Come to The Peak

Chapter 1722: : Arctic Hand

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At this moment, the sleeping chaos suddenly opened his red eyes, although it was sleeping, but the inquisitiveness just now woke him up.

The eighth-order beast also has holy spirits, but they will not use soul power, but the powerful perception still made him discover several humans outside.

"Human race ..."

There was a roar in the chaotic mouth, and then the wings spread out and flew out of the volcano. The body was huge and huge, and the whole body was wrapped in red flames like a huge fireball.

"It's you, Fire Spirit!"

Chaos recognized the fire spirit at a glance, apparently the two had some intersection before.

"Well, you dare to come to me, is it because you still want to hit my flame heart?"

Chaotic Humming said, the fire spirit looked indifferent. He hadn't thought of the Heart of Fire before, but he couldn't beat Chaos, and he was killed without a return.

"Chaos, I did come to the heart of fire, but this time it is not what I want, it is the fire of my fire spirit tribe, the acquaintance himself surrenders the heart of flame."

Fire spirit said indifferently looking at the chaos.

"Funny, Huozun? Do you think you can beat me this time with a few more helpers?"

Chaotic sneer, a look of disdain in his one eye.


Laughed by a ferocious beast, the fire spirit was pale and angry.

At this moment, Luo Yu stepped out and looked at Chaos and smiled, "Chaos, how about me and the two betting?"

Luo Yu This is the rhythm of another routine.

"Bet, what bet?"

Chaos squinted and said with one eye.

"I deal with you alone. If I win, you surrender the heart of the fire and recognize me as the Lord. If I lose, I have a few ninth-order fire crystals, and I will be your beast servant."

Luo Yu laughed out the fire crystals obtained from the third floor of several towers.

The chaos heard and laughed, "Just you, Dongtian Baquan, do you still want to fight me? Okay, I will fulfill you, but you are not a rare beast servant, I am too low, I will swallow if I win you"

Luo Yu received the fire crystal, and was not angry, and said lightly, "Go ahead."

"Arrogance, I killed you in one stroke"

A fierce light emerged from the chaotic one-eyed eye, and a body of air was emitted from the body. The ground fires around the earth actually converged, and a large number of ground fires poured out from below the earth.

And these ground fires condensed into huge fireballs, emitting amazing energy fluctuations, all whistling and killing Luo Yu.

Countless fireballs shot through the air and the space was distorted. This scene is like a meteor falling.

Luo Yu's hands were imprinted, and a large number of colorful sky fires also poured out of the body, and the burning of Yuanyuan force overflowed, condensing a single sky fire butterfly.

Huh! Huh! Uh ...!

The sky fire burned the butterfly and fired at numerous fireballs for the shooting fire.

Uh ...! Uh ...! Uh ...!

The power of the ignited Yuan who melted the silence and annihilation was too strong before, and the fire of the sky-fired butterfly also skyrocketed and directly exploded these fireballs.

And countless days of fire butterfly shot at the chaotic huge body.

"This energy is ... Fenyuan, this kid is a Skyfire!"

There was a trace of panic in the chaos. Four pairs of flame wings fluttered, and a flame storm swept out, extinguishing the shot of the sky-fired butterfly in the void.

This flame storm was formed by countless fire blades, and then swept to Luo Yu.

The back of Luo Yu also gave birth to a pair of golden wings, with several feet in length and a pair of wings, and two violent burning Yuan storms also swept out of each other.

Rumble ...!

Two different flames and gas waves collided and exploded. The huge flame exploded and cracked. The magma erupted. Two raging flames swept the earth. The hard flint earth turned into magma.

"Roar! Roar!"

However, at this time, two dragons yelled, and there were two long flames condensing on the ground to growl to Luo Yu.

The blow came suddenly, and two long dragons slammed into Luo Yu with two sounds. Luo Yu spit out a shot of blood and the body surface was blown open.

If the golden body of the flesh was not cultivated, a sudden attack would be enough to destroy Luo Yu's flesh.

Luo Yu's face remained the same, and the body's spirit pattern flashed, and all injuries recovered instantly.

"Interesting, you war beast, I have decided ..."

Luo Yu was not angry, but showed joy, as if she saw a good prey.

"How could this guy be so physically strong!"

Shocked in the chaos, although his body has reached the ninth level, it is also a medium-term strength.

"Hum, boy, you can't stop me from seeing this blow, go to death, star burst!"

The chaos roared, and the body's surface burned with scary red flames. The flames were layered on top of each other, and the body became thousands of meters in size. The surrounding space was burning and melting. His body turned directly into a huge fireball, and it hit Luo Yu.

The space passed by the fireball is broken in all. Without Luo Yu's world protection, 80% of this space will be destroyed.

"Good coming, roar ~!"

Luo Yu laughed, and then a dragon yin, turned into a blue dragon, a claw burned Yuanyuan, madly shot towards the chaos that came flying,

Uh ~!

A terrifying explosion, a flame explosion on the surface of the chaotic body shrouded the huge body of Qinglong, and there was only endless rolling flames sweeping across the world.

And a backlash from the figure slammed into the enchantment of Luo Yu's world.

"Hello ~"

The Cyan Dragon roared and flew, and one claw was shot on the surface of the chaos again. The chaos really turned into a ball, hitting it in the field, and was then pressed by the claw of the giant Qinglong.

See \ 'Zheng x ... Chapter R. Section X on v "

The chaotic red skin cracked the blood of Daodao, staring in horror at the Qinglong looking down at him, all eyes were incredible.

"How is it possible, you, how can you be transformed into a demon statue dragon!"

Chaos shocked.

"This is not something you care about, you lost chaos."

Qinglong's huge claws said in a chaotic indifference.

The chaos of speech was like a discouraged ball.

Qinglong let go of the chaos and turned into Luo Yu's body, and said indifferently, "Don't you remember our gambling contract?"

Chaos nodded and nodded, calling the owner unwillingly.

Luo Yu finally showed a smile, and touched the chaotic and round body, and smiled: "Don't be so reluctant, of the four fierce, Bai Ze, Qi Qi, have already surrendered to me, you are not the first"

"What, Bai Zeqi is also your Majesty!"

The chaos came out in horror, and Luo Yu didn't say anything, grabbed his hand, and in the exploding volcano, the heart of flame flew towards him.

"Heart of Flame, the Five Elements, I finally collected Luo Yu"

Luo Yu looked at the heart of this beating flame, and finally, there was an excited smile on the face that the flame shone.

But at this time, a crisis was approaching him.

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