Come to The Peak

Chapter 1686: : Incense wish

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"What are you talking about, Demon Supreme Dragon is born?"

Jiu Lei Tiansheng immediately appeared in front of Tianyin and asked, that Gu Bo's unshaken complexion finally changed.

The power of other surrounding Qiankun Realm was shocked.

Yaozu Yaozun Qinglong was born!

"Yes, it first appeared in Yucang Shenzhou. It didn't seem to have a close relationship with the boy named Luo Yu, to help Luo Yu help boxing."

Tianyin bowed his head respectfully, dare not look directly at Jiu Lei Tiansheng.

The eyes of Jiu Lei Tian Sheng were stunned. In ancient times, the demon resisted the demon, and the demon tribe as the main force against the devil was seriously injured. Later, the demon defeated. Several of their tribal gods teamed up to defeat the demon statue dragon, leading to the demon statue Fall.

It is for this reason that the human race forced the demon race to retreat from the mountain forest, and the human race became the protagonist of this world.

But now, the demon respect dragon of the demon tribe, has even been born again!

@ * Genuine $ First hair 9 $

"I ask you, what is the strength of Qinglong?"

Jiu Lei Tiansheng asked again.

"Uh ... this, according to the strength shown that day, it seems to have broken through to the sky, just a saint."

Tianyin thought for a while, not sure.

"Just a saint ..."

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng heard a slight sigh of relief, and then he returned to his seat, overlooking the Saints below, and said, "Thunder fire obeys!"

"Subordinates are here!"

Thunder and fire commanded immediately, and said respectfully.

"You take two Great Holy Nether Realms to help Tianyin investigate the incident of the ancient Cang saints. If there is any situation, you don't need to report it directly, you can kill the repression and bring them back to the Nine Thunder Realm"

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng said lightly.

"It's God!"

The thunderbolt commanded respectfully and then retreated to the queue.

"寐 儿"

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng called again.


Among the two maids behind him, a woman with a bit of cinnabar in her eyebrows, a beautiful woman, answered.

"You dived into the demon world immediately and investigated for me about the Qinglong demon respect, to find out what Qinglong is doing now and whether it has unified the demon world."

"Yier obeys"

The woman squatted down and saluted respectfully.

"Okay, everyone else is gone, Shaer is left."

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng waved his hand, and the others resigned respectfully, leaving only the blue woman.

After the others left, Leisha glanced at Jiu Lei Tiansheng charmingly, with a variety of styles.

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng laughed loudly, appeared in front of Lei Shaer, hugged Lei Shaer, and entered the palace.

Another turbulent situation, Luo Yu in the game, but still know nothing.

What is Luo Yu doing now?

Jian Xuan Palace, Zixiao Sacred Palace.

This Zixiao Sacred Palace is the name of the Purple Emperor Palace from Luo Yu.

In the elegant loft in the palace, Xingong Nangong made tea for Luo Yu, and Luo Yu and Ziyang were talking about something.

"Sword Master, now that your cultivation has reached the limit, you can train your followers and absorb the power of faith to cultivate the power of the Holy Spirit."

Purple magpies can now also imitate the shape and become a middle-aged man with a very handsome face wearing a blood robe.

But this form is just a phantom, not a flesh.

"The power of faith, Ziyu, you must tell me what the power of faith is."

Luo Yu frowned, he had absorbed that kind of energy, and only knew it was a kind of spiritual energy.

"The power of faith is the spiritual energy generated by the soul's whole-hearted worship and awe of a person or thing. It is also a kind of soul power, also called incense wish power."

"In the past, there was a saying that Wu Zheng sighed, Buddha contended for a pillar of incense, and this was the power of faith."

"Since it is a kind of soul power, why can't it be absorbed under the circumstances?"

Luo Yu asked again.

"Because the power of faith contains people's various wishful emotions, only the Holy Spirit can not be absorbed by those wishful emotions, enhance its own Holy Spirit power, and help break through.

And under the sky, if you absorb most of this kind of power, it will inevitably be affected by the desire emotions in it, which will lead to impure power and even the danger of being swallowed into the demon. "

"So it is!"

Luo Yu was relieved and finally understood the reason.

Before Zijing didn't tell him, I was afraid that he would be affected by absorbing this energy in order to improve the cultivation speed.

However, Luo Yu is the kind of person who wants to go to the bottom.

"Now that your lord's avatar becomes a holy person, he can already absorb this energy, so I suggest that the lord of the sword can now set up his own temple on the mainland of China to absorb the power of faith.

Cultivate their own believers in the world. Many powerful worlds in the world have their own believers, few are tens of millions, and many are even tens of billions, or even more. "

Luo Yu heard and meditated. There are indeed not many believers in the cave world today, but the number of millions is less than that of other saints.

And to cultivate his followers, he already has candidates in his heart.

He once promised Yun Feier that he would go to pick up the Yu people to live in his own world after practicing in Qiankun.

The number of Yu people is quite large, and there are hundreds of millions.

There are also the night tribe and the Titan tribe. The total number of these three ethnic groups is probably not less than one billion.

In addition, the Yu people have a relationship from previous lives. The woman Yun Fei, who still loves him in this life, is waiting for him.

Thinking of Yun Feier, Luo Yu sighed in his heart. Since the break-up of Qian Kun, there has been a rebellion of the Qinger demon tribe, which makes him unable to distract him from the Yu people. Now it is time to give Yun Feier a confession.

Luo Yu then drank, "Come!"

Outside the attic, a disciple of Jian Xuan Gong, dressed in black, repairing in the cave heaven, came in, respectfully saying: "Master Wang"

This man is not someone else, it is Ye Han, who once followed Luo Yu to fight the world in Gu Cang, the man known as Tian Sha Ye Han.

After Yehan cultivated to the peak of Yuantai Realm, his qualifications were limited, and he could only refine a world tree species to break into Dongtian Realm.

"Yehan, you bring swallows, Luo Qing and they searched. There are temples on the land of Shenzhou where there are no saints. Choose the place where there is no temple and build it in your own temple."

Luo Yu said lightly.

"Yes, the subordinates do it immediately."

Ye Han heard the words respectfully and retired. Although this land of Shenzhou was managed by Jian Xuan Palace, other secluded powers have established their own temples in some cities of Shenzhou to cultivate their own believers and absorb the power of faith.

If it is a large state, it is naturally impossible for a person to occupy it with his heart.

There have also been cases of fighting between saints in order to compete for incense and the power of faith.

If Luo Yu really wants to build his own temple, I'm afraid he must offend some saints, but he is afraid. Now that he has a tower in his hand and he cultivates himself, as long as he is not a god, he can still fight, but he has the ability Self-protection.

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