Come to The Peak

Chapter 1699: : Wrong Destroyer

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Luo Yu then entered the Tower of Heaven, and the man's holy spirit was sucked into the sixth floor, into the ice row space, and shot into the holy spirit by the ice chain.

"You, what do you want to do?"

The man in white was frightened and angry, and there was still a little terror in his eyes.

"Why, you secretly eavesdropping on our conversation in the space, what are you trying to do, you thought to me just now that I don't know?

I didn't mean to kill you. Since you want to exchange my Luo Yu's affairs for prosperity, then I can only destroy you. It happens that one of my wives is lacking the origin of the ice attribute. Thank you for your chance to enlighten. "

Luo Yu sneered, what did the white man want to explain, but then a terrible cry, the ice channel in the body was pulled out a little bit.

Luo Yu left Tongtian Tower again, and flew away from the Scorpio galaxy with Xinyu and others.

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"Sword Lord, replace all the temples in my twilight zone with yours. Now I have no use to build a temple."

Ziyu said, Luo Yu nodded, but he did not refuse. Now he needs to grasp any available resources to strengthen himself.

After a long time, the three returned to the Yucang mainland, Luo Yu flew to the twilight realm, and he fell into a city, which is exactly a small city.

In front of a destroyed temple, Luo Yu came to the ruined wall, and this temple was the destroyed Tianxin temple.

And in the wreckage, there was a golden body emitting a faint golden light.

"So strong the power of faith, I am afraid that the power of faith has been collected for thousands of years and no one has absorbed it, boy, you can just collect it with a pot of refining gods, refining it into a liquid for your cultivating, Refining Aster "

Said the Sky Tower.

Luo Yu nodded, took out the refining pot, faced the golden body, and entered a trick.

An Qi machine broke out in the refining **** pot, and then a strong golden energy poured into the golden body was absorbed into the refining **** pot.

"There are hundreds of such temples in the twilight realm. The power of faith has accumulated for thousands of years. You have absorbed it. If you can refine the power of these beliefs, you may also become a great saint."

Ziyu also said that Luo Yu then absorbed the power of the faith in the golden bodies of several temples in the small side and flew to other cities.

The power of these beliefs was inhaled into the pot of refining gods and then refined into a golden liquid, and Luo Yu put the purple lotus into the pot of refining gods.

In two days, he finally absorbed the power of faith in all the temples in the evening twilight.

And a pool of golden liquid, a purple giant sword, and a young man in a purple robe were immersed in the divine liquid in the divine magic pot, and slowly absorbed the divine liquid.

Luo Yu returned to Jian Xuan Palace, and the people in Jian Xuan Palace also replaced the Tianxin Temple in the Twilight Realm with the Zixiao Temple. The golden body was Luo Yu's golden body.

In the future, Luo Yu only needs to move his mind to absorb the power of faith in the golden body, and those powers of faith will appear in his sea of ​​God, and other saints cannot absorb the power of faith in his golden body, unless There are also artifacts such as the smelting pot.

After returning to Jian Xuan Gong, Luo Yu was also in hardship, and Jian Xuan Gong dispatched a lot of manpower resources to collect the spirits such as the star crystal and the high-level sun fire crystal.


In the Thunder Temple, Huo Lei was sitting in the courtyard and playing a game of black and white in the sky, which was very leisurely.

Tianyin did not know whether to deliberately release the water or what, but the chess game that was going to win was not a mistake. He was seized by the fire and black chess and took the opportunity to counterattack and kill the dragon.

"Haha, master chess is good, Tianyin is willing to worship the wind"

Tianyin held his fist and smiled bitterly.

"Oh, you old guy, don't think I can't see it, I'm afraid that one of you was the one who deliberately made the mistake and let me."

Huo Lei cursed with a smile.

"Where and where, it is true that the subordinates are not very wrong, but adults can seize the opportunity to counterattack and succeed in an instant. This opportunity to grasp the opportunity is not good."

Tianyin didn't dare.

"Sometimes this life is also chess, wrong step, wrong step, lose all, do not miss any details that may lead to failure."

Huo Lei suddenly felt something, and at this time a man in a black robe came in and it was Lei Yun.

Lei Yun respectfully salutes the fire: "Meet me, Lord"

"Well, it's Lei Yun, what's the matter that let the scorpion do it, did the little Luo Yu's kid catch it with several saints in Jianxuan Palace?"

Huo Lei took the tea poured from the sky and asked with a breath.

"Master, Scorpion Slaughter should have failed."

Thundercloud looked a little ugly.

"Well, what's going on?"

Huo Lei's eyes turned cold, and the tea cup in his hand turned into powder.

"I went to the Scorpio galaxy and found that Scorpio galaxy has traces of fighting, and the Scorpio star array was also destroyed. No figure of Scorpion was found. I think he may have failed.

Lei Yun said.

"Huh, waste, even a kid who just entered the cave can't deal with it. What's the use, this kind of person still wants to join my nine mines, funny."

Huoling hummed.

"Are the people in that galaxy alive?"

"I've wiped everything out"

"Well, very good. I didn't want to do it myself, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble, especially the group of bald donkeys in the small Buddha world, who stared at us at Jiuleijie. It seems that I have to do it myself.

Huo Lei stood up and said lightly, all eyes were murderous.

"Has the adult decided to take the shot himself?"

Tianyin asked.

"Well, according to you, this Luo Yu is growing at an alarming rate. I am afraid that he is a man of great fortune and a relic of ancient Cang. Such a person cannot die, otherwise he will grow up and have enough strength. He will be like that one mistake, leading to a total loss "

Huo Lei looked at the chess game just now and said lightly.

"But that Luo Yu is now a saint known to all in the world. If we kill him with such a big fanfare, will it attract the attention of other circles and fall into the limelight?"

Tianyin frowned again.

"Oh, didn't you say that there were dozens of elders who were killed by the owner of the thunder temple? The thunder temple is a branch of my nine thunder circles. I'm going to talk about the dead and kill the lives. Famous, who dare to say anything "

Huo Lei suddenly smiled coldly, Tianyin suddenly realized, and quickly flirted.

"In this way, it is hard for the other circles to say anything, haha, master."

"Oh, Luo Yu, a clown jumping clown, I really don't believe he can shake my nine thunder circles, but I would rather kill them than let them go!"

Huo Lei sneered, and he was confident in the strength of Jiu Lei Realm ...

Jian Xuan Palace, Zixiao Holy Palace, Luo Yu Qiankun World Tower, in the first heavenly stele, in the space where the chaos **** Jade Road is located.

Luo Yu dripped a drop of essence blood and entered the Luo disk.

Then the Luo Dao Pan broke out of Qi Qi, Luo Yu's body, a stream of life essence, Shou Yuan's essence and blood poured into the Luo Dao Pan!

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