Come to The Peak

Chapter 1754: : Xingyue Shengchao

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"That would be great, hahaha ... Come on, Xingye would respect the Master again."

The great prince was overjoyed and raised his glass to pay respect.

"Second brother, second brother, with these strong men to help me, I see what else do you fight with me!"

The Prince said secretly.

There is more than one prince in the Xingyue dynasty. He has a second brother. He has a great talent for cultivation.

And these years, the Lord of the Moon and the Moon intends to abdicate, and must be closed to the retreat, so the battle for the throne has become increasingly fierce around the two.

Why did he marry Yu Xun? First, Yu Xun is a powerful man in the world, but also beautiful.

Second, if the Jinwu tribe is also included in the subordinates of the Xingyue dynasty, this is also a credit.

But now that there are strong men like Luo Yu willing to join him, the Jinwu tribe is nothing in his eyes.

The two talked very well. After a long time, Xingye retreated, and Yu Gang arranged a residence for the great prince in the palace.

After Xingye left, Luo Yu looked at Hechi and remained silent.

"Boss, you asked me to inquire about the situation in the Xingyue dynasty. Now that you have become the guest of Xingye, is it possible that you want to step into the Xingyue dynasty?

After Xingye left, Yan Ting frowned.

The red scales on the side also showed the color of doubt, and did not understand what Luo Yu was planning.

Luo Yu smiled slightly and sat in the pavilion, motioning them to sit down.

The two sat on either side. Luo Yu poured up the Xingmeng wine just now and gave them a glass.

The two already had a mouthful of this wine just now, and they eagerly drank a glass to admire the good wine.

"Now that we Gu Cang want to develop to the point where we can deal with the Nine Thunder Realm, I am afraid that it can't be achieved in a thousand years, and the next stunned killing is not many years old. If we want to fight against the Nine Thunder Realm, we will also Have to learn to borrow "

Luo Yu said lightly.


They still don't quite understand.

"Even if they joined the Xingyue dynasty, they are unlikely to help us deal with the Nine Thunder Realm, and the relationship between the Lord of the Xingyue and the Nine Thunder Heaven is also good. There was also a star in the strongest heavenly seal that sealed Gu Cang. Lord of the Moon "

Red Scale said with a beard.

"Yes, if the Xingyue dynasty knows our identity, it may still hit the rake and help Jiulei Realm to deal with us. How can this be borrowed?"

Yan Ting also said.

Luo Yu smiled slightly and said, "What if I let this momentum become our potential?"

"Our potential!"

They were even more puzzled.

"Doesn't the leader want to subdue the Xingyue dynasty? Is this ... the Xingyue lord is also the strongest celestial sacred, can it be too difficult?"

"Oh, conquer positively, I don't think I have the strength to deal with the Lord of the Moon, but to conquer the strongest bunkers, I usually have to start from the inside, and I don't confront the Lord of the Moon, and the Star Leaf is our Entry point "

Luo Yu smiled mysteriously, and then told the two of his plans.

After the two listened, their mouths widened and they were shocked.

There was a huge wave rolling in my heart, and it was only a long time before Luo Yu showed her admiration.

"Boss's chess game is dangerous and wonderful, haha, but big risks have big rewards, wonderful, wonderful!"

Yan Ting really praised and admired Luo Yu's strategy and vision.

"But the most critical step of this move is to fall on the leader and Xiaoqiao Qianxiang."

Red scales also said.

Luo Yu nodded, he told the two some deployments, and the two left.

Luo Yu looked at the lotus pond, and his mouth evoked a smiling smile.

"Jiulei Realm, Xingyue Holy Kingdom ..."

In the lotus pond, a red carp just swallowed a shrimp, and Luo Yu's fingers a little. The red carp shook to death in the pond, and the two sharks came over to fight for the red carp that died ...

"This game has just begun ..."

Luo Yu got up and left He Ting slowly.


Staying on the Sun ancestor for a few days, the star leaves came to visit daily, and the relationship between Luo Yu and the great prince Xingye was much closer.

And Xingye, also began to disclose with Luo Yu some Xingyue pilgrimage, already some of the battle between him and his second brother.

After some time, Xingye started driving back to the Xingyue dynasty, and Luo Yu was also invited to go to the Xingyue dynasty together.

The Xingyue dynasty ruled several galaxies, had dozens of life planets, and no less than tens of billions of believers.

In the blue nebula galaxy, there is a huge white planet, which is a overcast planet. There are billions of people on the planet, and it is a bustling city.

The royal court of the Xingyue dynasty is also located on this planet.

This planet is named Tianyuexing, and its area is as large as that of a state.

Tianyue Holy City stands thousands of miles away, and the lofts and terraces are long and lively, and there is an inner city with golden stones as the wall, which also covers hundreds of miles, countless palace buildings, and a strong military army.

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This is also the imperial city of the Xingyue dynasty.

The six-headed dragonfly fell from the sky and landed at the gate of the imperial city. Immediately, a number of holy city soldiers wearing gold armor came to hold the starry dragonfly.

Long Ling pulled Long Ling and walked into the Imperial City.

However, there is a space array method in Longjing, and the internal space is huge. Refining is a hall that can accommodate hundreds of people without crowding.

Luo Yu and Xingye and Yuegao were drinking and chatting in the car.

Xingyue also introduced this imperial city to Luo Yu.

Liulongyu walked a little on the avenue of the imperial city. When patrolling troops or passing maids saw it, they would give way, respectfully saluting.

At this time, a dragon cricket suddenly walked across from the opposite side. This dragon cricket was also the six dragons pulling by, and came to the opposite side of the dragon pheasant like Xingye and stopped.

"Oh, isn't this the brother's dragon sister? I don't know where the brother came from?"

A faint smile came from the opposite Long Ling, a man wearing Xingyue white robe, Jun Yi and Xingye had two similar points sitting in Long Ling.

On the other side, the great prince Xingye in the dragon's chest heard his voice, his face sank.

Who else is his brother, the Second Prince Nebula?

Generally speaking, the king is Jiulongyu, representing the Supreme Master of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. Only the prince can be rewarded to sit on the Six Dragons, and the second prince can also sit on the Six Dragons. The prince's favorite.

"Hehe, it ’s the second brother. Where does the older brother go? I do n’t need to report to the second brother."

The prince sneered.

"Hey, the little brother just asked, the big brother is not strange"

The nebula gave a small laugh, and then his dragonfly passed by the great prince, dragonfly.

But at this moment, a terrible coercion suddenly fell on the six princes of the great prince.


The prince's six dragons moaned, and he vomited blood and lay directly on the ground.

The strength of this momentum is definitely the level of heaven!

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