Come to The Peak

Chapter 1704: : Ssangyong Come

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"Booming ...!"

The red thunder roared between the heavens and the earth, the thunder thicker than the water tank boiled in the heavens and the earth, and thousands of vulcan thunders whistled.

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Countless thunders swept towards Luo Yu and turned out into a rage of lightning.

Huh! Huh! Uh ...!

The poor Qi Xiaobai, the ape who is blocked in front of Luo Yu, the heart-speaking Murong Qinghai and the battle dragon Zai Wanlei were all smashed into slag.

This move is definitely a god-level martial art, and the power is not low.

Wan Lei swept across Luo Yu, and there was a hint of despair on Luo Yu's face.

God, is it really so scary? What about the ten strongest Heavenly Saints? What about Jiu Lei Tian Sheng? How terrible is the man who refined the nine kinds of gods and thunder, and the man who successfully cultivated the Zixiao **** among the ten anti-celestial bodies?

"Hello ~!"

However, at this time, two dragon murmurs came in the void. I saw two black and white dragons born in the air and blocked in front of Luo Yu. The two dragon powers swept to Vulcan in a dreadful wave. mine.

Rumble ...!

The large space was shattered, and two terror bombardment waves shattered the world and swept the outside world, but there was also a loss in the fire and thunder world and the world of Tianyin and other people resisted, which did not trigger the Skyfury.

The two dragons turned into a man in a white robe and a black robe, stopped in front of Luo Yu, and looked at the fire thunder.

"It's you, Long Ze, Long Gan!"

Huo Lei looked ugly and looked at the two men who suddenly appeared.

It is the left and right elders of the Dragon Dragon family, Long Ze, Long Gan!

"Fire thunder, not seen for years"

Long Gan said calmly looking at the fire thunder.

"Well, haven't you two always been in conflict, how did you get together today, and you don't stay here in the Yucang demon world, what do you do here, do you know this kid is the one we Jiulei Realm wants to kill, you dare Intervention? "

Huo Lei hummed coldly, without anxious to take a shot, singled out, he was confident to deal with one of the two, but the two of them joined together, but he had no chance and certainty.

"Well, I don't want to save this boy, but we have orders from the demon, we have to protect him"

Long Ze snorted, and he was still dissatisfied with Luo Yu.

"Jiulei Realm, a big name, if it was n’t for the chaos in my demon world, the old demon statue fell, and the demon ancestor did not ask about the world, what is your Jiurei realm, and it is you who sent someone to lurk in my demon world What is the purpose? "

Long Gan said indifferently.

Huo Lei heard a slight change in his expression, and said coldly, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? You Jiulei sent a woman to lurk in my demon world. I want to ask you what do you mean?"

Not long ago, the maiden named Jiu Er sent by Jiu Lei Jie sneaked into the temple of Shenlong, but Qing Er found that under the torture, she learned that Jiu Lei Jie was having trouble finding Luo Yu. Save the scene.

"Damn, you caught my uncle"

Huo Lei's eyes were cold, and he said, "So what? This isn't your reason to save him. Think about it, do you demon world want to be my enemy?"

"We don't want to be the enemy of Jiu Lei Realm, nor do we want to be right with Jiu Lei Tiansheng, but Luo Yu is our demon relative. Today, we won't let you kill him, you go."

Long Gan said indifferently, and the thunder was so irritating that his chest fluctuated, and his heart was filled with anger.

Pointing at the two people with a smirk: "Okay, okay, this account, I have written down Jiuleijie"

After speaking, Huo Lei turned and left, but he forgot to Luo Yu again and sneered: "Boy, you can hide for a while, you can't hide for a lifetime, the demon world can protect you for a day, but you can't protect your life. There is no one to kill. "

After Huo Lei finished speaking, he looked at Longgan and Longze fiercely, and then hummed to the people in Tianyin who flew over, "Let's go!"

Huo Lei and others knew that Luo Yu could not be killed today, and they simply left, tearing the space, flying into it and disappearing.

Seeing that something was wrong, Mu Qingtian secretly tore the space and escaped.

Luo Yu flew over, punched the two of them, respectfully said, "Thank you for your help."

Long Ze glanced at Luo Yu and said nothing, but Long Gan frowned: "Luo Yu, do you know where you are now, do you know the strength of Jiu Lei Realm?"

Luo Yu looked dignified, nodded, and said, "Two, please come to Jian Xuan Gong to speak."

Luo Yu and Long Zelonggan flew back to Jian Xuan Gong, Xiao Bai Qiong Qi and the dragon reunited their flesh, and their faces were somber that they flew back to Jian Xuan Gong without saying a word.


Jian Xuan Palace, Zi Xiao Sheng Palace, a group of people sitting one by one in the hall, Luo Yu seated on the main seat, and a group of female disciples of Jian Xuan Palace served delicious food.

"Thank you two for coming to the rescue from the demon world, Luo Yu first respected"

Luo Yu stood up and held up the wine glass, paying respects to the two, and then drank.

"Okay kid, do n’t say a word of thanks, our demon lord will let you and us go back to the demon world"

Long Ze waved his hand impatiently.

Zhanlong and others saw this, showing a trace of dissatisfaction.

And Long Gan said: "Not long ago we caught a woman who sneaked into the demon world. It was a person from Jiu Lei Jie. She learned from her mouth what Jiu Lei Jie wants to do to you. Our demon let you go back with us. Long live in the demon world "

Luo Yu heard his words silent, and Long Ze sneered again: "I have to say, your boy is really a troublemaker, and even got into the head of Jiu Tian Lei Sheng. Do you know what is happening in our demon world now, we are now too peaceful The demon world is going to fight, but also to protect you, the person who has offended Jiulei Realm. "

"Longze, you are enough"

Longgan couldn't help but whispered, and Luo Yu heard the worry, and quickly asked: "What's going on, Yu Cang demon world and Tai Cang demon world fight? Qinger, is there any danger for Qinger? "

"The Cang demon world is unwilling to surrender to the demon lord, and they have established a new demon lord, which is said to be the descendant of the demon ancestor, a chaotic Kunpeng, and the blood is not low. "

Longgan explained, "While the strengths of the two realms are similar, they can't help each other. There is no danger in Qinglong Demon."

Luo Yu was temporarily relieved.

"It's almost the same now, but if you go to our demon world and Jiu Lei Jie will be our enemy again, it will be difficult to say."

Long Ze said in a shameless manner.

"Enough is enough, Long Yu, Luo Yu's decision is whether to go or not, you are saying that I will go back and report to the demon."

Longgan couldn't stand and patted the table and got up in a cold voice.

"I'm telling the truth. Now Luo Yu is a hot potato. Coming to my demon world will inevitably lead to some troubles. The demon respects her emotional affairs."

Long Ze also stood up and looked at each other.

"Don't quarrel with the two seniors"

At this time, Luo Yu talked. Luo Yu looked at the two and said, "Go back and tell Qinger, I won't go to the demon world."

Long Ze is right. Today, he is like a hot potato. Whoever holds it is hot, and his character will naturally not cause Qinger trouble in the complicated situation of the demon world.

Some things, after all, men carry it by themselves, face it, and do no harm to those around them.

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