Come to The Peak

Chapter 218: : Glittering (Gratitude)

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Chapter 218: Confusion and Killing

"This boy is really not easy. He can gather so many talented people to help him. If this boy has great luck, if he doesn't die, he will have a success, maybe he can get out of this sealed continent." Chalou Yajian Ge Xiuzhu in the middle held a cup of tea in his hand, and took a sip and looked at the killing below.

"Oh, how can you make the boy like this? Did the boy find something?" Waner said with a smile, and a cyan flame rose in his hand to warm Ge Xiuzhu's tea.

But she knew that her son's vision was so high that there were few people who could get into him. Martial arts talents were comparable to his world, and he dared not find a few, but unfortunately he was the most mysterious and strongest in the world. It ’s a pity that it ’s a big constitution. If this constitution is single, this world will reach the peak of martial arts. But if both worlds are present, one side will not die, and both sides will be unable to escape the fate of reincarnation. It is estimated that her son-in-law has become one of the most powerful beings in the world. This is the ninth reincarnation of her son-in-law.

Fifty Avenues, Tianyan forty-nine, people take one of them and make up for it. Grand Duke of Heaven, he gave the world souls every chance of transcendence to change themselves. Heaven is unjust, but he gave the world souls another three, six, nine, etc. .

"Hehe, Gu Cang's jealousy is coming, and the secret is disturbed. What I can find is just that the young man is not easy by instinct" Ge Xiuzhu shook his head and smiled.

"Easy confusion! Hey ... A thousand years ago in ancient times, anyway, it is also one of the continents of the Daqian world. The most developed place of martial arts civilization was sealed because of the invasion of the powerful outsiders. The laws of heaven and earth are incomplete. The Emperor Wudi of Dongtianjing is gone, and once every three hundred years, there is a slaying and slaying with the grieving spirits of all living beings to strengthen the seal. A prosperous continent is slowly falling away, Wan'an sighed.

"Hum, this is the so-called big picture view of those big men, sacrificing a continent and preserving the whole world." Ge Xiuzhu coldly hummed, quite dismissive.

"Well! That's a dragon bird! How can there be a dragon bird here!" Wan'er suddenly stunned.

"Waner, what's wrong?" Ge Xiuzhu asked.

"Oh, I didn't expect to meet the same family here, son, the black venomous bird is my phoenix family's finches. It's the same family as me, but it's not the same." Waner laughed.

"Oh! Dragonfinch! It is the fighting race in the five bloodlines of the Phoenix, the top spirit beast!" Said Xiuzhu surprised.

"Yes! That's right, but I don't know why there is a dragon bird here!" Waner nodded.

"It is rumored that Gu Cang's demon clan was also sealed in a small world after the cataclysm, suppressing the clan outside the world, how could there be dragon birds here?" Ge Xiuzhu said.

"I do n’t know about this. I accompanied the son to reincarnation. The things about the demon clan haven't been asked for a long time, let alone the thing about the ancient Cang demon clan. The seal, reincarnation passed away, and Gu Cang was sealed again. What happened to the Gu Cang demon tribe later? The Dao clans of other continents in the world did not know at all "Waner shook her head.

"Eh ..." Ge Xiuzhu sighed, holding Waner's jade hand, "Waner, for your sake you gave up your race, your own cultivation, this love I really do not know how many years Pay off "

"Hehe, it's worthwhile to have a son like this." Waner didn't ask for glory in this life, but she always wanted to accompany his son. Waner smiled unconsciously.

The bitterness of these years is only known to her. Several people can understand the suffering of the ninth century, the mulberry of all ages.

Ge Xiuzhu felt a pain in his heart. He suddenly stood up, walked to the window, his eyes were full of thoughts, and a mysterious power of black and white alternated suddenly in his hand. A pot of four season orchids by the window quickly acted on this power. Full of orchids, they can quickly wither and wither, but then break through the ground again and take out the buds to grow full of flowers. Ge Xiuzhu took a hand and recovered this power. The change of the four seasons was also fixed at this moment. .

In just one minute, the four season orchids experienced a four seasons cycle.

"Brother, old enemy, Waner, affection, love, how should I choose, Waner, Waner, how can I not let you down ..."

His eyes were confused and painful, and then there was a flash of firmness, as if he had made a great determination. "Brother, I am for the reincarnation of your ninth life. I want to live for myself and live for Waner. So, do n’t blame this life. Brother cringe "

The original blooming chrysanthemum wilted again and never bloomed again ...

The Lin Jiawu soldiers below were killed and dozens of people were killed. Most of them were left with dozens of corpses. The remaining dozen Lin Jiawu soldiers were shocked at the spot, looking at the **** street and the few The young girls, who were bathed in blood, stayed, and then fled in wailing.

Any Lin family, no matter how big or small, let me die, and then I will die.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, happy! Happy" Luo Yu looked at the scattered Lin Jiawu, and most of his killing was released, his heart was happy.

"Oh!" Qi Yu laughed, even Bai Yutong's eyes were slightly moist.

"I thank Luo Yu for helping me today," Luo Yu said, turning around.

"Haha, thank you, we are brothers and friends, why not say thank you?" Li Yu laughed.

"Yeah Brother Luo, haven't you given up your life to save us? This time, it's kind of human."

"Hee hee, Luo Yu"

Eastern brothers and sisters also laughed.

Only Fu Xuanxuan turned her head and said nothing.

Bai Yutong suddenly walked in front of several people, with a solemn expression, "Several of them came for my Bai Yutong's sister today. I remember this feeling in my heart.

"Haha, thank you Xiu Baiyutong for your **** hand, I am really flattered by Li Yu," Li Yu joked.

"Thank you. Although you assassinated me that day, you will not hurt me. On the contrary, Luo Yu, who was injured by you, will be able to help you. What can we do? She was touched by Bai Yutong's affection for his sister. If one day she is like a spirit, Dongfang Yuehua will save her regardless of everything.

Oriental Yuehua nodded.

"I have a proposal, how about we worship as brothers and sisters of different surnames," Luo Yu said suddenly.

After hearing the words, a few people's eyes brightened, Li Yu first echoed, "Good proposal, I agree!"

"Hee hee, worship! Have fun, I agree" Dongfang Yueyao also jumped in agreement.

"I agree!" Eastern Yuehua said.

I5: Positive. !! The first release

"How about you, Xiao Xiuluo" Luo Yu asked

"You guys ... I'll forget it!"

(To be continued

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