Come to The Peak

Chapter 387: : Yang Mou

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Chapter 387: Yang Mou

The Red Robbery Mercenary Corps was a dead body. After the death of more than a hundred people, the Red Robbery Mercenary Corps realized the power of these people, and at the same time it woke up from their anger.

Eleven Zhenqi Warriors! Eleven! And the Red Robbery mercenary regiment plus Luo Yu is only five, and now there are only four plus Chen Jie and others.

Under normal circumstances, a true master can easily slaughter a hundred celestial warriors, and the hundreds of people in the Red Robbery Mercenary Regiment face no resistance against the eleven young soldiers.

Kocho and Chen Jie looked desperate in their hearts. At the same time, they were looking at the eleven young blue guards in anger.

"I'll ask you again, where is Luo Yu?" Lin Hua asked again, his voice as indifferent as ever.

"Who the **** are you? When did I rob the Mercenary Corps of offending you?" Chen Jie said with eyes down, he tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

"Oh, whoever, I can tell you anyway, we are the Lin Wei guards of the Lin family and come to Luo Yu," Lin Hua said with a sneer.

"Family Lin ... Are you the Lin Family in Qingyang City!" Chen Jie lost his voice, and at the same time there was horror in his eyes.

The Lin family, the giant forces in the main city of Qingyang, the top family forces in Qingyang Realm, there are hundreds of congenital masters, there are many masters in Ningyuan Realm, and there are several strong players in the smart realm.

In front of such giants as the Lin family, the first-rate forces of Chiyancheng City should bow their heads. With the exception of several other large families, only the guild can match it, but the guild is an official force and does not interfere in the disputes.

When I heard that it was the Lin family in Qingyang City, many people in the Red Robbery mercenary regiment were already afraid, and they had to retreat.

"Yes, since you guessed it, then you also know the conflict between our Lin family and Luo Yu, tell the location of Luo Yu, otherwise you will all die!" Lin Hua said in a cold voice.

The remaining two hundred people of the Red Robbery Mercenary Corps all looked at Chen Jie.

Although there are many mercenaries in the Red Robbery, but they know the strength of the other party, they know that the other party will kill more than two hundred people without any difficulty.

Eleven real moods are too powerful, and three more seemingly more powerful have never been used.

Chen Jie looked at the corpses all over the ground, and at the people who were alive behind him, his heart was extremely bitter.

"Brother, can't tell them Luo Yu's address," Xiao Die said with red eyes.

Chen Jie took a deep breath and said to Lin Hua, "I am the head of the Red Robbery Mercenary Regiment. I also know Luo Yu is there, but I want to say that you must promise me a condition."

Xiao Yan was frightened when she heard that, and some of the admirers of Luo Yu among the Red Guard mercenaries also quickly said

"Head, can't say!"

"Yes, leader, Brother Yu has a life-saving grace for us"

Some people hurriedly persuaded, but most of them were silent. No one wanted to die, even the mercenaries who licked their blood with their blades.

The persuaded people were the old members of Chijie, who was rescued by Luo Yu, and then led by Luo Yu to extinguish the maple's Chijie old mercenaries.

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These old members have deep gratitude and affection for Luo Yu.

"What conditions? You say it!" Lin Hua said indifferently.

However, Chen Jie ignored their persuasion and looked at Lin Huadao. "As long as you let me go, I will say, of course I will stay"

"No problem" Lin Hua nodded directly. He didn't care about the life and death of these mercenaries. He was concerned about the news of Luo Yu.

"No, elder brother, no, if you say I'm dead I won't forgive you," Kocho said in panic.

"Sorry, Kocho, I have no choice." Chen Jie closed her eyes and shook her head, tears had flowed.

"Gao Yuan, you take Kocho away, and the others tease me quickly," Chen Jie ordered.


A group of mercenaries looked at Chen Jie without moving.

"Let me go! Give Chi Jie some hope," Chen Jie growled.

