Come to The Peak

Chapter 394: : Sadly hurt (guardian plus)

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A blue light flashed across the attic with a flying knife.

Fu Xuanxuan and Hongyao were startled, and they quickly looked up to the attic, but they couldn't see anything.

"Second brother, Yu Tong, what's going on?"

Fu Xuanxuan and Hong Yao asked in unison.

Bai Yutong did not answer the second daughter, but just whispered to the top of the loft, "Hello, listen enough on it, you can come out after listening enough!"

"What! Someone on the roof?"

Fu Xuanxuan and Hongyao were shocked. When they were in the attic, they were not found at all. A fiery red sword appeared immediately in Fu Xuanxuan's hands, and a few venomous poisonous needles appeared in his fingers.

"Hehe, it is indeed the second brother, this vigilance is still so tense"

At this moment there was a clear laughter on the top of the building, a teenager wearing a white robe and a handsome face with a purple sword on his face jumped down from the top of the building, and on his shoulder stood a purple **** bird .

The teenager looked at the three with a smile.

"Sixth Brother!"

"Sixth Brother!"

The three of them met with great joy, and Fu Xuanxuan rushed over to stop Luo Yu.

She was embraced by Fu Xuanxuan, and felt that the soft and tender body Luo Yu had no evil thoughts in her heart, only a touch of warmth.

"Sister, I don't need to be so enthusiastic in a few months," Luo Yu laughed, and Fu Xuanxuan's faint body fragrance was in her nose.

"Huh! You stinky boy, I know I haven't seen you for a few months, and I haven't used any news since I left for a few months. If it wasn't for Yu Tong to tell me that you are in Red Flame City, I don't know your news."

Fu Xuanxuan also released Luo Yu at this time, and twisted Luo Yu's ear fiercely.

"It hurts! Didn't the older sister know something wrong, all this is not far to see you?" Fu Xuanxuan twisted her ears and Luo Yu quickly begged for mercy.

But there was a touch of warmth in my heart.

With Fu Xuan Xuan Hao and other relatives and friends together, Luo Yu can forget that he is an adult and treat himself as a teenager.

"Hum, you stinky kid is a bit conscience"

Fu Xuanxuan snorted softly, and Yu Shou let go of her ears that were turned red, but there was no blame on Qiao's face, and some of them were like a brother

Fu Xuanxuan looked at Luo Yu up and down, her eyes were full of joy.

"Yes, people have grown a lot in a few months. I am taller than my elder sister," Fu Xuanxuan laughed.

Luo Yu now has a height of 9.59 meters. This height is regarded as the standard height among warriors. Fu Xuan Xuan also has a height of 1.78 meters.

"Oh, second brother, second brother, why are you two here?" Luo Yu asked with a smile.

"Hey ... I didn't perform the task after the youngest, the fourth, the fifth and the youngest girls left, except to accompany the red medicine, so I came here." Bai Yutong sighed.

Luo Yu suddenly looked dark, and there was a trace of sadness in her eyes. She asked, "What about Linger? Is Linger okay?"

There was a trace of pain in Bai Yutong's eyes when he heard the words, and he did not speak.

The red medicine next to it quickly shifted the topic and said, "Sixth brother, you must be tired from the Red Flame City, eat something and rest for a while and talk about the others"

Wen Xuan Fu Xuan Xuan also returned to God and said quickly: "Yes, my brother, my sister arranged for you to make something delicious. You eat something first, but my sister hasn't talked to you for a long time."

Luo Yu heard something weird in her heart, but she nodded.

The four returned to the attic and sat down. Fu Xuanxuan immediately arranged for someone to bring some food over. Soon, four maids brought a plate of delicious dishes and filled it with a table.

Fu Xuanxuan personally gave the three to the fine wine, and then they clink and sipped.

"Sixth Brother, what's the matter of your return to Qingyang City this time? There are still three months in Qingyang Trial, can it really be to see the older sister?" Fu Xuanxuan smiled at Luo Yu with a smile.

