Come to The Peak

Chapter 211: : Mysterious Youth

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Chapter 211: Mysterious Youth

"Star-chasing and arrow-three arrows!"


Three black iron arrows shot out in anger, and the three warriors who rushed up burst a burst of blood mist on their chests. The whole body was shot and blown into two pieces.

Luo Yu's heart stopped, the bowstring kept making a humming sound, a black iron arrow snarled one after another, and the martial arts below kept flashing, but Luo Yu's arrows were so accurate, the dragon tongue bow How fast can the arrows be fired? Every time you open the bow and pull the string, there will be an extra corpse below, scattered with ground meat.

The breaking sound of crickets is like the same talisman, and the movement of Luo Yu's arrows and bows is very fast. The entire set of actions is like peers and flowing water, without the slightest sense of stagnation. Scary, more than a hundred late-day martial arts soldiers have now killed more than forty people, all this young man did! One by one, they scrambled underneath, hiding in the wooden building, and dare not show their heads.

Looking back in front of the spacious Yaochi gate, in addition to the more than forty corpses and a crowd watching in the distance? Who dares to come out and fight with it? It's nothing more than a dead letter.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, a group of rats who dare to bully more, who dares to come out and fight with me Luo Yu!"

Luo Yu was carrying a giant purple sword, holding a dragonbow bow, and standing on the rooftop laughing wildly.

"Who dares to come out and fight with me Luo Yu!"

"Who dares to come out and fight with me Luo Yu!"

This sentence echoed on the street, Gu Gu wild, who dare to come out to answer.

Thousands of martial arts soldiers watching around looked terrified, staring at the young man with blood-stained back sword holding a bow like a god.

"This, this, this ... who is this boy! There is one enemy in the same realm! No one dares to kill a hundred people, Luo Yu! When did such a character come in Qingyang? Never heard of it before ? "

"Yeah, these combat powers have caught up with the five heavenly pride in Hou Tianjing. It is said that the small war **** Li Yu once slaughtered hundreds of wolves on horseback, somehow this young man is stronger and weaker than him?

"He said his name was Luo Yu! Wasn't it Luo people?"

"No, the Luo family and the Lin family are four big families, and the relationship is not bad. The young man came to kill Lin Mu, but Lin Mu is the master of the Lin family. He should not be a Luo disciple."

"Huh, that's a good relationship? It's just a superficial appearance. Who knows how many unseen things are behind them? Lin Mu's arrogance and arrogance in the main city of Qingyang rely on the strong background. Who knows how to mess with it? Angry at this boy "

The people watching from below were eager to make a lot of comments, and one result from their conversation was that Lin Mu was really notorious and had bad reviews. Most of the people who killed Luo Yu were happy and small. Some people have a mentality of seeing drama.

"Haha, I didn't expect that there was such an interesting boy in this small place. The big bow in his hand is the magic soldier of Baojie Shangpin."

In the elegant room above a tea house next to Yaochi, there was a handsome and elegant face, and a young man with black hair bound by a kerchief quietly sipped tea and looked at the killing of Luo Yu below. He was wearing a sky blue palace costume on his back. Gently moving, the girl from Xiaojiayuyu gently rubbed the shoulders of the young man.

In the eyes of this young man, there is a mulberry that has experienced the reincarnation of all ages, and even at a glance saw the rank of the dragon tongue bow in Luo Yu's hand.

"Hee hee, what the boy said is very true, the boy is indeed a bit difficult, there seems to be a wonderful flame in his body, hey! How did that flame carry a hint of heavenly calamity!" The young girl behind the youth chuckled, and then Seems to have found something, a flick.

"That's Thunder Calamity, but it's just the lowest level of Thunder Calamity." The young man's eyes flashed a deep light. "Waner, guess what kind of martial arts the teenager has?" The young man laughed.

"Well! The slaves can't guess" the girl named Waner shook her head slightly.

"The young man had two body skills, a sword skill, a sword skill, a boxing skill, and the archery he uses now." The young man even said all of Luo Yu's hole cards in a few words. What kind of characters are these two, their eyes are scary.

"Oh, why do you see him?" Waner asked, looking at Luo Yu.

"He just smashed his body speed and flexibility, apparently a combination of speed body style and dodge body style. When he used that great sword, he opened up and closed, apparently broke away from the knife skills, and put the strength of the door handle The method of superimposing the sword body outburst is again a sword technique. As for the three arrows, the arrow technique is due to the three arrows to chase the star and arrow technique. Be clear. The end is horrible,

"And he also has a mystery skill that can improve his strength. He is now experiencing emptiness. I guess that mystery skill is at the cost of burning qi and blood."

"Hee hee, the boy's eyes are high, Waner can't see it at all" the girl chuckled, and with a smile, there was a little more warmth in the room.

"That is my vision, but I have seen too many exercises and martial arts in the reincarnation of the Ninth Century," laughed the young man. Having said that, he suddenly got up and sat with Waner in his arms, sitting on his lap.

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"My son ..." Wan Erqian blushed in the arms of the young man as if dripping water. Whisper softly.

"Waner, do you know, if the reincarnation of the ninth generation is not with you, I can survive it with Ge Xiuzhu" said the young man, warmly touching Waner's face.

"My son, Mo said that the ninth, tenth, hundredth, and every generation of Waner are willing to accompany you" Waner looked at the young man affectionately.

"Haha, wake up and take control of the world. This is not what I want. It is meant to lie on the knees of a beautiful woman. I have you in my life and I have nothing to do. I just went through the ninth reincarnation. Hope, I'm really unwilling "Ge Xiuzhu leaned his head on Wan Er's shoulder and said softly" Wan Er, can you understand me? "

In this regard, Waner said nothing, but just kissed Ge Xiuzhu's lips to prove her answer, the two hugged each other.

After a moment of lip division, Ge Xiuzhu looked at Waner and said, "As long as I find him and finish the obsession in my heart, I will accompany you to travel this great world, and linger on the horizon and look at the fire tree silver flower in this world."

"Waner waits for that day" Waner gently leaned her head against Ge Xiuzhu's arms and whispered softly.

If there is a woman like this

"Su Hui reincarnation, only one of the heavenly ways, two manifestations of the world, killing each other and killing each other, one is immortal, reincarnation of the world ... brother ... old enemy, this God is really fair to me!" Looking up at the dark sky, I can't tell whether it is resentment or unyielding ...

"Huh! Little beast!" Lin Mu looked upstairs at Luo Yu with great power, and the anger in her heart could be imagined.

"A Fan, you should get enough shots!"

(To be continued

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