Come to The Peak

Chapter 1706: : Anti-Ten Body

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"Well, it's okay to go back to Gu Cang. The most dangerous place is also the safest place. Brother Ge has limited strength. I can't help you with Jiu Lei Tian Sheng."

Ge Xiuzhu patted Luo Yu's shoulder.

"Big brother Ge and sister-in-law have helped Luo Yu too much. After all, the road is on his own. This big brother supports Luo Yu in his heart."

"Ah, okay, now that you're leaving, just go early and take care of yourself"

Ge Xiuzhu and Luo Yu held a bear hug, several people said goodbye to Ge Xiuzhu Waner, and then several people tore the space and entered the chaos of space.

Ge Xiuzhu watched Luo Yu and others leave, silent.

"Unconsciously for many years, Xiaoyu's child has now become a figure in Megatron mainland."

Waner suddenly sighed.

"He still has a long way to go. It ’s not easy for this stinky boy to come all the way, but I always have a feeling that he will one day change the whole world. Waner, look at it. Among the strongest in this world, , One day there will be a place for him "

Ge Xiuzhu laughed suddenly with both hands on his back.

"Oh why?"

Waner was curious as to why her lover trusted Luo Yu so much.

"I don't know, this is just an intuition, a trust, just like my trust in you, remember when we first met him, then I said that Qingyang couldn't hold him in that small place, But he stepped on the entire Gu Cang under his feet, look at it, one day, he may be able to step on this world

Ge Xiuzhu laughed.

"Oh, I hope, in fact, you should be one of the strongest in the world"

Waner smiled and said suddenly.

Ge Xiuzhu heard the words dimly, shook his head, and sighed: "A person, what height is not the most important thing, what is important is that there are those people with him"

"If one day I stand at the pinnacle of the universe, if I lose you, the universe will be boring to me"

Wan'er heard the words and laughed, but then became melancholy and whispered: "What if you lose him?

Ge Xiuzhu heard the words and was silent.

"Okay, okay, don't mention him, anyway, I'm by your side, you reincarnate with me, you'll stay with me forever, I've always been"

Wan'er smiled sweetly, and the world was a bit lost, leaning against his waist against Ge Xiuzhu and whispering softly.

Ge Xiuzhu held Waner with a smile on his face, but his eyes were a bit far-reaching.

"Xiu Wen, Xiu Wen ... thousands of years away, where are you ..."

Tear it!

However, at this moment, the crack in the space not far away was suddenly torn open, and a group of people came out, breaking the sweet and beautiful scene of the two.

This group of people is Jiu Lei Tian Sheng and others.

"Alas, the reincarnation emperor Ge Xiuzhu"

When Jiu Lei Tiansheng came, they found the two with a hint of surprise.

"Holy Nine Thunder Lord, I haven't seen you for many years, holy Lord"

Ge Xiuzhu's face was not exposed, and he fisted to Jiu Lei. It seemed that the two knew each other.

"Oh, I did not expect that you are still in the heavenly realm. From chaos to archaic, to ancient times, you seem to be really satisfied with the title of your reincarnation emperor."

"Of the earliest innate deities, I remember that you were the one who cultivated the fastest. I had the opportunity to reach the highest position, but because your brother gave up the path, now we are all the strongest heavenly gods. You are still in the sky. Wandering in the realm, it seems that you still have n’t been able to go down hard. "

Jiu Lei Tiansheng did not know whether it was satire or sigh, and Ge Xiuzhu got old.

"So what, you are now the strongest Heavenly Saint, but your eight brothers and sisters are still there? Are you happy?"

Ge Xiuzhu chuckled, and Jiu Leitian Sheng sank a face instantly.

He is also one of the ten anti-celestial bodies. The Zixiaolei **** body, like Ge Xiuzhu, was the first group of creatures that appeared when the universe was born, also called gods.

Among the top ten anti-celestial bodies, the power of reincarnation is led by immortal reincarnation.

Followed by the Void Warfare, the force that naturally controls space.

Chaos sky fire body, dominate 10,000 fires, flame of respect.

The Purple Thunder Thunder God Body, also known as the Nine Thunder God Body, has the strongest physique of Thunder Road, refining and integrating the nine types of God Thunder sources.

The Qinglong battle body refers to the blue dragon of the demon world, the **** of the million demon, and the demon clan's highest blood.

The God of War body brings together tens of millions of war intentions and fights across the ranks.

The chaotic mystic body, the prophet and the foresight, predicts the heavens and the earth, and can know the past and the future.

Star battle, the king of the sky, mobilize endless star power.

Sky ice battle body, the strongest body of the ice channel, frozen soul.

The body of the yin, the body of the yin, and the yang of the sky fire.

And Jiu Lei Tian Sheng once had eight brothers and sisters, each representing a kind of original source of the Thunder Road. Reaching the pinnacle of the world, one of the strongest under the patriarch

"Well, then you can continue to endure the endless reincarnation, but I believe that one day you will find that the so-called family relationship is just a joke. If you do not want to kill him, he will come to kill you.

The 15th edition is now starting.

Jiu Lei Tiansheng sneered, without paying much attention to Ge Xiuzhu, he looked at the empty Jian Xuan Gong and frowned.

"Sir, no one exists in Jianxuan Palace. It seems that it has been moved away."

Tianyin said, bowing.

"Abominable, let these guys run away. I immediately sent people to block the space around."

The fire and thunder were so angry that he said fiercely and went back to adjust.

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng didn't say much, instead he looked at Ge Xiuzhu and said coldly, "You know where they went ?, but I heard that the ancient evils are not related to you"

"How about knowing, are you afraid that the things you did in the first place will be known?"

Ge Xiuzhu joked.

"Tell me where he went"

Jiu Leitian Sheng looked cold and walked slowly to say.

"I don't say, how can you help me, your nine thunder pearls can kill saints, but they cannot kill me"

Ge Xiuzhu was carrying his hands on his back, his robes hunting in the wind, and sneering at the gloomy Jiu Leitiansheng.

"Yes, I can't kill you, but I can kill her!"

Jiu Lei Tiansheng sneered, pointing at Waner, revealing a trace of sorrow.

Ge Xiuzhu's eyes were cold, and he stood in front of Wan'er, and said coldly: "Then you try"

"Oh, okay, it's just that I haven't played against you for billions of years. I wanted to see what the first genius of chaos once was, and what kind of strength the reincarnation emperor has today."

Jiu Lei Tian Sheng spoke, a long hair of nine colors fluttered, and a thunderous nine-colored thunder circled around his body.

"Waner, come into my cave"


Wan'er entered the world of Ge Xiuzhu Cave, and Ge Xiuzhu looked towards the Nine Thunder Heavenly Body. On the surface, a black dead element, a white life element dangled around, merged together in black and white, forming the power of samsara!

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