"Hey, of course, come back to see my beautiful and gentle sister, oh, and my second brother and second sister," Luo Yu said while eating.

He was really hungry after rushing for a day. Although the warrior could not eat for ten and a half months, he never refused to eat and drink Luo Yu, while the dragon phoenix closed his eyes on Luo Yu's shoulders and raised his head. Do n’t eat anything, just devour Yuanshi practice every day.

"Oh, eat slowly. Not enough sister is letting people do it, see what you eat" Fu Xuanxuan smiled even more.

Luo Yu ate for a while before stopping the chopsticks.

Later, several people talked for a long time at the dinner table. Bai Yutong and Hong Yao also left Qingyang Palace. Luo Yu asked after Bai Yutong left.

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"Sister, why did you immediately shift the subject as soon as I mentioned Linger, was there something to hide from me?"

"Ah ... you saw it," Fu Xuanxuan said with a long sigh.

"Now Linger's temperament has changed greatly because of the impact of the last incident. In addition to being better for us, it is cold to others, and every time the assassination mission of Linger becomes a bounty hunter, he will have a lot of targets Only then, Linger has now become the deepest scar in Yu Tong's heart, so we try to avoid mentioning Linger in front of Yu Tong. "

Fu Xuanxuan sighed.

Luo Yu's heart was so painful after hearing it, and she smashed her target! He remembered the guilt and pain in Lin Mu's scene of Linger's thousands of swords that would make him unable to breathe.

Luo Yu remembered the playful young girl sitting on the knees and talking to herself at night, and the young girl who was gifted as an angel by the children calling her sister Linger, but now turned into a fierce bounty hunter, And the shot was so cruel, Luo Yu's heart was convulsing.

This twitch is called heartache.

Seeing Luo Yu's somber expression, Fu Xuanxuan felt a pain in her heart, but she didn't know what to persuade.

Suddenly the atmosphere was a little depressed, and after a moment of silence, Luo Yu said, "Sister, where is Linger?"

"Now they are still in the original compound. After Yu Tong became a disciple of the King of the Night without Mark, the Lin family did not dare to attack Yu Tong. He and Linger returned to the original compound where they lived," said Fu Xuanxuan.

Luo Yu nodded, then stood up and said, "Sister, I won't stay, I want to see Linger"

"You hurried all day long, and stayed at Qingyang Palace for one night tonight. It's not too late to go again tomorrow," Fu Xuanxuan stayed.

"No, I want to see it now. I have something tomorrow!" Luo Yu shook her head, but Fu Xuan Xuan didn't realize that Luo Yu had a slight killing in her eyes when she said this.

"All right," Fu Xuanxuan agreed helplessly.

Luo Yu gave Fu Xuanxuan a hug, and then left Fuyang Xuan's palace directly under Fu Xuanxuan's leadership.

"What's the matter of my sixth brother coming back this time ..." Fu Xuanxuan murmured looking at Luo Yu's back.

Luo Yu was naturally very clear about the location of the compound. He jumped directly on the roof and galloped towards the location of the compound in the civilian area ...

The civilian area, here are all ordinary wooden buildings, not as prosperous as the central city of Qingyang City, each night is already brightly lit.

In its civilian area, there is a large courtyard with more than ten guest rooms. In the spacious courtyard, a young girl practises flying knives in the courtyard.

The girl was wearing a black dress, her exquisite figure was wrapped in a curve, her face was beautiful and pretty, her eyes were big and smart, her hair was tied into a bunch of vertical rounded buttocks, but her face was cold and cold. Frost, that flying knife shot into the bull's eye 100 meters away at a very fast speed.

In the dark night, he can shoot the flying knife into the tiny bull's eye a hundred meters away so accurately. This hand flying knife is no worse than Bai Yutong.

This girl is not Bai Linger.

To be continued

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