Come to The Peak

Chapter 389: : Luo Yu is here!

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At the entrance of Chiyan City, Kocho and two hundred Red Rob mercenaries looked up at the entrance of the city.

Fluttershy was wearing a green military uniform, her eyes were red and swollen, and her pretty face was embarrassing. She looked distressed.

And the two hundred or more mercenary mercenaries were also decadent with a deep sadness on their faces.

"Luo Yu, where are you ..." Xiaodie looked at Qingshi Guandao in the distance, her eyes full of sadness and pain.

She looked forward to the distance, hoping that the familiar figure appeared in sight.

"Today is the third day. If Luo Yu is not here yet, Brother Chen will be killed today. What should I do! What should I do ..." Xiao Die remembered the death of Da Hu, and many red robbery maids The soldier's death, tears fell again.

"Little butterfly, don't worry, Brother Yu will definitely come back today, he will take us to the revenge of the Lin family"

A thin young man in a blue robe next to him said, Gao Yuan, a true-spirited warrior who joined the Red Rob mercenary regiment, is also an admirer of Luo Yu.

Just as everyone was despairing outside the city gate, a purple giant bird fluttered in the direction of the Qingyang Mountains in the distance, very fast.

On top of the giant bird was standing a young man in a white robe with a handsome face and a purple giant sword.

Not who else is Luo Yu and Dragon Phoenix?

"Look, is the head of the purple giant bird?"

"Yes, it's Yu Yu, Yu Yu is back!"

"Brother Yu! We are here!"

The people in the Red Robbery mercenary group shouted in surprise when they saw the figure above the giant bird.

Fluttershy's eyes shined as if she saw hope.

"Well! It's Xiaodie who is so far away!" Luo Yu on the back of Long Huangque saw the Xiaodie in the sky at a glance.

"What's up! Why are they all out of town?"

Confused in Luo Yu's heart, the dragon phoenix lowered its flying height, and Luo Yu then jumped down to a height of tens of meters and fluttered to the ground.

The dragon phoenix became small and stood on Luo Yu's shoulder. When it fell to the ground, more than two hundred people from Chijie immediately ran over.

Kocho burst into Luo Yu's arms and kept crying.

Fragrant was in her arms, and Luo Yu was a little helpless, neither holding or holding her hands.

At the sight of Xiaodie crying, Luo Yu's eyebrows wrinkled immediately, and she patted Xiaodie's back gently and comforted, "Little Butterfly, don't cry, what happened?"

"Luo Yu ... Da Hu he, Da Hu died, was killed by the Lin family," Xiao Die cried in Luo Yu's arms.

The two days of depression and pain were suddenly released in Luo Yu's arms.

"What, Da Hu is dead! What's going on?" Luo Yu was frightened when he heard this, and quickly asked the mercenary soldiers in the surrounding area.

"Brother Yu, you don't know. People from the Lin family of Qingyang City came to Chiyan City to hunt you down three days ago, found our Red Rob mercenary regiment, and killed more than a hundred of their big brothers. The leader is **** and let out the words. If you don't show up after three days, kill leader Chen Jie. "

Gao Yuan probably said something to Luo Yu.

Luo Yu's face was completely gloomy after hearing it, and the anger and murderous intention in her heart were completely ignited, and a terrible murderous gas emanated from him.

The surrounding red robbery mercenaries, the black army at the gate of the city, and the pedestrian pedestrian caravan were all frightened by this terrible murderous look.

"Big tiger ... Lin family! Lin family! Where are they now?" Luo Yu growled with a somber face.

He was trying to suppress the anger in his heart.

"They're in the red robbery mercenary regiment!" Gao Yuan also said calmly.

"Red Robbery Mercenary ... Let's go!"

Luo Yu's eyes were murderous, let go of Xiaodie and walk to the city without saying a word.

The mercenaries of the Red Robbery Mercenary Regiment also saw the backbone of the main body. Following Luo Yu, a group of men rushed to the Red Robbery Mercenary Regiment.

