Come to The Peak

Chapter 1697: : The people behind

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The Lian Shen pot absorbed the scorpion's holy spirit and then became small and fell into Luo Yu's hands.

This is a purple chaotic space, the Scorpion roars, wants to condense the flesh, but cannot condense.

"Luo Yu, little beast, what the **** is this place, let me out!"

The Scorpion roared, and the Holy Spirit mobilized a small amount of Holy Element to constantly bombard this chaotic space.

"Where will you know right away"

Luo Yu's cold voice came, and then a purple flame burned in the space.

This purple flame enveloped the Scorpio Sacred Soul of the Scorpion. The Scorpion made a terrible sound, and the Soul rolled in purple fire.

"Ah ...; ...; stop, let me out, stop, stop ......"

"Luo Yu, a small beast, I ...; ...; ah ...; ...; Rao Ming, Rao Ming ...; ..."

The Scorpion scolded and yelled, but then found that his holy spirit started to burn, and a large amount of holy spirit overflowed.

This purple fire can calcinate and refine the holy spirit!

The Scorpion was scared, terrified, and kept begging for mercy.

"answer my question"

At this time, Luo Yu's voice came again, and Scorpion screamed in pain: "You said, you said, I know I must, ah ...; ...; I must answer, stop ......

The purple flame disappeared instantly, the scorpion curled up in the purple space, and the holy spirit was dim.

"I ask you, who the **** is it that let you kill me and let you deal with Jian Xuan Gong?"

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Luo Yu asked coldly.

"It's Jiu Lei Jie, Master Huo Lei"

The scorpion named a name that Luo Yu had never heard of, but the purple sword soul in the purple sword next to him suddenly changed his face and became frightened and terrified.

"Nine mines? Fire mines?"

Luo Yu was puzzled, he had never heard of the name.

"The Nine Thunder Realm, one of the top ten heavenly holy worlds, is also one of the strongest forces in the Three Cang universe. One of them is a person who has the strength to cultivate the heavens and the earth. The general Saint is not his enemy. He still has an artifact in his hand. "

"Fire Thunder, one of the nine Heavenly Saints under the Holy Throne of Nine Thunders, is also stronger than the ordinary Heavenly Saints, and masters the origin of the Fire Thunder in the attribute God Thunder."

Zi Yan's voice was low, and she said slowly, there was a great hatred in the language.

Luo Yu could not help but feel a chill in her heart.

The strongest Heavenly Saint under the ancestor! What a terrible existence is that?

One move can destroy the ordinary Holy Saint! What kind of strength is that?

His strength today must be done against Dasheng, and there is no hope of victory for the Holy Saints.

Saint ancestor, that is the highest realm of cultivating knowledge. The human race has existed in the heavens and earth for hundreds of millions of years.

In addition to this, the ancestors known are the demon ancestors of the demon world, the demon ancestors of the demon world, the ancestors of the Buddha world, the ancestors of the underworld and so on.

These existences, known as the most powerful force between heaven and earth, annihilated the world in one thought and waved for thousands of years.

The Ten Heavenly Saints are the ten most powerful Heavenly Saints under the ancestors.

"How could you get into this existence?"

There was a chill in Luo Yu's heart.

"I ask you why Jiu Lei Tiansheng killed me. If you dare lie to me, I will kill you immediately."

"I don't know, I also listen to the command of Master Huo Lei, but I seem to have heard him say a word about what Gu Cang's resentment cannot be left behind."

The Scorpion answered quickly.

"Gu Cang's iniquity should not be left behind"

Luo Yu narrowed her eyes and thought.

Once there were so many saints in the ancient Cang continent suddenly fell, is it related to Jiu Lei Tian Sheng?

"Boy, Jiu Lei Tian Sheng, I also know that this person is cruel and hard, tears cannot be rubbed, and revenge must be revenge, you provoked him, I am afraid that there will be no stable days later

The Tongtian Tower, who had not spoken at this time, also spoke in a slightly dignified tone.

Luo Yu's heart was also very complicated, and this feeling seemed to make him return to his youth.

At that time, he was only a posterior state, but it was a martial arts family like the Qingyang Lin family at the time.

"Jiulei Heavenly Saint, one of the strongest Heavenly Saints ...; ...;"

Luo Yu narrowed her eyes, raised her eyes, and touched the purple chrysalis in her hand, and a sigh of anger was raised in her heart.

"What about Tiansheng, since he is going to kill me Luo Yu and hurt my relatives and friends, even if I die, I will bite him two pieces of meat!"

Luo Yu showed a hint of maggot.

"Aster. Are you afraid?"

"You are not afraid, why am I afraid"

Purple lotus road.

"Okay, then my Luo Yu and Jiu Lei Tiansheng's Liangzi are settled."

As soon as Luo Yu's thoughts moved, another purple flame was burning in the chaotic space of the refining **** pot.

"Ah ...; ... Luo Luo, if you don't talk about credit, I told you that you still want to kill me."

The Soul of the Scorpion tumbled miserably in the purple fire.

"Credit? Have I promised you anything? Nothing. Since you haven't promised credit, I blame you for breaking something that I can't violate in Luo Yu's heart, die!"

Luo Yu said indifferently, and then flew out of the turbulent space and into the Scorpio Holy Palace.

In the chaotic space of the Refining God Pot, the Scorpion kept cursing and cursing for mercy.

And the original power of his holy spirit was absorbed by the refining divine pot, leaving only a pure sacred soul light beam flowing in the refining pot.

A bluish-black flame poured into the pot of divine gods, and turned into a bluish-black Nine Nine Crow that devoured the Holy Spirit Light Bite.

Nine ghost crows then closed their eyes in the pot of divine refining and began to refine and absorb the surging sacred soul power ...; ...;

Ziyu flew into the Scorpio Sanctuary anxiously than Luo Yu, and saw the bound voice and Murong Qinghai.

His heart was pale and shabby, and Ziyan turned into a handsome middle-aged man wearing a purple robe.

"Heart Talk ...; ...;"

Zi Yan stepped forward and cut the iron chain, hugging her heart tightly, and seemed to want to warm her with her fleshless body.

"You, you are, Tianxin! Tianxin! You have not fallen ...; ...;"

My heart looked at the man who was holding him, and it was only when there was no glamorous eyes that it shined.

"It's me, I'm Tianxin, I'm Tianxin, sorry, sorry, ah ...; ...;"

Zi Yan cried, holding her heart.

"You haven't fallen, there really hasn't been a fall ...; ...;"

The heart whispered for Ziyan and wept low.

And Luo Yu looked at the scene at the entrance of the palace, and it was not difficult to guess the purple lotus after talking with him. Or the true identity of that holy meteorite.

The purple magpie is the founder of Jianxuan Palace, the holy meteorite transformed by the Heavenly Sword Saint!

The two hugged for a long time, and Luo Yu also rescued Murong Qinghai. Murong Qinghai suddenly fell on his knees in front of his heart, crying, and very sad.

Luo Yu also slowly walked over at this time, and Zi Zhi released her mind and looked at Luo Yu with a complex look.

"Sorry, I've hidden you for so long. I know you have a lot of doubts now. Ask me, I'll tell you all."

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