Come to The Peak

Chapter 229: : Sanjue, Archery

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If Luo Yu was hit with a heavy hammer on his chest, his ribs broke and he flew away.


All of a sudden fell to the ground.

And the bell tower did not stop after the kick, and the toes leaped a little, both hands holding the sword down, piercing Luo Yu who fell on the ground.

Luo Yu's pupils shrink, it is dangerous!

The palm of the hand took a shot of Qingshi street, and his body was shaken away by a few meters.


The bell tower's green sword, such as stabbed on tofu, easily pierced the bluestone street.


While Luo Yu was avoiding, a carp jumped up and leaped, holding back the sword and chopping off the bell tower that was drawing the sword.


The bell tower withdrew a block of the long sword, blocking the sword of Luo Yu, and the bluestone street within five meters of the sole of the foot was shattered by the force he unloaded.

Dangdang Dangdang!

The two were staggered in the street, one after another, everyone looked intently, for fear of missing every detail.

The sword air was vertical and horizontal, and a lot of scars were cut on the street. The bluestone was cracked, such as a cattle plough, and the houses beside the street were not protected from it. I fell, and the people in the room dared not be angry. This has to be changed in modern times, how many years will you be sentenced for the crime of damaging public property!

The explosive and destructive power that a warrior who has arrived in the innate realm can produce is beyond human imagination. On earth and in Huaxia, the warrior in this realm has become a land fairy in the eyes of ordinary people. Has become a legend. This level of warrior has been out of the ordinary people's siege, and the damage it can cause is no less than a small missile.

Since modern times, the industrial pollution of the earth has become more and more serious, the vitality of the earth and the earth has become scarce, and spiritual objects such as the heavenly treasures are being excavated and extinct. There are very few martial artists who can break into the innate realm, and Luo Yu ’s cultivation in the past and future is already regarded as a master of martial arts. In this world, in the ancient Cang continent, this rich world with awesome medicine The day after tomorrow is only the beginning of martial arts. Only when you step into the innate and cultivate the true spirit can you be regarded as a hall of martial arts.

Not to mention far away, let's say that this Qingyang main city with a population of over 100 million is estimated to be no less than 100,000 masters. The entire Qin Empire is no less than a million masters, and Luo Yu do n’t look at him as a master of instinct. Now It's just one of these millions, not to mention the entire continent, the entire world.

Only those who are innately spiritual can be called the strong, and the inferior God of the Fire Realm, can be regarded as the first-line strong in the mainland.

"One sword is light cold!" After another hard-locked Luo Yu sword, Zhonglou Yijian grabbed Luo Yu in a neutral position, alas! One of the swords stabbed, stabbed Luo Luo's waist, and suddenly his waist was stained with red.

"Ah ..." Luo Yu whispered and decisively, also decisively, grabbed the sword, paused to continue the deep sword, and his palm was also cut by the sword of the lower grade of Baojie, his physical body was still not strong enough, biting inflammation The physical strength of the second hardened bone state of the refining body is only equivalent to the weapon hardness of the intermediate-grade Chinese products.

Grasping the bell tower's long sword, Luo Yu grabbed the purple giant sword in his other hand and slashed down at the bell tower.

The face of the bell tower changed slightly. He didn't expect Luo Yu to have the sacrifice of injury for injury, but he had a kick in the belly of Luo Yu, and Luo Yu retreated sharply, and that sword also fell through. The two separated.

Luo Yu covered her lower abdomen stabbed by a bell tower, revealing a beast-like light looking at the bell tower.

"Hum, small beasts, although they are both real, but I will be two realms larger than you. The difference between them is not something you can make up with your martial arts and strong fighting consciousness." Bell Tower looked at Luo Yuliang with a sword. Hum.

"Hey, what a shameless old dog. You both said that my two junctures are still not leveling me. This junior, I do n’t know you still have a face here. If I were you, cut your face early. Feed the dog "

Luo Yu sneered. This guy has always been a loser and a loser.

"You ..." Bell Tower was tickled by Luo Yu's teeth, speechless, and an old face became purple.


Luo Yu ripped the robe to reveal the upper body full of scars and muscles. The scars proved the numerous life and death fights he had experienced. He tied the robe to his waist and tied the wound.

"Oh, enough to accompany you, Mo Yu!" Luo Yu yelled.


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The little sparrow screamed and fell from the air.


Luo Yu's soles were so angry that she jumped more than twenty meters high and landed on the back of the little bird. Luo Yu looked down at the gloomy bell tower.

"Old dog, my little master has three skills, body skills, sword skills, and archery. Now let me pay my archery to see if it can get into your eyes?"

Luo Yu stood on the back of Xiao Longque and yelled.

The bell tower heard the words, his eyes were faint, Luo Yu's archery he had seen naturally when he was upstairs, one person and one bow, forcing dozens of ancestors of the same rank, the Nine Heavy Martial Arts, the wolf, the mole, and the rat, and they did not dare to try their edge High, others dare not look sideways.

Without waiting for the bell tower to answer, Luo Yu took out the dragon tongue bow, put on three black iron arrows and put on the bowstring.

The fire attribute blasted into the dragonbow bow. The fire-red dragonbow bow radiated on top of the infuriating qi, which was particularly dazzling in the darkness. Luo Yu was dyed with a layer of red in the mid-air. Shine like the sun at night.

Buzz ...

The dragon tongue bow body made a buzzing sound after infusing Qi, this is excitement, this is trembling!

"Star-chasing and arrow skills-three arrows with heart!"

The dragon tongue bow became a full moon, and the three black iron arrows were wrapped with a layer of red qi, oh!

Three rapid sounds broke the air, and the black iron arrow pointed toward the bell tower like three red shooting stars.

The power of these three sharp arrows is no better than the sharp arrows issued by the Heavenly Realm. The dragon tongue bow is a magic weapon of the top grade top grade, which is infinitely close to the existence of the magical weapon. Only the true energy can provoke a part of the power of the high rank **** level.

The bell tower's pupils shrank, and he could naturally feel the danger of these three arrows. But he is not a fool, standing here waiting for Luo Yu to shoot. As soon as he pulled the bow, he was ready, and at the moment when Xuan Tie Li's arrow was shot, he was so angry that he bounced off quickly.

Boom boom!

Three bells exploded after the bell tower escaped, and Xuantieli arrows shot on the street to blast three four-meter-long potholes. Its fear of power is like a grenade explosion.

"Hmm! Have you escaped? I still have my black iron arrows!" Luo Yu snorted, and the three arrows drew again.

Bow and shoot


The bell tower had just landed, and three black iron arrows shot at him again.

The face of the bell tower changed, and the protector's qi suddenly opened. All the qi was condensed on the qi hood. The qi qi of the full-open wooden property was about **** thick, with a dark green light.

Boom boom!

Three black iron arrows blasted on the air hood, and the air hood rippled round and round and was not shot.

Luo Yu kept her hands open, bowing, archery, and blasting, but she couldn't shoot the bell tower to launch the true air hood, which must be the two periods of the big Luo Yu.

"Ha ha ha ha, small beasts, this is the gap between you and me. With the help of the magic soldiers, it is determined that there is **** in front of strength," Bell Tower laughed.

"Hehe, isn't it?" Luo Yu's mouth was raised, this time he took out a sharp arrow, a sharp arrow shining with purple light ...

(To be continued

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