Come to The Peak

Chapter 1732: : Inner Forces in the Tower

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Seeing the saints did not speak, it was considered default.

Today, they really need a strong organization and a strong leader.

Jiu Lei Jie is already strong. If it is a lonely person, who can be the opponent of Jiu Lei Jie can only have some hope of self-protection if it is twisted into a force.

Luo Yu then entered the pot of refining gods. In the pot of refining gods, a bluish-black flame was absorbing a group of soul power. The breath had already reached a critical point, and it could almost become a holy flame.

And Yan Ting's holy spirit sat cross-legged in the distance, looking very calm. There was no fear or other look when Luo Yu came.

"Yan Ting, I haven't seen you for years. I didn't expect you to be a Holy Saint."

Followed by the purple lotus root, said to Tianxin.

"If it weren't for the breakthrough, we wouldn't be able to live now. Tianxin, you have become this picture. The Tianxin Swordmaster of the year has become a sword soul."

Yan Ting looked at Tianxin, there was a trace of sorrow in his language.

He then looked at Luo Yu and nodded his head: "He is the heir you have cultivated, yes, he is a wicked talent."

Luo Yu held a fist to Yan Ting, "Senior Yan Ting, I have offended a lot just now."

"Anyway, if you want to lead them, you must have your own prestige. I just happened to be a good stepping stone. Young man, I ask you, are you a celestial body? And what do you have to do with the dragon clan?"

Yan Ting waved and looked at Luo Yu and asked.

"That's right, I am indeed a celestial body, the dragon family ... Um, I practiced a method to transform the dragon. It can be regarded as a half dragon body, which can transform the blue dragon body."

Luo Yu also answered truthfully.

"Sky fire body, blue dragon body!"

Yan Ting looked at Luo Yu in surprise, and then laughed: "Okay, okay, haha, Tianxin, you have found a good seed, Tianhuo, Qinglong, all of which are likely to be the strongest heavenly beings."

Yan Ting smiled and appreciated, and seemed to have forgotten the unhappiness in front.

"I want to unify the high-level forces of Gu Cang, and also ask senior Yan Ting to help me"

Luo Yu's fist, sincere invitation, also showed the style of Corporal Lixian.

"Your strength has been proven, I will help you, all for Gu Cang"

Yan Ting nodded.

In this regard, after returning to Gu Cang, Luo Yu unified all the saints who had not lived in seclusion as a force.

There are twelve saints, such as Xiaoqiao, Xinyu, Murong Qinghai, Battle Dragons, Ape Tetsuya, Red Scales, Qianxiang, Fire Spirit, Fire Charm, Fire Sugawara, Nangong, and Xiang Yu plus Luo Yu force.

There are thirteen people on Yanting's side, and the two sides combine to have twenty-five saints' fighting power. There are also two holy beasts, Taikoo, and chaotic ancient beasts.

Although this force is far worse than Jiu Lei Jie, they have also formed a small climate.

Luo Yu himself entered the tower and began to cultivate.

Luo Yu entered the third floor, which is the world of magma.

Luo Yu's consciousness covered the entire third layer, and soon discovered the existence of two of the most powerful beings.

There is a huge island on a lava lake. The island is hot and red. Many magma giants lie on the island and absorb the firepower.

In the center of the island, there is a red flame palace. In the temple, a red-haired and burly man who is nearly three meters in height is practicing with his knees crossed, and the visible burning force poured into his body.

The breath emanating from this big man is also in the realm.

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After a while, a thunder streamer flew over and stopped above the palace, without concealing the breath that was directly emitted.


The burly man suddenly opened his eyes and growled.


With his growl, countless magma giants roared and stood up.


He flew up into the sky and saw a man in white and purple hair looking at him.

"Human race?"

The big man showed a hint of doubt, and then coldly said, "Who are you, what do you want to come to my lava island?"

When this man came, he sent out a sharp kendo breath, apparently coming from a purpose.

"Magma King, yes, remember my name. From today, I will be your leader"

Luo Yu said faintly, as if talking about a very ordinary thing.

"Funny, kid, where do you want to be my leader? See what you do"

The big man sneered, and then roared, his body became a hundred feet in size, the flames were wrapped around his body, and his body was covered with a layer of magma armor.

He is also the magma king.


Luo Yu didn't shy away, her arms were long, her golden light was shining, and she punched each other with a punch.

Two fists, one big and one small, tore the space and collided together.

"Hmm ...!"

There was a thunderous sound, and I saw the magma king stepping back, and every step stepped on a deep pit on the island, constantly unloading strength.

On his fist, the magma armor was broken and cracks appeared in the entire arm.

And Luo Yu stood in place, looking at him indifferently, standing still.

"What a terrifying power!"

The magma king was frightened, and then another roar, two fiery pillars of light were shot in his eyes and shot at Luo Yu.

The high temperature emitted by these two beams of light is also extremely scary, reaching the midpoint of Holy Flame.

Ke Luoyu did not flash or hide, a colorful sky fire erupted from his body, and he flew towards the magma king under the bombardment of two beams of light.

"What, this!"

The magma king backed in shock, sitting on the ground with his butt.

"You are, Skyfire!"

The Magma King said in shock.

"How are you going to fight, I haven't shot yet"

Luo Yu looked at him indifferently.

King Magma shook his head and bowed respectfully to Luo Yu: "Meet the Fire Lord"

"Well, now that I am the host of this tower, I don't usually call you, but I will mobilize you to go out if necessary"

Luo Yu did not stay too much after seeing the other's submission, and flew to another place.

Before entering the tower for cultivation this time, he will also consolidate all the forces in the Tongtian Tower, which is also a force that is not weak, and he has no reason not to use it.

When he reappeared, he was already at the other end, the hot lava lake.

A huge cave appeared at the bottom of the lake, just like a giant scorpion's mouth.

Luo Yu hovered above the entrance of the cave, his palms spread, and the surrounding burning energy gathered in his palm, and then formed a ball of high-temperature magma fireball.

He shook his hand, and a lava fireball shot into the cave.


There was a loud explosion.

In the huge cave inside the cave, a thousand-foot-long red-scale python was sleeping and was hit by the explosion, and his body rolled over.

"Scream ...!"

With a roar, the Red Flame Saint Python rushed out of the cave.

"who is it?"

The Red Flame Saint Python flew out of roar, and looked around, but found only one human race.

"Boy, is it good for you?"

The Red Flame Holy Python roared.

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