Come to The Peak

Chapter 1691: : Behind the scenes

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Linghu Qianyu is so smart, it's not hard to guess some of them are nasty, and they don't make arbitrary decisions on their own. They also reported the matter to Xinyu, Luo Yu.

Xinyu was furious and ordered the destruction of those temples, while Luo Yu was in retreat.

In the small city, the old temple was destroyed, and the new temple was established next to it. With the confusion of some caring people, people began to believe in new saints.

In the Scorpio Temple, a group of disciples dressed in white and holding swords broke into the temple, and the killing spirit scared other people praying for worship.

A young Jianxuan Palace disciple headed looked at the golden body and said with a grunt, "Sacred Scorpion Temple, when is there more Sacred Scorpion Temple in the evening twilight? Lord, smash me! "


Huh! Huh! Huh!

Several Jianxuan Palace disciples slashed out several sword awns, and directly cut the golden body, destroyed the golden body, and demolished the temple.


Then there was a rage in the sky. A man in a black robe flew in the air with a foot, and slapped down the group of disciples of Jian Xuan Palace.

A flame-wrapped giant palm was tens of feet in size, and shot directly to the disciples of Jianxuan Palace.

"Huh, the last generation is finally out."

The disciple of Jian Xuan Palace, headed by Leng Heng, cut out a hundred-foot-long blue sword light, splitting his palm strength in half.

Both men are the Emperor Wuhuang of Yuantai Realm.

This level of existence is placed in Xiaofangcheng, and it is already a big brother.

"Did you destroy the temple of my ancestor of Jianxuan Palace?"

The disciple of Jianxuan Palace said coldly.

"Well, your ancestors, your ancestors have fallen. What is the use of this temple, it is better to give us our ancestors, hehe"

The black man sneered.

"Presumptuous, today I can't let go of you arrogant"

The Jianxuan Palace disciples drank coldly, and Tijian killed him.

This scene also occurred in other occupied cities. In order to fight for the temples of the might, the sword Xuan Palace and unknown forces were fused together.

Above the nine-day star, there is a blue life planet with hundreds of millions of people.

In a city on this planet, in a golden hall, an old man in a black robe with long beards and a fairy-like appearance was sitting in the hall and talking with a man in white.

"Haha, Brother Tu, I heard that you recently found a site without a holy temple. I don't know where it is, but let the younger brother take part in the soup."

The man in white laughed.

The black robe man slaughtered the scorpion with a smile, and said, "Don't hide my brother, the place I found was the temple field before the Yucang mainland Jianxuan Palace Shenzhou Tianxin. You also know that the old guy in Tianxin has actually fallen. I thought his temple was occupied by Xinyu, but who knows that Xinyu did n’t occupy it, it ’s still Tianxin ’s temple. ”

"Isn't it a waste of resources to stay in such a dead temple, so I will send my apprentices and offspring to occupy it for him"

The Scorpion laughed.

"Jianxuan Palace Tianxin's former site is not very easy to occupy. I can hear that there are three saints in Jianxuan Palace on the mainland. One of them is Zixiao Sword Saint Luo Yu. Brother Xiuzhu, you're so easy to get into trouble. "

The man in white frowned.

"Huh, Ge Xiuzhu, I do have some jealousy against him, but the three saints who have just entered the sky, I am afraid of them when I slaughter the Great Sages? And, ah, this time, I actually have a support from a superior Or I would n’t provoke Jian Xuan Palace for no reason "

The scorpion sneered, the white man froze, and quickly whispered, "Who is superior?"

The scorpion spoke a name, and the man in white showed shock. Then enviously said, "It's really enviable that Brother Tu could have a relationship with that one."

"Haha, I also took the initiative to find it, but since Jian Xuan Gong has provoked him, I am afraid this case is not guaranteed."

"Master, disciple has something to report"

At this moment, a cry sounded outside, the Scorpion said, a man in black came in, respectfully said, "Master, a disciple on the mainland came to report that the sword Xuan Palace was shot, we What should I do? "

"Oh, Jian Xuan Gong shot? Did Xin Yu and what Zixiao Sword Master did?"

Scorpion didn't find it strange, but asked lightly, which was expected.

"No, it's just that the strong with the cave heaven intervened. We have lost a lot of disciples."

The man answered respectfully.

"Hum, don't come out. In this case, I will give him a fire. Brother, I may be out of company."

The scorpion snorted, and then whispered to the white man, tore the space directly, and left here.

The man in white showed a hint of interest, and then he tore the space along with him.

In the small town, the two men and women are fighting fiercely in the sky. Zhenyuanli, Jianqi palms are violently roaring, and from time to time someone is killed and dropped into the sky.

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One was a disciple of Jian Xuan Palace, while the other was a disciple wearing a black scorpion robe.

However, the disciples of Jianxuan Palace are obviously above.

Elder Li stood proudly in the void, watching the killing of this group of people, and suddenly a hand was really surging, gathering a powerful golden energy, condensing into a ball of light.

With a little finger, the light ball turned into countless golden swords and shot at the disciples in black robes.


The head of a disciple of a scorpion robe was cut directly by the sword, and hundreds of disciples were beheaded and killed in an instant.


Elder Li snorted and turned to leave, but at this time the space ripped apart, and a figure suddenly emerged from it.

This is an old man wearing a black robe with a long beard.

The old man suddenly appeared, holding a hand in the air against Elder Li.

A terrifying force of the world radiated, imprisoning Elder Li's figure.

Elder Li looked horrified, looking in horror at the old man who pinched a chicken against him.

"Sage of Qiankun Realm!"

Suddenly there was Siming Wu in his heart.

Hundreds of Jianxuan Palace disciples below were also imprisoned.

The old man squeezed his hands, all of them burst into pieces, only the spirit of Elder Li was still there.

This old man is the scorpion. The scorpion smiled at the elder Li and laughed, and then recovered the power of the world.

The Scorpion then hid in the void, and shortly after, the space split again, and two figures emerged from it.

It is heart language and Murong Qinghai.

Xinyu looked at the shattered flesh on the street below, and looked at the void coldly: "It is the saint who wants to joke with Jian Xuan Temple, please come out and see"

"Haha, my heart, I haven't seen you for years, you still look so radiant"

As the laughter sounded, the scorpion also appeared from the void, and looked at his heart with a joke.

"It's you, Scorpion!"

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