At this time, some people left the Red Robbery Mercenary Corps with tears in their eyes. This group of people immediately followed and a large group of people followed, and in a moment, Chen Jie and Lin Hua were left.

Chen Jie was relieved as he watched the people from Chijie leave.

"How about, I have let them go, you can say it" Lin Hua frowned.

"Huh!" Chen Jie nodded.

"I tell you, where Luo Yu is, Luo Yu is ..."


Chen Jie didn't finish a word, he was really agitated, and shot at Lin Hua with a knife.

"Huh! Seek death!" Lin Hua's complexion changed, and he did not dodge. The Zhenyuan shield popped up and let Chen Jie kill.

"The Lin family is a mess, and my brother is here!"

Chen Jie cut down with red eyes.

When he uttered a voice, the full-hearted slash did nothing on Zhenyuan's shield, and Chen Jie was bounced off by the reverse shock.

"What! Ning Yuanjing!" Chen Jie retreated in shock.

"Hum, shame your face!"

Lin Hua gave a cold hum and shot out suddenly. He immediately came to Chen Jie and patted it on Chen Jie's chest. Chen Jie was shot and flew out and hit the wall severely.

"You guys, grab the kid and tie it to the flagpole of the Red Robbery Mercenary Regiment."

Lin Hua said to a few blue-headed guards.

The young men immediately arrested Chen Jie, who was seriously injured.

At the center of the courtyard of the Chijie Mercenary Corps is a twenty-meter-high wooden pole with thick thighs, which is the flagpole of Chijie. Chen Jie was tied with both hands and feet and hung on the flagpole.

"Brother, what do you do now? That boy is not in the Red Robbery Mercenary Regiment," Lin Mao said.

"Oh, do n’t worry, you release news to the outside and say that you will let the Purple Sword Shuluo Luoyu come to the Red Robbery mercenary regiment. My Lin family is waiting for him. If you do n’t come three days later, this Red Robbery mercenary regiment will be killed "Dead" Lin Hua smiled lightly.

"Will the kid be here? Know if our Lin family is here waiting for him to escape?" Lin Zheng asked worriedly.

"Rest assured, no, based on Luo Yu's affectionate personality, he will come when he knows that there is danger," Lin Hua said with certainty.

He had known Luo Yu's information long before he came, and also knew Luo Yu's character. Just killing Lin Lin, the young master of the Lin family, as a friend, could see Luo Yu's affectionate character.

"Hey, it's brother Brother Mingming, Luo Yu, dare to come is a death!" Lin Mao sneered.

Impotence, naked conspiracy, but this is also the most effective conspiracy against Luo Yu.

Later, Lin Hua sent the Qingyuwei to distribute the news. Soon, the news spread to most of the Red Flame City the next day.

"What! The Lin family chased after Red Flame City! Hostages threatened Luo Yu to come out!" Exclaimed a drinking warrior.

His exclaiming immediately caught the attention of the people around the inn. All turned to look.

"It is true that this news was personally transmitted by Lin Jiaqing's Weiwei," said a soldier in a gray robe.

"From the Lin family! Oh ... hey, the Lin family deliberately let Luo Yu hear and force him out."

Everyone is also clever, and once you hear it, you know the purpose of the Lin family.

"Do you say Luo Yu will come out? Instead, I fled early"

"Hey, this may be the case, the purple sword Shura rushed into the crown with anger, and the story of the sword-stained blood on the street has spread all over Qingyang. According to his nature, Bacheng will come out."

"Ah ... this Lin family is also insidious, and forced Luo Yu to come out with this kind of indiscriminate means." Someone was unhappy about Luo Yu.

"Hey! Luo Yu is the first genius of Qianlong. The genius who offends the Lin family must be killed as soon as possible, otherwise the Lin family will be unlucky once it rises. What will it do?"

This kind of discussion is all over the street, and everyone's eyes are focused on one person again, Luo Yu!

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