Come to The Peak

Chapter 1804: : Same Roots and Sufferings

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After Xue Qingtian said lightly, the demon would quickly say: "The Demon Dragon Family has now ruled the Eastern Wasteland and planted the Demon Tree. Lord Kaidan asked if he would attack other large states?"

"Since other major states have not yet been discovered, I think we should first take down Cangzhou, Dongzhou, and Muzhou near Donghuang, so that one third of the land in our country is in our hands.

At that time, we will use these three states and a realm as a springboard to launch a war against Tai Cang. As long as we conquer Tai Cang, we will have enough grounds to take root, and meet the people in the demon world. Gradually nibble, what do you think? "

Xue Qingtian looked at everyone and said.

He is the president of the robbery this time, not to say that if he is to improve his strength, he will be better than the other eleven big commanders, but that he has the most military commanding ability.

"It's really **** trouble, I see. It directly mobilized all the troops and pushed all the forces on the Sancang level."

Said the giant slaves of the trolls.

"I agree with Xue Qingtian's point of view. In the last war, we were too hasty. We lost in the first battle, and then we retreated. In this way, we can support the war by fighting and steadily confronting it. Conquered the Sancang Realm! How should we face the calamity that is not far away? "

The Shadow Devil clan, said a woman wearing a black cheongsam and surrounded by black mist.

"Well, Yingsha said so, this is also my consideration, not only to conquer Sancang, but also to retain most of our strength against the catastrophe."

Xue Qingtian said.

The other strongest demon leaders nodded, agreeing with Blood Qingtian's suggestion, and Blood Qingtian said: "The giant slave leader will take your troll family to assist the dragon family, the two royal families, the shadow demon. Family cooperation, I believe there is no problem in conquering these states. "


"Hey, okay, I can't wait to fight with the cubs in San Cangjie"

The giant slave smiled and walked out of the commander's house carrying two huge tomahawks on his back.

He flew to the place where the trolls lived and saw the huge plain. Countless giant buildings covered the earth, and there were countless dozen trolls standing on the ground.

"Trolls gather!"

The giant slave roared, and a loud voice spread across the plains of tens of thousands of miles.

boom! boom! boom……!

Suddenly the earth shook, countless trolls came out of the tent, all carrying giant swords, heavy hammers, or tomahawks.

Not long after, tens of millions of troll warriors gathered in the plain, one hundred meters high, as big as a hill.

"It's time for our trolls to dispatch. This time we want to let other demons and the ants of the Sancang Realm see the strength of our trolls."

The giant slave yelled.

"Trolls, Trolls"

"Roar ...! Roar ...!"

Tens of millions of trolls made a loud roar and waved their weapons.

The giant slave banged out with a punch, the space shattered into a large hole, and led directly to the eastern wasteland outside. His magic power covered the large space hole, forming a space channel, and flew out of the little devil world, and thousands of Ten thousand Troll warriors then swarmed into the space channel.


Extraterrestrial starry sky, the star domain where Tian Yu Shengzong is located.

The two figures collided constantly in the starry sky, and the two swords were killed as if they were two sounds.

Both men were fighting with physical strength and did not use energy, but even so, that sword move was extremely powerful against the power that erupted between the bumps.

The two of them, one with black hair in white, had flames burning in their eyes, and their faces were handsome.

The other person was a woman. The apricots, willows, eyebrows, and cherry blossoms, and the skin was condensed, and she wore a pale yellow dress, a rare beauty.

These two people are Luo Yan and Ye Lingxue.

But now the two have become husband and wife, and compete in swordplay in their free time.

However, Luo Yan has become sanctified. If it is a real competition, the cultivation of Ye Lingxuedong's heaven is naturally not his opponent.

After a hundred strokes, Ye Lingxue was still defeated, and Luo Jian flicked Liu Jian in his hand.

"Haha, Lingxue, this time, I insisted on 20 more tricks than the last time."

Luo Yan laughed, took out a towel, and gently wiped the sweat on Ye Lingxue's forehead.

"Huh, you think I can't see it. In the last ten strokes, I should have failed, because you deliberately let the water out."

Ye Lingxue hummed and pinched Luo Yao's waist.

"No, no, you really have improved."

Luo Yan smiled painfully.



Ye Lingxue's eyes were crooked with a smile, "You're sweet, don't bully me like you did last night"

But then a little worry appeared in her eyes, saying: "Cheng Feng has gone out to practice for decades. Really, there is no news, which makes people worry about death."

"Be assured, Cheng Feng is the Jiuquan of Dongtianjing after all. Although he professed self-cultivation, it can be unlocked when he encounters an irresistible danger, and there is also the fireball of his father. Enemies who meet Qiankun also have self-protection methods. Nothing will happen "

Luo Ling said Ye Lingxue in his arms and comforted softly.


Ye Lingxue nodded, but then she groaned and gave a headache and groaned.

"Lingxue, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Yan was frightened and asked quickly.

"I don't know, Cheng Feng. My soul is so painful. Suddenly there is a lot of pain in the soul, ah ..."

Ye Lingxue huddled with pain in Luo Yan's arms.

"Lingxue, hold back, I'll take you immediately to see Aunt Xiaoqiao to show you"

Luo Yan picked up Ye Lingxue, flew into a streamer, and flew to a splendid apothecary palace in the holy city of Tianyu.

"Aunt Xiaoqiao, hurry up, show Ling Xue quickly"

Luo Ye held Ye Lingxue and broke into the pharmacist's holy palace. Xiaoqiao appeared in front of Luo Ye instantly, and said, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, Ling Xue suddenly said that she was suffering. Please help her."

Xiaoqiao heard that Dai Dai frowned, and the sacred soul turned into a piece of gold and poured into the spirit of Ye Lingxue.

I saw Ye Lingxue's soul and body surface burning with a very faint golden flame.

This flame is not enough to hurt Ye Lingxue's spirit source, but it has caused Ye Lingxue an intractable pain.

Xiaoqiao immediately took out a golden soul pill and gave it to Ye Lingxue. The soul pill transformed into a spirit of Ye Lingxue into a sea of ​​spirits and wrapped the spirit of Ye Lingxue.

The soul fire extinguished immediately, and then Ye Lingxue's expression relaxed.

However, this was another groan from her, and the extinguished flame in the soul was burning again! Burning without cause!

"How could this be!"

The consciousness was also shocked when Luo Luo observed.

Xiaoqiao Mei's eyes froze slowly and said, "Same root, same soul and same root, Xiao Chengfeng, something happened!"

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