Come to The Peak

Chapter 263: : Major Powers Gather

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The second day

Luo nationality, the central square, a towering ancient tree that can not be embraced by more than a dozen people in the center stands in the center, hundreds of meters high, the canopy covers a range of several kilometers, and the blue leaves are blown by the cold wind. Fusha sounded, and the warm sunlight in winter reflected the bright sky blue light on the leaves.

Under the Luoshen tree, no less than 100,000 Luo clan people gathered here, and their heads moved.

The four men of the Luo nationality in blue robes who are all middle-aged and above middle-aged are sitting on the position of an ornamental seat, all of them exude a powerful breath, eyes open. There is a faint light flowing from time to time.

These four people are all powerful innate peaks! One of the oldest is Elder Luosong, and a middle-aged man with a lion-mouthed nose wearing a blue robe is the elder of Luo nationality, Luo Dao!

The other two spirited strong men are the elders of the other two main lines of the Luo tribe. One is Luo Gu and the other is Luo Shang. They are both powerful men.

Innate martial arts cannot look at the appearance age, just like Luo Dao. It looks like a common middle-aged man in his forties. The actual real age is more than a hundred years, but before the long time of 300 years in the spiritual realm. More than a hundred years old is considered to be mature.

The eyes of more than one hundred thousand Luo ethnic disciples looked at these four people and did not dare to speak. Without the slightest movement, even the sound of breathing could not be heard, and the atmosphere was quiet and depressed.

At the gate of the Luo ethnic group, a group of warriors pulled by vehicles of various strange beasts, after entering the Luo ethnic group, they entered the Luo ethnic group, and all of them went in the direction of the Luo ethnic group. In the center, Luozu Square!

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Gradually, there are more and more people in Luozu Square. What does Luozu Square look like? The Luoshen Tree in the center is a huge and spacious competition field, all of which are paved with yao yao, and this competition field is surrounded by a circular viewing platform, which is full of seats and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people. The viewers, and those who came to the Luo ethnic group from the main city of Qingyang to watch the descent of ethnic groups are seated on these viewing seats.

The Luo ethnic group is the oldest and most powerful martial arts family among the four major families in Qingyang's main city. It is also the ancient family ranked first in the entire Qin Empire. It is not Qingyang who can come to watch the ethnic comparison of Luo ethnic group. The little people in the main city, but one force after another, family, Elder Luo, there are four empty viewing seats, as if waiting for someone to come.

"Hahaha ... Lei, the chief of the Lei tribe, came with my disciples of Lei family to congratulate the Luo ethnic tribe!

At this moment, a loud laugh came from the sky, and then came a thunderstorm of thunderbolts. More than a dozen large silver-white birds with wingspans of six meters flew in. This is a true spirit domesticated monster. Thunder crane. The air flow between the thunder-winged fan's wings carried an electric arc.

On the back of each Thunder Crane are several disciples of the Lei ethnic group. On the front of the Thunder Crane, there is a middle-aged man with silver hair and a teenager with the same silver hair. circulation.

This group of people is like a huge electric field, with arcs of lightning around them.

"Look, the Lei of the Big Four come first"

"Hehe, the same is the oldest martial arts family in Qingyang, the Lei tribe must come to support"

The crowd on the viewing table exclaimed

"Hahaha, thanks to the patriarch Lei for coming to my Luo tribe!" Luo Dao raised his arms and laughed, while the three elders stood up and raised their arms.

When a group of Lei arrived, Lei He jumped down, and Lei moved towards the Elder's seat of Luo, while other Lei disciples and the silver-haired boy went to the ordinary viewing seat.

After Lei moved, he and the four elders of Luo ethnicity greeted each other, and several people sat down again. A beautiful maid next to them quickly put a good cup of spiritual tea for Lei, and the table was filled with treasures of Sipin. Order energy fruit.

"Oh, how can this be so rare for my Lin family!" Then a chuckle came from afar, and more than ten blue alien birds with wingspans of seven or eight meters flew to the Luo tribe. Alas.

On each back of the Qingyu stood two disciples of the Lin family wearing blue military robes, while a Qingyao in the forefront stood like a middle-aged man in the middle of a green fir and a boy standing with a sword.

"Oh, the owner of the Lin family is here. Thanks to the owner Lin for coming to my Luo ethnic group." The four elders of the Luo ethnic group got up again and welcomed. Lei Dong smiled and didn't get up. He is not the organizer.

Among the four major families in Qingyang, the Lei ethnic group is an ancient family that has been passed down since ancient times. The Lin family is only a few hundred years old and represents the young family in the main city of Qingyang.

The Lin family owner walked towards the viewing table after getting off the green bark, and the disciples of the Lin family and the young man holding the sword came to the ordinary viewing table to sit down.

There are four Luo elders in the seat of the Elder Luo, the Lei tribe of Lei and Lin Feng, the Lin family owner, and there are two most special positions, but no one dares to sit. These two seats are in the center of the elders ’seat. , Such as the stars holding the moon. One of these positions is where the Luo patriarch sits. The Luo patriarch has been in retreat for many years, otherwise the power of the Luo tribe cannot be handed over to Luo Dao.

So one of the positions must be vacant. What about the other? Whose seat is that for? Except for the organizer, who can sit in front of everyone, in front of the four elders, the Lei patriarch and the Lin family? And seeing the performance of Lei Dong and the Lin family owner, there is no slight difference in this, as if it should be, that position should be reserved for the person who should sit in that position,

And the people on the elder's seat didn't say a word, and the 100,000 Luo family disciples below didn't say a word, and hundreds of thousands of various forces and martial arts didn't make a sound, everyone seemed to be waiting for something.

Luo Yu, one of the 100,000 Luo clan standing in the center of the square, was somewhat depressed by this depressed atmosphere.

"Are you waiting for anyone?"

Luo Yu speculated in the mind that nearly a million people at the scene were waiting for someone, so what was this person about? Who has this honor.

"Howling ...!"

"Arrogant ...!"

A long beast roar broke the depressing tranquility.

"I'm coming…"

"finally come…"

All I heard was that the four elders of the Luo nationality, including Luo Dao, stood up, the Lei leader of the Lei tribe on the side seat moved, and Lin, the owner of the Lin family, stood up.

Hundreds of thousands of viewers stood up sternly, everyone looked up at the sky, more than 100,000 Luo clan disciples looked up at the sky, the four elders of the Luo nationality on the elders' VIP table, the Lei, The patriarch of the Lin family looked up at the sky, while the Luo Yu among the Luo disciples below was also brilliant and looked at the sky with a surprised look ...

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