Come to The Peak

Chapter 1745: : The New Demon

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Just as Luo Yu expected, Jiu Lei Jie did not know the news of Jin Leizi's accident.

For Gu Cang's relics, Jiu Lei Jie doesn't pay much attention to it. After all, the strength is too different. I don't think Gu Cang can shake Jiu Lei Jie.

It's like the story of many peasant uprisings on a planet against the push of power.

The ancient Cang continent has restored its calmness. Luo Yu ’s purple scorpion still lacks the last point to condense twenty-one spiritual patterns. Incorporating the laws of Kendo, it can become a true holy sacred and holy sacred. Artifact, killer.

The soul of the purple urn, which became an artifact, can condense the flesh and gather with the heart.

And now in Luo Yu's body, the holy flames have the sky punishment Lei Yan, Jiuyou holy flame, Aoki holy flame, extinct air flame, Xuanhuang fire, Nirvana gold flame, ice soul mysterious fire and other seven flames become holy flame.

Nirvana's Golden Flame is the fire of his origin, and this flame also became the holy flame when it broke through.

There is also the Tian Yu Xing Huo, the sun really fires, and the Red Lotus Demon Fire is not sanctified.

As for the Red Lotus Demon Fire, you can use the blood temperature in the Purple Sword to raise it.

If Jiuyan is sanctified, his burning power will certainly be much stronger,

The holy flame peak that Jiuyan has broken through, I am afraid that the strength of Chaos Skyfire Body will not be below the Jiuxiao Thunder Body of Jiulei Tiansheng.

Three years later, in Luoyu Tongtian Tower, Lei Haoqiang, Feng Yunwu, Luo Yan, Luo Dan, Luo Feng, Luo Mingzhu, Ruo Lan, and others all refined the origin and achieved the Holy Throne. Not too much.

In the vein of Gu Cang, seven saints were added.

Sixteen people are in the power of refining.

That also included Bai Yutong, Fu Xuanxuan, etc., as well as his several wives, Lao Hao, and his wife.

Just give them time, that ancient Cang will certainly add more than ten saints.

Gu Cang at that time was definitely the first force under the ten strongest Heavenly Holy Powers.

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The practice of Luo Yu is too extensive, and it requires various resources. The current plan is to find ways to evolve the two flames, the real sun and the heavenly spark, to the holy flame level.

Luo Yu also left Gu Cang, Yi Rong, and returned to San Cang Realm.

On the land of Tai Cang, Luo Yu once killed the demon head, and the sword demon thing was also released by the major sects. It was the name of Luo Yu that washed away the fierce name of the killing demon head.

Luo Yu did not stop on the Sancang continent, but flew directly into the endless starry sky. His goal is the sun ancestor!

To evolve the true fire of the sun, he only had to go to the birthplace of the true fire of the sun.

And the woman in blond gold clothes has been buried in his heart all these years.

He didn't forget that she had come out of the Tower of Heaven and was besieged by the saints. She supported her from the distant starry sky.


When Luo Yu flew to the extraterrestrial starry sky, the land was too vast, the east was a wasteland, and the vast tens of thousands of miles of the East Devil Sea.

Because there are many demons in the battlefield in ancient times, the sea area has been polluted by magic gas, ordinary human races, and souls cannot survive, so it has become a Jedi, Forbidden Land, a corner forgotten by everyone.

The universe is too big, the world is too big, and this is just a tiny tip on the continent. Who cares about it?

Suddenly dark clouds over the magic sea, a lot of magic gas surging in the magic sea.

Many World of Warcraft jumped out of the sea with a roar.

In the roar, it was panic!

A huge magic power also permeated the magic sea.

"Hahaha ...; Qiankun Realm, Qiankun Realm, this is how Qiankun Realm feels, hahaha ..."

A wild laughter echoed in the midst of the magical sea.

A handsome man in a blood robe hovered above the magical sea, exuding a horrible force in his body.

This person is not anyone else.

But now he has become a horror demon who has just entered the heavens.

The remnant that was suppressed in the East Devil's Sea was the head of the Yuanshi Tianmo.

And the power of the origin contained in it is also the most. After refining the origin in the demon's head, after refining the power of the demon in the world of Yuan Shi Tian Demon for his own use, he has now become a newcomer Strong.

Among the demons, this realm is also called the sky demon.

If he can get the magic fetus in Luo Yudong Heaven, it would be no surprise that he could become one of the strongest demons.

"Heavenly Devil ...; haha, I am afraid that the geniuses of the demons who have been with my peers have never dreamed that I will get such a great opportunity in another world."

Emperor Yan said to himself.

"Now it's time to start the plan and forge the bone and blood **** magic altar!"

There was a trace of coldness in my eyes.

The last layer of the Bone Blood God Altar is the hardest to forge, and it requires the most soul power and flesh essence.

"And you! Luo Yu, hate to kill his wife, don't wear it together, one day, I will make you completely regret the stupidity you used to have!"

雩 Clenched his fist, his eyes are full of monstrous killing and anger.

The only person in his life who died in his life was killed and killed by Luo Yu's people. The return of the demons and revenge became the only two things he needs to do now.

The emperor finally tore open the space, entered the turbulent space, and once invaded the Sancang Realm. He still remembers some small worlds in the Sancang Realm and the place where the secret realm exists.

Soon after walking through the turbulent space, a world barrier appeared in a place in the turbulent space.

Ragged tore the barriers of the world and entered a small world.

This small world is almost the size of a realm, with a radius of tens of millions of miles, which is comparable to the area of ​​the two countries of Gu Cang.

And in this small world, there are also billions of human races and creatures, and the strongest are also warriors of Yuantaiyuan.

Rumble ...; ...;!

There was a thunderous thunder over the city of a certain human race in this small world.

Countless peoples looked up at the sky, and saw a huge black shadow falling from the sky.


The earth shook for a while, and a huge blood-red tower of a mountain fell into the city, which instantly killed tens of thousands of people.

People looked at this high platform in horror. The high platform looked like a tower. It was blood-red. There were eight floors. The ninth floor was condensing a little.

"Oh my God, this, what is this!"

"The tower descending from heaven, this is a sign of no fall"

Countless people looked in horror at the altar of blood and blood, looking horrified.

Even the warriors flew up boldly, and looked at the Altar of Blood God.

Suddenly, the altar of blood and blood sent out a blood-red energy radiating away, wrapping the entire city, and the blood-red energy was turned into a flame of blood and poured into each person's body.


Millions of people uttered horrible voices throughout the city.

The flesh and blood burned to become the essence of flesh and blood, and rushed to the altar of blood and blood gods. Even the soul could not escape, and all were sucked into the altar of blood and blood gods.

And the radiation of this blood-colored energy has not stopped, a little bit spread to the whole small world ...; ...;

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