands of the disciples of Zixia Tianzong Jianfeng, all the sword repaired swords in Luoyu Cave World all rose to the sky and flew to Luoyu.

Tens of thousands of swords flew in the air, forming a huge sharp sword.

Hum ~! Hum ~! Hum ~

Wan Jian Qiming, the sound of the sword sounded loudly.

Luo Yu's sword domain has reached a new world, name, Kendo! Turned out to become Kendo!

"What is this sword meaning, and why does it make me feel like facing the heavens and the earth?"

"What a terrible sword, domineering Tianwei, is this the master of the world breaking through?"

The hearts of countless cave worlds were horrified.

It has been a year since Luo Yu ’s swords permeated them, and they have known what the master of the world is, that is, what Luo Yu is practicing. .

In the courtyard, Luo Yu opened her eyes and shot two sword lights. I saw that Hao Lao was also cold sweat under the pressure of Jian Wei.

Luo Yu quickly took the sword, and the world suddenly became light and light, without the heavenly power, without the terrible sword.

"Thank you Master"

With a wave of his robe, Luo Yu nodded respectfully to Hao Lao, then stood up, and couldn't help but evoke a smile.

Hao Lao looked at Luo Yu in horror. At this time, Luo Yu had no sharp breath of sword, which was no different from ordinary people.

Anti-Park return to true, Kendo succeeds!

"You, have you broken into enlightenment?"

Hao Lao kept wondering, and finally couldn't help asking.

"That's right, but, after comprehending the Tao, I have n’t yet attained the Tao. I still lack the Qi machine for me."

Luo Yu laughed.

It stands to reason that when you understand Kendo, the world lowers the laws of Kendo and transforms the spirit into a holy spirit.

However, Luo Yuxiu did not have the full number of days and nine poles, but he still did not have the ability to trigger the Nine Qi Qi, and let the heavens and the earth drop the rule to achieve the position of sword sage.

How do you say, now that he understands the Tao, he sends a cultivation practice, and when the cultivation arrives, the law falls, and he will naturally achieve the throne.

The same is true of other avenues. Physical cultivation, even if you cultivate the physical body to the ninth level, you can cultivate it as if you did not reach the Jiuquan, you still cannot be sanctified, there is a saint's combat power, and the spirit cannot be transformed.

The foundation of any sanctification requires a cornerstone, and that is cultivation.

"Funds of heaven, talents of evildoers"

Hao Lao shook his head and sighed.

And Luo Yu was also a coincidence, with the help of the rhyme of the ninth-order sword, and realized her kendo.


When it was destined to drink and peck the sky, there was no root and no eyes.

Now that the sword has been cultivated, Luo Yu's kendo strength is bound to rise again.

I am afraid that the nine Heavenly Sword Masters are not in a tie now.

"So you immediately understand Dao Yun, and you try it again, just as I have an uncut sword embryo here"

Hao Lao took out a blue sword embryo, this sword embryo also reached the point of eighth grade top grade.

Luo Yu smiled, and a spirit pen appeared in his hand.

Take away the dragon and snake, and the inscriptions are printed into the sword and hidden into the sword. In the inscriptions, there is an extra rhyme that usually does not exist.

The inscriptions form the sword pattern one by one, and wrap around the sword body. The spirit sword gradually adds a charm, like a sluggish child, who gradually understands knowledge.

The last inscription entered the sword, and eighteen inscriptions encircled the sword body.

The sword suddenly burst into the sky, absorbing a large amount of heaven and earth vitality, and was not broken in an explosion.

"It's done!"

When they saw this, they both smiled.

"Haha, okay, okay, I didn't expect that in my current life, I could train a ninth-level caster, okay, worthy of being a master, worthy of being a master, haha ​​~"

Boss Hao laughed and laughed, and Luo Yu also stood lightly, looking at the warmth in his master's heart.

"Come, come and talk to the teacher, you understand Dao Yun."

After Hao Xixi laughed and vented, he quickly took Luo Yu's hand and came to the pavilion to sit down. The two masters and apprentices began to explore the rhyme.

This is just a few days and a few nights, and Hao Lao also feels a bit, retreat to understand.

Luo Yu flew to the proud giant tower of the golden tower.

Once again into the sky tower, into the chaotic space, the space where the chaos **** jade Luo disc is located.

Now comprehending Kendo Yun and becoming a ninth-level founder, Luo Yu looks at the purple chaos **** jade, and increasingly feels that the majestic and imposing nature of this object is beyond the reach of a saint.

"Boy, you have become a ninth-level caster."

At this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

The cold hair on Luo Yu's back exploded, but without expression on his face, he asked, "Who?"

"Who, hum, you have been in me for so many years, who do you say I am?"

The sound rang again.

Luo Yu was startled, and asked, "Are you the Sky Tower?"

"Finally, it's okay, yes. If I didn't see you comprehend Dao Yun and became a ninth-level caster, I wouldn't bother to take care of you"

There was a hint of arrogance in the voice, Luo Yu smiled bitterly, and said that the artifact was arrogant, as expected, not ordinary arrogance.

"Boy, are all eight kinds of spirit jade collected?"

The Sky Tower asked again.

"Eh, no, there are six types, and there are two types of ninth-order spiritual jade in water and fire."

Luo Yu said a little awkwardly.

"Six types ... Well, I can restore half of my power. I will pass on eight types of nine-step inscriptions to you. After you master them, you will be engraved into the jade. "

While the Tongtian Tower was talking, the chaos **** Jade Luo shot a golden soul light into Luo Yu's mind.

In the memory of Luo Yu's spirit, there are suddenly more eight kinds of nine-step inscriptions.

"Well, you can practice here. If you can completely repair this seat, this seat may wish to establish a true collaborative relationship with you."

After Tongtian Tower said this, there was no sound.

Luo Yu took out the spirit pen and practiced the eight inscriptions on the special picture scroll to realize the Taoism.

Yifatong, Wanfatong, knowing how to perceive Tao Yun, Luo Yu realized that these inscriptions are very fast.

Within a month, he realized one of them. After half a year, Luo Yu mastered the rhyme of these eight inscriptions.

On this day, he took out the Fengling jade, and carved a pattern of inscriptions into the jade, which contained a light and violent Tao Yun.

After Mingwen successfully entered the jade, Luo Yu refined the Fengling jade into a liquid, and merged into the chaos **** jade Luo Tao plate ...

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