The sun was shining brightly at noon, and the sun was a bit pale on people.

In the Red Robbery mercenary regiment, Chen Jie was also hung from the flagpole, and there were wounds on his body. Many wounds had become purulent. Obviously, he had suffered a lot in the past three days. At this time, he was in a coma.


On the flagpole tied by Chen Jie, a crossbar was tied to it in a cross shape, and several ropes were caught on the crossbar.

There were even **** human heads hanging on the rope. This man had dozens of heads and feet, all of which were heads of murdered Red Rob mercenaries, and the tiger's head was also among them.

This scene looks really prudent and frightening.

The courtyard of the Red Robbery Mercenary Regiment is extremely spacious. The door is wide and there is no problem in accommodating thousands of people. The Lin family ’s green cricket guards are standing in the courtyard. The three brothers Lin Hua Lin Mao sat leisurely in their chairs and drank tea. . Behind him was Chen Jie and a flagpole hanging from his head.

"Brother, it's noon on the third day, wouldn't that beast run away?" Lin Zheng asked.

"Probably not. I guess he hasn't got the news yet, wait a minute," Lin Hua said with a frown, and he also had some drumming in his heart.

"Hmm! I hope that the little animal can come, otherwise it will be difficult for him to escape this time. There are still four months for Qingyang Trial. Once the little animal has participated in the Qingyang Trial, we have no choice." Lin Mao snorted coldly.

"Come, come, here comes the purple sword Shuluo Luoyu!"

At this moment there was an uproar from the street outside the compound of the Red Guard Mercenary Corps.

Lin Hua, through the open courtyard door, saw a young man in a white robe with a purple sword on his back and a purple bird on his shoulder.

The teenager's face was gloomy, and the murderous spirit in his eyes was boiling. He was also followed by two hundred murderous mercenaries.

In the teahouse on the street, countless people came from the inn to look at the boy. The street was instantly full of people. They have been waiting here after Lin Hua and others let out their words in order to take a look at this Qingyang. What kind of fighting will happen between the legendary boy and the Lin family in the realm.

"Haha, elder brother, that little beast is here," Lin Mao slammed his chair and laughed.

Lin Zhenglin Hua also stood up all of a sudden, his face full of murderous joy.

Luo Yu looked somber, walked into the compound and saw a string of human heads on the flagpole and a wounded Chen Jie tied to it, and immediately stayed on the spot.

The original blue eyes turned **** red. An anger rushed into the brain.

"Chen Jie! Big tiger ..."

Luo Yu's complexion erupted into a loud roar.

The red robbery mercenaries behind them walked into the compound and saw the **** heads could not help but stay in place, all with red eyes burst into roar.

Fluttershy saw her former partner become as it is now and spit out in a spit of blood, and was quickly supported by Gao Yuan behind him.

"Ha ha ha ha ... Luo Yu, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for three days," Lin Hua sneered looking at Luo Yu.

"Why! You're looking for me, why kill them, and insult their bodies, why?"

Luo Yu glared at Lin Hua with **** eyes and roared.

"Oh, why? Ridiculously, they are just bait for me to lead you, all their deaths are because of you, you should not offend my Lin family" laughed Lin Huayi.

"Hehe ... hahahaha ..."

Luo Yu knelt on the ground with a smile, tears shed in her eyes, like crazy.

"Dahu, I'm sorry, brothers of Chijie, I'm sorry ... I swear, I will let the Lin family bury you, I swear!"

Luo Yu's eyes are red, and her eyes are full of madness. A crystal clear fire lotus seed appears in her hand and swallows it directly in the belly to refine it into eight authentic seeds.

After swallowing the fire lotus seeds, Luo Yu stood up slowly, her hair was scattered and covered her face, but she couldn't cover the unforgettable killing in her eyes.

"Today! Don't even want to live with your family!"

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