Come to The Peak

Chapter 1716: : Juggernaut Sword Demon

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This controversy has grown even stronger under the influence of a caring person. It is even said that Luo Yu is a demon species left over from that robbery more than a thousand years ago.

At this time, the major saints were also affected, and the masses asked the saints to take action to kill Luo Yu.

Tai Cang Palace, Tai Cang Hall.

A group of people were kneeling in the temple, and there were six people sitting in the temple. An elderly man with long hair and long beard was found in the temple.

The old man was dressed in a plain white robe, with a majestic face, and had an overwhelming momentum.

Sitting beside him were Ren Zhongjing, Cangyou, Ren Tiange, and two other saints.

And the old man, also the founder of Tai Cang Palace, Cang Mingzi, has cultivated to the horror of the Holy Saint.

"The same is the gate of the mainland, please Cangming Tiansheng, Tai Cang Palace must be the master of my Tai Shui Sect, that Luo Yu destroyed my entire sect, slaughtered too many billions of people. Billions of grudges "

The surviving elder Emperor Taiyi Zhenshuizong carried dozens of Taiyi Zhenshuizong disciples on his knees in the temple and prayed.

Cang Mingzi heard anger in his eyes.

"What a Luo Yu, it is so arrogant to dare to kill billions of people and commit a heinous crime!"

The woman next to Ren Zhongjing was already angry and vocal.

"Luo Yu dared to do such a big thing, billions of people, promising heaven and heaven."

Ren Zhongjing also frowned.

"Master, father, that Luo Yu, I heard Ge Xiuzhu said, is a man with a sense of righteousness and a world in mind, how can he commit such serious crimes, I see that there is something strange about it"

Ren Tiange made a sound.

Although he is the emperor, his status is not lower than that of the saint, because he is the titled emperor who can slaughter the saint.

"Well, Ge Xiuzhu, what he said can be regarded as Ge Xiuzhu, a hero of affection, it is not fake, but he also sometimes sees away, Tian Ge, and less contact with him."

Cangyou hummed coldly, Ren Tiange heard a bitter smile.

Her aunt Cangyou also had a relationship with his elder brother Ge.

At that time, the reincarnation of the Emperor's glorious age was unknown, and the admirers did not know how many. Cangyou also pursued Ge Xiuzhu. After the choice of Ge Xiuzhu, it was the young green demon that the two loved and hated.

"I also know that Luo Yu and Tai Yizheng Shuizong have enmity. It is not impossible to commit this matter, and the growth speed of this son is evil, maybe it is the demon species left by the devil of the mainland."

A man in Tsing Yi next to Ren Zhongjing.

"The junior's words are not guilty, it is indeed the Zixiao sword Saint Luo Yu's doing.

The Emperor Wu added again.

"Well, since there are so many witnesses and it has spread on the mainland, you should not do anything fake. You have to gather together Tai Cang and Saint, and agree to deal with Luo Yu. Yu Cang, send People send messages to let them hand over Luo Yu "

Cang Mingzi didn't want to entangle too much, he said directly.


Ren Zhongjing stood up and disappeared into the temple.

Ren Tiange sighed and left the temple.

It is unknown in Yucang mainland, but another news caused a great shock in Yucang.

One million disciples are missing where Yu Cang ’s kendo shrine is completely destroyed.

However, those who are seniors of the Sect know that Jian Xuan Gong has offended Jiu Lei Jie, and it is not difficult to guess that it was Jiu Lei Jie.

Too Cang, Yu Cang, a controversy arose on both continents.

The central character of this storm is because of one person.

Luo Yu!

Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. People who are too wicked will be regarded as the enemy by their kin.

Fire Spirit Realm, Fire Spirit Emperor Capital, in the Holy Palace of Huoyuan.

In a quiet courtyard hidden in the holy palace after all, Huoyuan Yuan and a young man with white robes and purple hair sat at the stone table in the courtyard and talked about something.

"Master, your injury?"

Huo Yuanyuan tentatively asked.

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"Relax, it's okay, I can't help you this time."

Luo Yu shook her head. As long as it was not a wound on the soul, a physical injury recovered quickly for him.

"This is all I should do"

Huoyuan didn't dare to take credit.

However, Luo Yu found a piece of red jade Jank and placed it directly on the table. He said: "It records a magical order of God, which is also the flame of the sky that I will burn. But you can come to see it."

"It's Skyfire Burning Butterfly! Thank you Master"

Huo Yuanyuan was excited when he heard the words, stood up and respected him, and quickly accepted Yujian.

Skyfire Burning Butterflies is a magical fire path, he is most suitable for cultivation, and Skyfire Burning Butterflies has seen the power of it.

"By the way, what's happening on the mainland today?"

Luo Yu suddenly asked.

Huo Yuanyuan frowned, and said, "After the destruction of Yucang Continental Sword Xuan Palace, Shenzhou was also occupied by the Temple of Thunder, and the others were nothing."

"Thunder Temple, Nine Thunder Realm ...; ...;"

There was a trace of viciousness in Luo Yu's eyes, and then he moved from his heart, and disappeared in place, appearing on the eighth floor of the Tongtian Tower.

And on the eighth floor of the thunder sea, a figure was imprisoned in the void, and the thunder source chain penetrated his holy spirit.

It was absorbed by the Lian Shen pot, and later sealed the fire thunder **** in the eighth layer.

And not far away, there was a silver-haired man practicing cross-legged, thunder surged.

That man was Zixia Tianzong, Luo Yu's childhood friend, Lei Haoqiang.

After Lei Haoqiang broke through to the cave world, Luo Yu directly gave Lei Zun the source of Lei Dao to Lei Haoqiang. After Lei Haoqiang's refining, he can be sanctified as long as he reaches Jiuquan.

He gave Luo Qing the source of the waterway of Shui Tiancang.

There is also an origin of the ice road which he gave to Ruolan.

When Huo Lei Tian Sheng saw Luo Yu's arrival, a hint of anger and anger appeared on his face.

"Little beast, let me go!"

Huo Leitian Sheng roared and struggled.

Luo Yu had his hands on his back, and looked at Huo Lei indifferently, "I ask you, what is the root cause of the killing of my ancient Cang saints in Jiu Lei Realm, and all aspects of the information in Jiu Lei Realm, I want to know "

"Ha ha ha, my aunt, ridiculous, boy, do you think this seat will tell you, let me know, I can give you a happy, or wait for Master Jiu Lei to find you, then you will be in Thunder prison Try Wanlei's Soul Pain "

Huo Lei sneered, still looking at Luo Yu with proud eyes.

Luo Yu's eyes froze, his heart moved, and the fire thunder made a terrible sound. Then the source of the soul of the Thunder Road began to extract the power of the fire thunder.

"Ah ...; ...; stop, stop ......"

"It's okay if you don't say it, Jiu Lei Jie, Jiu Lei Tian Sheng, one day, I will let you Jiu Lei Jie tremble for the crimes you have committed, but unfortunately, you can't see that day."

Luo Yu looked at Huo Lei Tiansheng, who was drawn from the source, and said indifferently, while Huo Lei Tiansheng roared and kept cursing.

This time it took a long time to draw, Luo Yu looked at the source of Vulcan Thunder Road in his hand, and looked at the fire thunder that lost the source, and said lightly: "No! I will not kill you, I will let You saw the day when your Nine Thunder Realm fell! "

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