Come to The Peak

Chapter 272: : Team Sports

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Chapter 272: Team Competition

Bloodline Supernatural Martial Art ---- Nine overlapping waves palm!

The young man with the scar on his eyebrows had the power of his whole blood on his palm, and the palm was full of blue light. One palm was shot, and five blue light palm prints were superimposed on his hand and shot to Luo Yu.

Nine overlapping waves! Luo Shuihan's awakening was also the kind of bloodline supernatural martial arts, but Luo Shuihan's awakening blood was the power of the four-line blood, so he used nine overlapping waves and only four palms superimposed. It is the power of five bloodlines, and the palm print is five overlapping. With each additional palm stacking up, the power of these nine overlapping palms naturally increases by a few percent.

Lei Yan beast fire, move!

Luo Yu was drinking enthusiastically, and the thunder flame was wrapped around his fist. The whole fist was like a fireball. This time he did not use the shock wave of thunder flame. The power of the thunder wave was too powerful, and the energy of thunder flame was compressed. There was a sudden outbreak, and he couldn't control it without using Qi, and he lost his qualifications if he killed the boy with too heavy hands.



The two leaped up and met with each other. The fist that Lei Yan's beast fire converged and the power of the blood veins contained in the nine overlapping waves palms banged together. Sound, a circle of energy air waves swept away, shaking the ancient trees rustling, the leaves fell and then turned into heaven and earth to dissipate.

The two were pulled back by the counterforce.

Luo Yu's face was no different, and no injuries were found on her body. Only the sleeves on her arms were shattered and she was bare-handed when she confronted the boy.

But the teenager with scars on his eyebrows was full of pain and mourned in a low voice.

The arm that he and Luo Yu were fighting against was completely black and burned by the flames of Lei Yan's beast fire. It can be said that he had lost his combat power.

At this time, Luo Yan was also blessed with blue light. The blood of the Seventh Branch was opened, and the power of the blood was shot on the chest of the young boy, who was thrown away miserably.

Luo Yan is indeed a genius who has awakened the Seventh Blood Vessel, and has solved a disciple who awakened the power of the Fiveth Blood Vessel without using the bloodline supernatural martial arts skills.

After resolving the two leading boys, Luo Yu and Luo Yan glanced at each other with a tacit understanding, and nodded intently, and the latter showed a touching smile to Luo Yu, with a grateful smile, and then the two turned to the twenty Rushing to a family disciple who was still shocked.

Misery and sorrow continued, and after a while, all the disciples of the clan family lay on the ground.

"Hee hee hee, Sister Yan, Brother Yu, your cooperation just now is like a natural pair," Luo Dan ran over and laughed.

"Dead girl, what are you talking about!"

Upon hearing that, Luo Yanqiao blushed and bounced a little on Dan's forehead.

"Oh, Luo Yu, thank you for your help" Luo Yan smiled at Luo Yu again.

"It's okay, I'm the same disciple, and I like Xiao Dan's innocent and straightforward temperament" Luo Yu smiled and shook her head.

"Hee hee, Sister Yan, did you hear that, Brother Yu said he liked me?" Xiao Dan jumped with joy when he heard Luo Yu's words. It was almost like a child who was praised.

At this time, Luoyang on the Luoshen tree began to report.

"Split Luo Yu, thirty consecutive wins!"

"Luo Yan, 26 consecutive streak!"

"Zongjialuo contention, 37 consecutive victories!"

"Zongjialuo battle, forty consecutive victories!"


Wow ...

Luoyang's reported results in this round have caused another upsurge, Luo Zhan and Luo Zheng's record even surpassed Luo Yu so much?

After hearing that, Luo Yu in the forest was slightly surprised. "How could they be beaten so much by Luo Zhan!"

Seeing the surprise in Luo Yu ’s heart, Luo Yan said, “Now the situation in the fantasy formation is different. At the beginning, everyone was fighting separately. Now, in order to increase the chance of staying, many people have formed a team and formed a team. There is no doubt that the chances of staying together in this battle will be much higher, and the record will be superimposed on the leader, and these 20 people just formed a team. "

"That's the case, I said how Luo Zhan and Luo Zheng's record suddenly skyrocketed" Luo Yu relieved.

He is even more powerful than a team and a team.

As the saying goes, there are no undefeated heroes, only an indomitable team.

At this time, the pattern in the magic circle completely changed. After the disciples of the same family met, they all formed a team. The large team had hundreds of people, and the small one had more than ten people.

The goal of most disciples is to squeeze into the last two hundred places. Only the last two hundred disciples can be vigorously cultivated by the clan. Then, on behalf of the Luo people, they participated in the Qingyang selection trial of Zixia Tianzong. Entering Zixia Tianzong is their ultimate goal. As for the first prize rewarding Luo Shenguo, there are such evil geniuses as Luo Zhanluo and Luoyu that they dare not think about it.

Groups of Luo students discarded in the forest, and when they met different Luo students, they started to tore, and Luo Zhan, Luo Zheng, Luo Li, and Luo Mingzhu all had their own clan. These four teams are currently the most powerful of the Luoyang disciples.

* X? F starting Ka

And a scattered disciple disciple encountered these teams was killed by being swarmed.

The rout lasted more than ten minutes, and Luoyang began to hold the record again.

"Zongjialuo battle, seventy-three winning streak!"

"Zongjialuo contention, sixty-seven consecutive victories!"

"Zongjia Luoli, sixty consecutive victories!

"Zongjia Luomingzhu, sixty-two consecutive victories!"

"Zong family ......... 50 consecutive victories!

"Split Luo Yu, forty consecutive victories!"


After another round of records, hundreds of Luo disciples were eliminated. Until now, nearly 2,000 people have been eliminated, and Luo Yu's record has been completely pulled down. It turned out to be on par with Luo Zhan. For the first, it has now been completely squeezed out of the top five.

In the forest, Luo Yu and Luo Yan Xiaodan defeated three disciples again. Hearing this record, Luo Yu frowned. If this continues, his record will be more and more. If he can't squeeze into the top four, In the final, he completely missed the first match.

When Luo Yan saw Luo Yu's frown, how could he not know what he was worried about.

"Luo Yu, otherwise we will form a team, I will superimpose the record behind me on you," Luo Yan said.

"Um ... this is not good, if you don't have a chance with the finals," Luo Yu was a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can enter the top two hundred, I don't care if it is not the first, my goal is Zixia Tianzong," Luo Yan laughed.

"Hee hee, okay, okay, if Brother Yu and Sister Yan formed a clan, they would be able to kill those disciples who have fallen into custody."

Little Dan cheered for joy.

"Oh, well, thank you so much," Luo Yu laughed, with sincere gratitude in her eyes.

"Brother Yu, in fact, we can also pull some people. Depending on your prestige among the disciples, as long as you form a team, there will be a lot of disciples to support you, brother Yu, see Xiaodan to help you pull people."

Xiao Dan finished jumping on an old tree ...

Thank you A Ming for your unveiling of the painting, thank you for the reward of painting, uh ... the painting is only for the student party. In order to support October, the money for drinking tea every day is used to understand the seal and reward. What else can Yue say, like this moved my brother too much? Last October, I desperately rushed to draft four chapters. Let me be a little reward today!

(To be continued

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