Come to The Peak

Chapter 1761: : Still strong

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The Lord Xingyue shouted angrily, and the queen stood cold, and stood up.

This group of people, all of them are the power of Qiankun.

"Xingyue Lord, I wonder if you know us yet"

Among the crowd, two men stood up and said that their appearance had changed greatly, and it was Yan Ting and Chi Li who had recovered their true appearance.

"It's you, Gu Cang's remnants, Yan Ting, Red Scale!"

Xingyue Lord said somberly.

"Haha, it seems that the Lord of the Stars and the Moon has not forgotten us in the millennium."

Yan Ting sneered.

"Huh, you are so daring. Although I am not interested in actively encircling you, I have no intention of killing you since you came to the door. Then go to Jiu Lei to change your relationship."

Xingyue Shengzhu said with a sneer, and then the Xingyuan Yuan mobilized wildly and surging.

"This, what's going on!"

This mobilization of the Xingyue Holy Lord immediately discovered that something was wrong. In his own world bead, he could only mobilize 40% of the power, and the other sacred elemental forces could not emerge from the world bead!

"Your Majesty, my strength, my strength is less than 40%!"

Not only him, but even the queen!

"What's going on, what have you done to me?"

Xingyue Lord roared at the group of people looking at him.

"Haha, this is going to ask your son"

Luo Yu sneered.

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"You, the rain fell, you hurt me!"

Although Prince Hoshiba did not quite understand what was going on, it was not difficult to guess that she was in Luo Yukeng.

"Niezi, it's you! Wait, isn't the wine you drank just now poisonous?"

Xingyue Shengzhu immediately understood, and then a face became angry purple.

"Father, me!"

Hey ...; ...;!

What the great prince wanted to say, but the Lord Xingyue slapped him on the palm.

Hey ...; ...;!

The great prince threw out, and his body hit the realm of the realm, his flesh shattered.

"Do n’t call it my father, I do n’t have your son. When I kill them, I will seal you in prison for thousands of years."

Xingyue Lord roared. Although sealed by poison, he still has powerful power.

"Don't think that what can be done with this little trick, today I want to let you guys come and go, where are the Eight Leaders!"

Xingyue Lord roared, but no one echoed him.

"Don't shout. Except that Yue Gao is controlled by me, your other seven leaders have been transferred out of the dynasty by your second son, and are preparing to ambush and kill your eldest son on the way of the star.

Luo Yu said with a faint smile, the Lord Xingyue heard the words in shock and anger, and screamed: "All this is designed by you? Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that your Xingyue dynasty will change its dynasty and kill me!"

Luo Yu gave a cold drink.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Suddenly Redscale, Yan Ting, Chaos, and more than ten others killed the Lord of the Moon and Stars, and they all burst into majestic momentum.

"Hahaha ...; ...; don't think that you guys can kill me and seal six successes, the general Holy Saint is also not a stingy opponent"

Xingyue Lord laughed, and he had an extra large sword with blue starlight in his hand.

The sword is blue and the size is similar to that of Aster. It contains endless star power and the sword is soaring into the sky.

Sky Star Sword, a Chinese artifact!


Lord Xingyue took out the star sword and kicked it out, turning into a blue starlight and killing him.

The queen was not idle either, but killed with the Lord Xingyue.

Rumble ...; ...;!

The opposite side and various attacks came, and the Star Sword in the hand of the Lord of the Moon and the Moon shone, and a bright blue star sword light suddenly broke all the attacks.

He's right, even if Feng Liucheng's skill is strong, his strength is much stronger than the average Heavenly Saint. After all, he is the man who cultivates the origin of the astral path to the extreme.

"Eight feet!"

Yan Ting took a golden ruler and cut it with a foot, and the eight golden rulers chopped openly.

"Hum! It's hard to beat"

The Xingyue Lord sneered, and in the hands of the Celestial Sword, he cut out several stars and swords, and shattered these eight rulers.

At the same time, he punched out with a punch.

"Starfall Fist!"


The fist turned into a star burning blue flames and bombarded Yanting.

Yan Ting's face changed drastically, and he quickly cut off his energy with a foot.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The eight-foot Jin was smashed and broken, and Xingchen Fist struck Yan Ting's body, and Yan Tingyi's body was blasted.

"Red flame cut!"

At this time, Chi scales lifted a red-red sword and slashed the Sovereign Lord of the Moon. A thousand fire dragons roared and killed them, burning up the void. The palace was turned into an ashes, and many servants were dying in smoke.

Rumble ...; ...;!

This sword and fire dragon bombarded the Lord Xingyue, and the violent flame of the sword has drowned the Lord Xingyue.

But in the flames, the blue starlight from his star crown formed a shield to protect him.

This star crest is also an inferior artifact, and the general Heavenly Saint attack cannot be broken.

"Day and Moon Cut!"

The Xingyue Lord cut a sword to Red Scale, and there was a burst of bright starlight on the sword. A white crescent moon swallowed from the sword and crushed it to the Red Scale.

The red scale's face changed, and a sword pierced thousands of red flame sword mansions and bombarded the meniscus, but the meniscus shattered the sword mancers and blasted at the red scales.

The red scales turned into a stream of flames and quickly escaped, and with a booming sound, the world area was cut out of a huge gap, and the world area was cut open four times in a row!

Rumble ...; ...;!

A chaotic roar turned into a huge fireball, and it also struck the Lord of the Moon.

This fireball crushes the world domain of this layer, and its power is amazing.

Hey ...; ...;!

The fireball slammed into the starlight protector of the Xingyue Lord and exploded. The starlight was dark, and the Xingyue Lord was shaken by a huge blasting force.

Huh! Huh!

Yan Ting Chi-Lin then killed the Xingyue Lord.

On the other side, the queen was jointly dealt with by more than a dozen powerful men in the Qiankang Realm, and it was only a matter of time before defeat.

However, the Lord of the Xingyue is extremely difficult and powerful. The artifact protects the body and has a killer. The three sage-level strongmen can't help him, and there is a tendency to fall.

Luo Yu and a group of unattended people watching in the distance also showed surprise.

This is still sealed with 60% of its strength. If it erupts with all its strength, I am afraid that the three Yan Ting are not his enemies, and the name of the strongest Heavenly Saint is not bragging.



The chaos uttered a terrible sound, and the billowing flesh was cut in half by a sword, scorching blood, and the beast soul fled.

"Escape? Let's die!"

Xingyue Lord sneered, one sword beheaded to the chaotic beast soul.

"Master saves me!"

Shouting in chaos and panic, if the beast soul was chopped by this excalibur, it would also fall! Don't use it to exclaim, Luo Yu has appeared in front of him.

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