Come to The Peak

Chapter 1738: : Despicable and Spicy

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Feng Leizi in a blue shirt took the two Emperors to the front of Xiaoqiao, and Xiaoqiao opened his weak eyes and looked intently at Feng Leizi.

She has also seen people who have suffered a great deal of life and death, and she has experienced many hardships. She has a firm mind and has not shown the weakness of the woman in the face of her crisis.

"Don't want to say it, lest you suffer less?"

Feng Leizi said lightly.

"Oh, if I am afraid of death and pain, I will not be on this road."

Xiaoqiao sneered.

"Okay, it's boney, but I see when you can get angry."

Feng Leizi smirked and nodded to the two emperors.

Among the two, one Emperor Wudi took out a magic whip, which was densely covered with small thorns and covered with millennium pepper oil, and slammed into the bridge.


Ah ~!

With a terrible and horrible sound, this whip hit the small body of Jiaoqiao, tearing a blood hole, and the thorns on the whip also pulled out a lot of meat foam. The millennium hot pepper oil penetrated into the flesh, the pain , Very imaginable.

This whip goes down, even the tough guy with iron bones can't resist it.

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"Say it?"

"Dead this heart"

"Ah ~!"

The Emperor Wudi whip down again, Xiaoqiao trembles with pain, and his whole body struggles, and the iron nails that have gone to the bones come again with painful pain.

"Keep playing with me"

Feng Leizi said indifferently, the Emperor Wu beat the bridge constantly, and the desolate voice echoed in the secret room, making people hear the hair in his heart.

The whip rang, the screams resounded, and the flesh turned into mud with the beating.

However, at this time, Xiaoqiao's entire body had become blurred, and he could not see the appearance of his face. The whole body's skin was almost torn and broken by a long whip.

Man, has gone unconscious with pain.

Another Emperor Wudi waved his hand, and that thousand-year-old pepper oil splashed on Xiaoqiao.

"Ah ~!"

Xiaoqiao awoke from the coma and sent out a terrible scream. His whole body shook with pain. The hot pepper oil corroded the rotten skin and burst of white smoke.

"Say, where is Luo Yu, and where are the rest of the ancient Cang?"

Wind Thunder roared.

"Hahaha, beast, beast, have the ability to kill me, don't say, don't say!"

Xiaoqiao laughed in pain, tears shed, and Jiao roared, blood dripping from his body.

"Sir, this ..."

Even the executioner Wu Di looked at Feng Leizi in embarrassment. Feng Leizi was so angry that he showed a smirk, and seemed to think of something.

"You continue to fight for me. You burn it with the impression crystal, and then use sky mirror to project on the ancient Cang continent. I want everyone to see it."

Feng Leizi ordered, the two should be.

On the ancient Cang continent, the peoples still live on the mainland safely.

The shadow of warfare and robberies has long since passed, ordinary people can live and work in peace, have a good life, and have a special institution, Tianyu Pavilion, to protect the safety of ordinary people.

Tianyu Pavilion is an institution spread across the continent. Once the martial arts were deployed by various countries. Once the warrior's assassination reached a large number of ordinary people, the Tianyu Guard would take sanctions, similar to the role of a gatekeeper and policeman.

This institution also largely guarantees the safety of ordinary people's lives.

Rumble ...!

Suddenly, the sky on Gu Cang continent made a thunderous thunder, and a white light curtain shrouded thousands of miles of land.

Everyone looked up to the sky, could not help but horrified.

As I saw in the sky, a huge picture appeared. A woman looks like a man who was imposed various criminal laws by two men. The picture is unbearable.

"Ah, what is this!"

A timid man was so scared that he sat on the ground with a butt, looking at the picture of a woman being finger-snapped in the sky.

"Oh my God, this, what is this! So scary, is he alive?"

"Wow ... mother, I'm afraid"

"Don't be afraid, don't go see"

At this moment, the entire continent was trembling.

A sound followed.

"Luo Yu, is this woman yours, did you see that? She is suffering for you. If you are a man, give it to me. Otherwise, I will let you see how she was destroyed by me Death from the source "

Feng Leizi's voice echoed throughout the continent, and the continent was a sensation!

Conspiracy, naked conspiracy.

In the dense fog of Shennong Valley, a group of people looked at the picture, and their eyes were full of anger.

"Animals, animals, these animals!"

The battle dragon roared, and Grandma Qianxiang's tears shed.

"Little bridge ..."

"No matter, I'm going to save Xiaoqiao, whoever **** don't stop me!"

The battle dragon roared directly into a golden dragon with thick wings and limbs.

The thousands of sky dragons flew in the sky, and Yang Tian made an angry roar.

"The cubs in the Nine Thunder Realm, you are here with Grandpa Dragon. You have the ability to rush to me and throw a fire at a woman. Are you all motherless?"

Tianlong's roar echoed over the continent and reached the starry sky.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

At this time, several streams of light flew in, and it was Jin Leizi and several Qiankun realm.

Jin Leizi and others looked at Tianlong and felt the sacred soul breath, and knew who it was.

"Hehe, Feng Leizi really thinks that you are all lurking in Gu Cang, Luo Yu, and the rest, how can you come out and die?"

Jin Leizi sneered.

"Animals, I have fight with you today!"

Huanggu Tianlong roared, and a golden dragon breath killed Jin Leizi in his mouth.

Jin Leizi sneered, he hadn't shot yet, and a large white holy sword stabbed at his side.

A yellow sword light tore the sky and crushed Long Yan.


Huanggu Tianlong killed him in the air, stretched out his huge claws and smashed to the White Saint.


The white sacred sword broke on the dragon claws, and cut out a huge blood mouth, but the great strength also caused the white sacred **** to shoot backwards and fly.

Tian Longhan didn't need to die to bite into the White Saint.


At this time, a golden thunder knife slashed and opened the sky, splitting the dragon directly into two pieces.

Uh ...!


The dragon's blood hurled through the sky, and Tianlong's wailing fell on the earth, overwhelming the mountains.

"Battle Dragon!"

At this time, others couldn't bear it, flying out of Shennong Valley one by one, glaring at Jin Leizi and others.

"Hahaha, okay, so many people are hiding in Gu Cang, this time we can hit it all, haha"

Jin Leizi laughed loudly when he saw the more than 20 people who appeared.

Feng Leizi also showed up at this time, and the two sides finally came face to face.

And countless horrible momentums permeated the world, comparable to Tianwei, the billions of souls on the mainland, are already too scared to stand up.

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