Come to The Peak

Chapter 1693: : Secret of Reincarnation

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"Oh, yes, boy, if you can practice Xuanhuangyan to the top of Shengyan, it is estimated that there is no problem in carrying the attack of Heavenly Saint. Your boy's perseverance is OK, but he can endure the suffering of Nine Flames. Acquired Chaotian Sky Fire Body "

The rarely spoken Tower of Heaven also admired.

"Senior, I wonder how much this chaotic celestial body ranks among the top ten inverse celestial bodies?"

Luo Yu suddenly asked.

He still does not have a complete conception of the Ten Anti-Astronomical Constitutions.

"In terms of attack power, this chaotic ranking can be ranked in the top three, only weaker than Su Hui's reincarnation, and weaker than the Void War. One day, if you can be sanctified with nine flames, I am afraid that the strength is not weaker than the Holy One.

Tongtian Tower Road.

"Can you only enter the top three? Brother Ge's reincarnation is so powerful"

Luo Yu murmured.

"But your brother Ge's reincarnation body is not complete. If it is full, his strength is probably better than the top ten heavenly ancestors under the sage, or even stronger."

The Sky Tower has revealed another amazing secret.

"What, my brother Ge's reincarnation is not complete, what's going on?"

Luo Yu was surprised and asked.

"This is a big secret between heaven and earth, but your strength now barely stands at the tip of the pyramid along the way to practice, and it ’s okay to reveal something to you."

"Your Big Brother Ge has a long history. He was an innate deity after the birth of this universe. It was born from the first reincarnation of heaven and earth. Reincarnation is the most powerful energy in heaven and earth. One"

"Unfortunately, good fortune created people. At that time, the reincarnation spirit gave birth to two innate gods. The two reincarnation gods shared half of the origin of reincarnation. Two suhui reincarnations appeared. Another innate **** was also Ge ​​Xiuzhu My brother, the true power of Su Hui's reincarnation requires the origin of reincarnation and the two to be one. "

"But to be one, Ge Xiuzhu and his brother must die before they can absorb the origin of the power of the other half of reincarnation. Ge Xiuzhu and his brother are both lovers. Reincarnation is also reluctant to kill his brother and brother to become enlightened.

Hey ... this is why your brother Ge is amazing in strength, but his speed of cultivation is not the way to become sanctified. It ’s just because the source is incomplete, and he ’s practicing reincarnation. ”

Tongtian Tower sighed.

After hearing Luo Yu's heart, he was rolling into a rough sea. He never knew that Ge Xiuzhu had such a life experience.

At the same time, an inexplicable sorrow, admiration, and anger were born in his heart.

Sadness is because Ge Xiuzhu and his brother must die by themselves to be enlightened. The birth of the brother is doomed to a stalemate.

The admiration is because of the affection between the two brothers, and they are willing to rebirth in reincarnation, reincarnation, reincarnation, and reluctance to sacrifice their brothers to complete themselves.

Brotherhood in the world, how many people can do this?

I'm not angry because of God's injustice. Since the two brothers have been given such an anti-physical constitution, why should we set up such a killing bureau.

Hey, as the so-called ruthlessness of heaven is, it is the granddaughter of heaven.

It is precisely because the reincarnation body is too anti-sky that Tiandao put this test on the two brothers.

There is no perfect thing in the world. He can't practice the chaos sky fire body yet experienced the unimaginable ordeal. How many people can resist the pain of Nine Flames?

How many brothers and friends can he die today?

"Brother Ge ..."

Inexplicably, Luo Yu's heart gave birth to a kind of unspeakable pain. The man who saved himself many times, the man who helped many people in his growth trajectory bears such pain.

But he knew nothing before, what did he help Ge Xiuzhu? Nothing at all.

"Su Hui reincarnation, only one of the heavenly ways, two manifestations of the world, killing each other and killing each other, one is immortal, the reincarnation of the world, the world has two laws, hey ...

Today's Tongtian Tower sighs a lot.

In Luo Yu's mind, he was secretly thinking. If the brother of the older brother Ge appeared in this life, how would they choose? Is it reincarnation?

He secretly made a decision in his heart.

If Brother Ge appears again, let me be the wicked, even if Brother Ge will blame me for a lifetime, and hate me for a lifetime.

Although he admires the brotherhood of the two, he only cares about Ge Xiuzhu and doesn't know his brother, so he has decided in his heart that when Ge Xiuzhu appears, he will be the evil one.

When Luo Yu's thoughts were full of emotions, his face changed again, showing great joy.


Within him, a strong incineration erupted again, and a turquoise flame burst out from him.

This flame contains a powerful vitality.

"Screams ..."

This blue-green flame condensed into a thousand-zhang green python, roaring excitedly in the space on the fifth floor, and kept rolling.

Then the Qianzhang Green Python turned into a green-haired, eight- or nine-year-old child, rolling in the void and laughing.

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"Hahahaha, father and father, I have become holy flame, haha ​​..."

The child laughed, and then turned into a turquoise streamer and rushed to Luo Yu, hung on Luo Yu's neck and kept kissing Luo Yu.

"I'm holy flame, elder sister, I'm holy flame"

Xiao Qinghuo jumped for joy, hugged Luo Yu's fierce relative for a while, and showed off with his brothers and sisters, the child's heart.

"Sword Master, great, Xiao Qinghuo has become a holy flame. This time there are nine fires in your body, but four of them have become holy flames."

Ziyu laughed and laughed.

Xiao Qinghuo absorbed the nine-level wooden spirit crystal given by Hua Qingluo, and finally evolved into the holy flame.

Today, Luo Yu's internal punishment of thunder fire, Xuan Huangyan, Bingmo Xuanhuo, and Aoki Linghuo have all become holy flames. I do n’t know how powerful the Yuanyuan Power is.

When Jiu Yan was at the peak of Emperor Yan Yan, he could fight against the saint with inferior strength. After the fierce heaven punishment thunder fire became the holy flame, he could fight with Lei Tian Ming, the superior saint.

Today, the four flames are sanctified, and I am afraid that his physical strength can already fight the Great Saint.

This time, the strength of cultivation has been greatly improved. Luo Yu was in a good mood. Then he said goodbye to the ape who had a sore face, and went out of the tower to return to his own palace.

Luo Yu emerged from his world and appeared in the hall, while Linghu Qianyu was in the hall.

When Linghu Qianyu saw Luo Yu's exit, he came over anxiously and said, "Xiao Yu, it's bad, something happened!"

The relationship between the two is close, and no one has the seasonal Hu Qianyu called Luo Yu Xiaoyu, but if he is in front of him, he still has to be called a saint, this is the face of the saint.

"Master, what's wrong, what's wrong?"

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