Come to The Peak

Chapter 1741: : Reincarnation Break

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In Luo Yu's sea of ​​consciousness, the power of the four principles poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, forming four original light groups.

The Black Origin of Destruction Power!

The source of the Five Elements that radiates the power of the Five Elements!

The origin of the flesh that exudes the spirit of the flesh!

The origin of Kendo that radiates the power of Kendo!

Four original light clusters were suspended in Shenhai.

And because of this, the earth-shaking changes have taken place, the soul-power is deteriorating, becoming stronger, and increasing!

The vitality of the soul is also improving rapidly, almost to the point of immortality!

The golden soul has also become the purple sacred soul!

And his soul power is constantly strengthened by the influx of chaos and law.

Early saints!


Sage Peak!

Big saint, broken!

Early Holy Years!

The Middle Ages!

This climbing of the soul power is like jumping on a rocket!

In the realm of Qiankun, the most important thing is the sacred soul power. The higher the sacred soul realm, the stronger the law of heaven and earth that is motivated, and the stronger the attack power when integrated into the sacred power!

Big holy peak, break me!

Horror. Under the power of the four rules, Luo Yu's sacred soul power has soared to the peak of the Great Holy One, which is only half a step away from Tian Sheng!

From the cave heaven, soared directly to the peak of the Great Holy, who else?

"Ha ha ha! Qian Kun Jing, Qian Kun Jing, this is the power of Qian Kun Jing, ha ha ha ..."

Luo Yu's laughter echoed between the heavens and the earth, and the laughter rolled like a thunder, sweeping the sky.

And in the laughter, there was a huge world coercion.

How strong is the sacred soul of the four rules and the sacred element of the four rules?

Luo Yu didn't know, but he knew that if a strong man at the top of the Great Holy Spirit was in front of him, he could blast him with one punch and easily blast him with one punch.

At this moment, in the sudden change, Luo Yu's holy soul broke a seal, and a powerful force poured out from his holy soul.

This power is in black and white.

Dark and exudes deep death!

White! Contains endless vitality!

This force poured in, and the world became black and white.

"Here, this power is!"

Luo Yu felt this sudden surge of power again and was shocked at the scene. After a long time, he spit out a few words.

"The power of reincarnation!"

"How, how can it be the power of reincarnation, why do I have the power of reincarnation!"

Luo Yu felt this power without believing, but yes, this is the power of reincarnation, life and death!


At that moment, Luo Yu suddenly made a terrible cry, and countless memories poured into his mind.

It was a chaotic universe, like an egg, like a bead, suspended in a larger, more terrifying space, and around. There are countless such beads!

Suddenly one day, the universe did not know why it exploded, and the volume of the universe was constantly expanding like a balloon that had been blown countless times!

Inside the universe, there are numerous broken edges. These small pieces have become stars and the large ones have become the continent.

A black and white atmosphere was born in the universe.

Suddenly, a divine light descended from the sky, chopping the black and white air into two parts.

Two black and white spirits wandered together in the universe, like a pair of brothers, going through endless time.

Gradually, these two black and white spirits both possessed spiritual intelligence and gave birth to spiritual intelligence. They became two embryos, and one embryo was broken first, and a fat, babbling baby appeared from it.

The baby looked at the universe with curiosity. Then, he devoured the power of reincarnation contained in his embryo, and instantly grew to the size of a juvenile, and possessed the power of the magical realm!

Born, you have the power of Divine Fire.

The young man had dark hair like silk and a handsome face.

Not Ge Xiuzhu, who else!

Juvenile Xiuzhu looked at the unborn embryo on the other side, and an instinctual voice in his heart told him.

If he devours this embryo, he will have a powerful power immediately!

He hesitated, but he suppressed this longing in his heart, held the embryo, and held it in his arms.

"From today, my name is Ge Xiuzhu, you are my brother Xiuwen, Xiuwen! Hehe"

!! (Latest K_ Chapter E / Section on OU

He hugged the embryo and laughed to himself, then used Yuanli to condense a cloth bag, put the embryo into the cloth bag, and carried it on his back.

With his embryo on his back, he toured the universe that was just born.

There are many dangers in the birth universe, and this era is called chaos!

Many chaotic beasts have also been born in the chaos. God beasts have crickets that swallowed the sky, crickets with wingspans of thousands of miles, golden ancestral phoenixes, and powerful blue ancestors.

There are also many powers, born life, gods, they are very powerful, born with powerful powers.

But he has been protecting the embryo, he can be injured, he has not injured the embryo.

Finally, one day, the embryo was awakened and another little boy was born.

His name is Xiuwen.

At this time, his elder brother Xiuzhu was already very powerful and became the first Emperor of Heaven in the universe.

If he could devour his younger brother, he would be the first saint in the universe and one of the strongest in the universe.

But he did not do so, he protected him, and the two brothers' relationship was as good as one.

As soon as they were born, they knew one thing. Only by killing the loved ones in front of them could they achieve the avenue.

"Xiu Wen, let's make an agreement, no matter who is strong or weak, we should not climb the endless avenue, nor can we hurt each other.

Ge Xiuzhu, who is already the reincarnation emperor, laughed at Xiu Wen, his younger brother, who was only Yuan Taijing.


Xiuwen was crying. He had been thinking wildly. One day, the powerful brother would kill himself for strength.

At this time Xiu Zhu put forward this agreement, nothing more than to make Xiu Wen feel at ease, he will never hurt him.

"it is good……"

"Oh, that's all right, brother, never break up!"

"Uh-huh, brother, never break up!"

They both gave high-five oaths.

Finally, one day, Xiuwen also reached the peak of the cave heaven, the power of reincarnation back to bitter suffering, the two re-entered the reincarnation, the repair was lost, and everything started again.

But at the last minute, the two did not violate the contract and shot at each other.

With memory, they reborn into different worlds, and finally the evil spirits rose. With their own induction, they could always sense the direction of each other's existence and then find each other.

The two brothers experienced the sufferings of reincarnation over and over again, and they lost and gained, but never violated that agreement, no matter who was strong or weak, they did not kill and devour each other.

"On the shore of He He is the hometown. Reincarnation is the same as the other!" Xiuzhu, Xiuwen, Big Brother Ge, Big Brother ... "

This memory poured into his mind, Luo Yu muttering to himself, his eyes were already rosy ...

Speaking of which, I also shed tears. If I have this brother, the poor, the rich and the rich will not be separated.


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