Come to The Peak

Chapter 222: : Five internal organs, five elements

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Chapter 222: Five Internal Organs, Five Elements

"Zhong Bo, what is the kid doing? Heal?" Wang Jianglong looked at Luo Yu, who was sitting under the protection of the crowd, and asked the bell tower next to him.

"I don't know, maybe!" Bell Tower frowned.

"Then we should rush to kill the kid and Bai Yutong?"

"No! The little beast has a close relationship with Bai Yutong, Fu Xuan Xuan, Li Yu and others. Now if I rush to kill the two, Fu Xuan Xuan and others will definitely protect them. If they kill the two by mistake, the two of us will be behind us Can't offend, just protect the young master today, "Bell Tower said.

"Uh-huh! That's what it is!"

"Bell Tower! Wang Jianglong, what are you two doing! You are not ready to kill Luo Yu's little beast and Bai Yutong," Lin Mu shouted at the two men standing upstairs.

"Huh! This bitch!" Bell Tower flashed a displeasure in his eyes when he heard Lin Mu's roar.

"The owner gave birth to this young master who only knew how to eat, drink, and play, and ruined his reputation," Wang Jianglong shook his head.

"Fortunately, there is another Second Master Lin Feng, otherwise this Lin family will be destroyed in the hands of this uncle who knows only to be in trouble."

The two ignored Lin Mu, and he was very disdainful and dissatisfied with Lin Mu in a few words.

"Hateful!" Lin Mu upstairs saw the two of them irritated their heart, but they were also congenital masters, and he didn't dare to force them too much. He would need them tonight for his life protection.

Luo Yu sat on her knees, sinking into her body, controlling her energy to nourish and temper the internal organs.

The five internal organs of the human body, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and stomach correspond to the innate five elements of the golden wood, water, and soil. As long as the energy nourishes a trace of innate five elements, and attracts the vital energy to nourish and grow, then it is a breakthrough to the innate state Really.

It seems simple to say, but the dangers are only understood by the warriors who broke through the innate realm.

Once the energy and the five internal organs are in conflict with each other, then it is possible to go into the magic, the veins, and the internal organs are damaged.

And the last step of vital energy pool is also very important. The vital energy pool depends on the root and bone qualifications of the breakthrough person and the impurities in the body.

Good root and bone, high affinity for vital energy, fast absorption rate, less impurities, and higher success rate of vital energy sinks.

The step of vital energy convergence best reflects the value of Yijinjing. Luo Yu repaired Yijinjing for seven years. The impurities and toxins in his body were gradually discharged with urination and stool. Now the impurities in his body are infinitely close to the innate state. Moreover, Yijin is nourished and nourished by veins, and the veins are tempered to be tough, so that the vital energy can easily withstand the first impact of authentic energy when it is transformed into authentic energy.

There is a difference between qi and energy, qi is tangible and tangible, qi is overbearing and aggressive, and there is a warrior who is not beaten by the background of the physical veins in the celestial body. The veins failed to withstand, the veins damaged the corpse and died. This is why the postnatal environment is so important and time consuming.

Even though the high-rise building is flat, the foundation is not solid. How to build the high-rise building, even if it is completed, the tofu waste project cannot withstand the storm.

"Let's go! Why don't you fight, and the young boy is sitting on the ground?"

"Yeah, it was so hot just now, why didn't you fight?"

"The young man was just hit by the true master. It wouldn't be healing here."

"Well! It's possible that the boy is demon-sufficient enough. It is enough to be proud to take a blow from the master of realism and die."

The crowd in the crowd saw that the two parties were not fighting, and there were divergent opinions. It felt like watching a movie in a trance.

"Sister, can you say that six brothers can really break through?" Li Yu asked.

"I don't know, now I only believe in Sixth Brother," Fu Xuanxuan shook her head, her eyes a little worried.

Women are so weird sometimes, they may face you in the first few hours, but once you walk into her heart and be recognized by her, she will immediately consider it for you.

"Yeah, only I believe in my six brothers. The true state of mind is a hurdle. In the future, dragons and insects will look at this hurdle. I don't know how many people stopped the martial arts dream," Dongfang Yuehua said.

Among the hundreds of warriors, who can break into the innate realm will not exceed one hand. It is difficult to imagine how true this realm is.

"I lingered for one year in the day after tomorrow, and I didn't dare to take that step, but my sixth brother dared to break through to the nineth day to break through the real atmosphere, which inevitably made me a little worried." Li Yu looked heavy.

"Sixth Brother ..." Dongfang Yueyao also looked at Luo Yu worriedly.

"I believe that Sixth Brother will be able to make a breakthrough! Yes, I believe, I believe!" Bai Yutong said, looking to Luo Yu's eyes with emotion and trust.

"Hehe, the second brother said so. I also believe in the sixth brother. If the sixth brother breaks through the innate realm, we must work hard. When I go back, I will retreat and impact the innate realm. Jiu Zhongtian has not dared to attack the a priori for a year, and what qualifications are called the "Five Great Tianjiao", Li Yu laughed, his eyes were full of firmness.

After hearing the others, they nodded in unison, looking at Pan sitting on the ground, sighing with a firm face.

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Luo Yu was the youngest of the six siblings, but dared to take that step first. This courage and courage made them admire.

Luo Yu's heart sank into her body, naturally she did not know what everyone thought. Energetic energy was continually tempered in the five internal organs, but there was no reaction at all. The energy was like a stone sinking into the sea, and did not play a trace of movement.

"Why not the slightest effect? ​​Isn't the energy enough? Since so ..."

Luo Yu opened her eyes, took a white jade wine bottle from the exquisite ring of Qiankun, opened the stopper, and the purple liquid inside was as beautiful as amber, as thick as oil, and a strong wine fragrance overflowed. Out, the **** smell from the surrounding corpses was immediately washed away, and some was a fruity wine.

"Woohoo, what a fragrant wine, what is this sixth wine?" Everyone immediately asked the smell of the wine.

"Oh, this is a monkey wine made from mature wine heart Ziyu fruit, rich in vitality, now I use it to shock the innate realm." Luo Yu laughed.

This purple monkey wine was naturally given to him by the ape spirit at the beginning, and it has much more vitality than the green monkey wine. It is the only bottle made with mature wine heart Ziyu fruit. Usually he was reluctant to drink.

"What, monkey wine! No wonder it is so fragrant" Everyone is relieved, they naturally know that this wine is a wine that can only be produced by the monkeys. It is extremely rare and precious, they did not expect Luo Yu to .

The throat of the scented people couldn't help but wriggle a little, and their mouths were full of vitality.

"I still have some monkey wine here. I will share it with you after beheading Lin Mu and rescue Linger." Luo Yu smiled at the expression on the faces of everyone.

Then he looked up and drank the whole bottle of monkey wine, success or failure, in one fell swoop!

(To be continued

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