Come to The Peak

Chapter 1689: : Relocation of Three Ethnic Groups

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When Yunfeier's complexion changed, she could appear behind her silently. Will this be weak?

Yunfeier raised her palm and shot.

Uh ...!


An extremely exaggerated tragic sound sounded, and a figure flew, hitting the trunk of a thick flowering tree, and it was colorful.

Yunfeier turned around and looked at her, and her face changed instantly.

"Luo Yu, husband"

I saw Luo Yu's mouth overflowing with blood, lying beside a flower tree that was about to break, without movement.

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"Fu Jun ...!"

Yunfeier ran over anxiously, held Luo Yu in her arms, and quickly fed a miracle.

"No, you lied to me. The palm I just tested was useless, and you were not sanctified. How could I be hurt?"

Yun Feier then immediately returned to look at Luo Yujiao, who was still pretending to be faint.

Seeing that she couldn't continue dressing, Luo Yu laughed, got up from Yunfeier's arms and sat on the ground, holding Yunfeier in her arms with one hand, greedily sucking the fragrance of white hair.

The hot air exhaled from his mouth was blowing on Yun Fei's neck, and Yun Fei was paralyzed in Luo Yu's arms.

"You're finally willing to come and see me"

There was a faint mist in Yun Fei's beautiful eyes, and a gloom in her language.

"Sorry, I've been busy with something a while ago and can't be distracted to see you"

Luo Yu stroked her hair softly.

"Hum, well, forgive you"

Yunfeier hummed, then turned over and sat on Luo Yu's thigh, Mei Yan Hanchun looked at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu bowed her head and kissed her rosy cherry mouth, lingering.

After a long time, Luo Yu lay on the soft grass under the flower tree, with one hand on the pillow and one hand on Yun Fei'er.

Yunfeier still had a flush of flush on her face, her breath exhaled like blue, and her clothes cluttered in Luo Yu's arms.

"Mayfair, I have an idea"

Luo Yu suddenly said.


"I intend to put the Yuzu people into my world and become the inhabitants of my world"

Luo Yu said with a finger on Yun Feier's hair.

"Okay, wouldn't I be with you forever?"

Yunfeier did not object, but said happily. Then she frowned and said, "What about the night and Titans?"

"Naturally, we will put it together. You can arrange it in a few days and bring all the people of the Yu people together. In my world, I can return you exactly the same cloud lake.

Luo Yu laughed.

"Well, I listen to you"

Yunfeier said neatly.

"Honey, haha, I wasn't satisfied just now."

Luo Yu laughed, Yun Fei's face flushed, and Luo Yu glanced white.

"Be gentle"

Luo Yu hugged Yunfeier horizontally, stepped on it, and disappeared instantly, and returned to the palace

On the second day, Yunfeier Luoyu convened all the Yu people to gather together to discuss the move into the Luoyu world.

"Congratulations on your achievement in the throne!"

Luo Yu was sitting on the King's Dragon chair, wearing the imperial crown on the cloud robe in Kowloon, and prestigious.

The senior members of the Yu people below all bowed down and saluted, looking to Luo Yu's eyes full of reverence.

Luo Yu has become a saint, and their status will naturally rise in the future.

"You are exempt"

With a wave of Luo Yu, everyone stood up.

"As for my purpose, everyone knows it. Three days later, all the people are gathered, and we start to move."


Everyone should be, and then Luo Yu and everyone discussed many issues of relocation.

After the discussion, Luo Yu entered his own world. This is a barren world, a new world.

Luo Yu looked at the ground, stepped on it, and drank softly, "Get up!"

Rumble ...!

Just listening to the roar of the heavens and the earth, the earth was sunken, and a giant pit appeared, with a radius of nearly ten thousand miles.

The strength of the earth and water converged, and the Yangtze River poured into the pit. This huge pit quickly became a sea-like lake. The earth's power gathered, and there were huge islands condensing in the lake. Planting trees broke out spree.

And Luo Yu's fingers carved the lines, and the spirit lines poured into the heavens and the earth, and there was a thick white cloud around the lake, and it looked no different from the cloud lake in the wild west.

Yuanli condensed again a purple palace suspended above Yunhu, and Luo Yu left with satisfaction.

Opening up the world in a single thought, this is the power of the saint in his own world, and it is not much different from the Creator.

Three days later, hundreds of millions of figures flew over Cloud Lake in the western wasteland, covering the sky.

No less than four or five billion Feathers vibrate their wings and fly in the sky, looking up at the man with gold wings on his back, his eyes glowing.

"I'm really reluctant to leave Yunhu"

A feather man looked at Yunhu below with some sadness. After all, Yunhu is the place where they have lived for tens of thousands of years.

"Hey, look at it. Your Majesty didn't say that. Our new place is the same as that of Yunhu, and there is His Majesty's world. We cultivate blessed land. We can still have a chance to come back and see our hometown in the future."

The next person comforted.

"Yes, Your Majesty is now a saint. Who in the world does not know the King, it is good that we humans can move into His Majesty's world to cultivate and live. It ’s a good thing.

Yu people are still talking and talking. With a wave of Luo Yu's hand, a huge vortex channel appears in the space. In the channel, you can see the appearance of another world, which is also a world similar to Yunhu.


Luo Yu drank softly, and his voice broke through the world.


Suddenly numerous feathers flew into the space vortex and entered the world of Luo Yu.

After flying into the new Cloud Lake, the Yu people and their friends and relatives chose the island to live in, build a new city and home.

After half an hour, the hundreds of millions of Yuzu people moved away, and all the resources of the spirit grass and tree were taken away together.

Luo Yu then flew to the Titans and let the Titans move into Dongtian.

The Titans are not as many as the Yu people, and they are close to 100 million. Luo Yu created a new home for them.

Then these huge races of ten feet tall also moved into the world of Luo Yu Qiankun.

After that, the night clan has to say that the living environment of the night clan people is the most weird. They live in the underground and build cities in the underground world. They like darkness. No wonder this clan is called the night clan.

The night clan has the most people, and the clan has reached 800 million. After the relocation of the clan into the world of Luo Yu, there are more than one billion creatures in Luo Yu's world, and the originally cold world has become lively.

Luo Yu also ordered the cities of all nationalities to build his temples in the city, build his golden body, and let the people believe in it, collecting the power of faith.

In a certain city of the Yu people, that strand of invisible energy radiates from people's souls and converges into a holy temple in the center.

In the holy temple, there is the golden body of Luo Yu. Those energies are gathered in the golden body. The golden body exudes a faint aura of light, divine and solemn.

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