Come to The Peak

Chapter 1771: : Demon Unification

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Shenlong Valley, on the highest mountain, a figure sits on a boulder, surrounded by clouds and mists. The sun rises from the distant sea and penetrates the sun into the clouds.

The young man with white hair and purple hair, holding the world bead in his hands, looked at the rising sun with little eyes, and looked at a mouthful of wine from time to time. In this stay, I don't know how many sunrises and sunsets.

"Third brother, this sun doesn't look like the sun in Yuya. When did you, me, second brother, we sit on the sunrise stone in Yuya and talk about martial arts after drinking?"

Luo Yu held Duan Yu's World Bead and murmured to the new born sun.

"Among the brothers, your character is the most sloppy and unrestrained. You seem to care nothing about anything.

But the elder brother knew, you, one of the most affectionate brothers, huh, now you and I have a long life, and you guys haven't waited for me for a moment, so they left and left ...; you The first thing I like to see is the newborn sun, and you are willing to leave? ...; "

Luo Yu said something, and tears fell on the golden world beads.

And in the distance, Luo Ying and Ape Ling and Qing'er looked at the sunrise alone, with heavy grief in their eyes and rosy eyes.

"You can rest assured that you are watching in the underworld. The elder brother will send the people in the Nine Thunders one by one into reincarnation. One day, I will kill that underworld and find your soul again. Abandon, Big Brother won't let you leave me too long "

Luo Yu rubbed against the world beads and slowly stood up.

"I Luo Yu swears to the sun, this life will never die Jiu Lei Tian Sheng, after death will never fall into reincarnation!"

Luo Yu has put the world bead into his own world, and in his eyes, there is nothing more than an unforgettable killing intention!

This journey has taken too long, and there are too many dead brothers. Luo Yu has learned to be free from grief.

Fortunately, Duan Yu's holy spirit was completely protected by a reincarnation before he disappeared completely. He will not lose his memory after entering the underworld.

They were not the day they never met again.


Qing'er came over and hugged Luo Yu tightly, sobbing: "I'm sorry, sorry, the three brothers are only there to save me ...; ...;"

Qing'er said, crying silently.

"It's me who's sorry, I'm late."

Luo Yu shook her head and hugged Qinger.

"Will you go to Nine Thunders for revenge next?"

Qing'er asked anxiously, what he was most afraid of was this thing, for fear that Luo Yu would rush to Jiulei Realm to avenge Duan Yu.

He wiped Qing'er's tears and said softly: "Relax, I won't rush to get revenge immediately, Jiu Lei Tian Sheng I will kill him, but not now, the third brother has not left us completely. One day, I will go back to him "

Luo Yu comforted, and Qinger heard it a little loosely.

"Yes, what about the next month?"

Qing'er suddenly asked this question.

Other demons have surrendered. The Tai Cang demonic world also failed because of this battle and surrendered to Qinger, but Yueyue was unwilling to surrender.

"Earth month ...; ...;"

Luo Yu heard that his eyes were cold. If this person had not colluded with the Nine Thunder Realm, how could that segment of Yu fall, and the fall of Duan Yu could not be separated from him.

"Where is he? Take me to see him"


In the Suolongyuan in Shennong Valley, in the canyon shrouded in enchantment, a figure was repaired by a seal, trapped in a stone dungeon on the stone wall, and surrounded by a large number of dragon fighters.

That one-eyed Qianlong realm crawled not far away, guarding the man.

This man is also too Cang Yaozun, Yueyue.

Although Yueyue was defeated, she was also the supreme blood of the demon tribe, and was not tortured by being locked up here.

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Thunder Sky was different. It was sealed by Luo Yu in the Tongtian Tower and tortured day and night with the Nine Flames.

Luo Yuqing'er and Luo Ling ape spirits flew in, the dragon soldiers saluted respectfully, opened the stone prison, and let the four enter.

Wu Yuepan sat in the stone dungeon with a very calm look.

When they saw Luo Yu, there were no movements.

"Why, Longqing, do you come to see my joke now?"

Yue Yue looked at Long Qing and sneered.

"Yueyue, you have a victory or defeat. You are defeated. Are you still unwilling to accept the facts, submission is your only option?"

Qinger said lightly.

"Oh, surrender, you and I are the supreme blood of the demons. Do you think it is possible for me to surrender? I persuaded you to surrender at first, but you would rather use countless demons to defend your dignity."

Yue Yue sneered.

Luo Yu was not in the mood to listen to his nonsense. A purple giant sword appeared in his hand. He walked past it and inserted it into Yueyue's chest and nailed him to the stone wall.


Yue Yue screamed in her mouth.

"Unsubmit, okay, then die."

Luo Yu sneered at him.

"Boy, you, dare, I am the descendant of the demon ancestor, you dare to kill me, the demon ancestor will find you for revenge"

He Yue roared, not forgetting the threat in his mouth.

"Yu, he is indeed a descendant of the demon ancestor. Killing him may cause some unnecessary trouble."

Qinger also preached.

Luo Yu, as if she hadn't heard it, pinched Yueyue's neck coldly: "Don't threaten me. My Luo Yu is also the most unreliable threat. The ancestor Xun Peng has disappeared in ancient times. You think I Do n’t know? What if you are his descendant? ”

The awakening of reincarnation has also gradually awakened the memories of his previous life. Luo Yu has already known many things that he did not know before.

Of course, the recovery of this memory is also a slow process.


The moon was ugly, but it was speechless.

"Do you know that death is not the most painful thing? It is better to die than to die. Do you know what Thunder Sky is like now? I can show you"

Luo Yu drew the purple pupa, grabbed Thunder Sky, and instantly disappeared in place, and came to the Tongtian Tower, the eighth floor of the prison of Lei.


That scream was echoing all the time.

Thunder Soul's holy spirit was imprisoned in jail, and a ray of nine holy flames slowly burned on his body, a little bit of his original holy spirit was abraded in pain.

"Ah, this!"

When Yueyue saw this outside the prison, her scalp was numb and her vest was in a cool air.

"See? It's better to die than to die. At this rate, he will be tortured for a hundred years before he disappears."

Luo Yu said lightly, and then he suddenly yelled, "Submit, or die!"

Seriously, he really wanted to kill Yueyue directly, but if he killed him, the Taicang demon tribe would have resentment, which had an impact on the rule of Qing'er.

Yueyue looked at the thunderous sky that was tortured day and night by Nine Youhu, pale, and finally nodded.

"From now on, the demon tribe will only be respected with blue dragons."

Yueyue said suddenly, sitting on the ground with one butt.

Haoyue surrendered to Qinger, and since then, the mainstream of the Sancang demon clan has been under the rule of Qinger.

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