Come to The Peak

Chapter 496: : Big Fight

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"Who am I? Hehe"

The blood robe teenager sneered when he heard it.

"I'm your old acquaintance"

"Old acquaintance!"

Luo Yu heard that her pupils shrank, and looked closely at the boy in the blood robe.

The other person is about the same age as his own, with sharp eyebrows and staring eyes, a tall nose, and a very handsome, and Luo Yu ’s time in Zixia's mystery combined is now sixteen to seventeen.

Ke Luoyu looked closely at the blood robe boy and determined that he had not seen this person.

Seeing Luo Yu's expression, the boy in the blood robe knew what he was thinking. He laughed a bit after the sleeve robe blocked his cheek. After a flash of blood, he took off the sleeve robe.

Suddenly another face appeared in front of Luo Yu.

This face is also very handsome, but it is still not as handsome as the original one.

When Luo Yu saw this face, her pupils suddenly shrank, as if thinking of something.

"It's you! Yang Yan!"

This face dragged Luo Yu's thoughts to three years ago. The young man who appeared with Nangong Xin'er on the streets of Bailu Annual Meeting was called Bailu's two geniuses, and the first genius of the Yang family!

Yang Yan, a long-lived name, three years ago, he fought for Yang Yan and Nangong Wentian to become famous.

Two years ago, the Bai family and the Yang family attacked the Luo family, and Luo Yu killed them, killing the Yang family's reinforcements, which caused the Yang family's defeat.

That year, the Yang family was destroyed by the Luo family, and all the Yang family martial arts were killed, leaving only some ordinary people.

The great earthquake in Luo Yu's heart, Yang Yan, how could it be Yang Yan! He is not! Wait, Yang Yan's body was not found when he counted the corpses of Yang Jiawu's warriors. He fled, he was alive, and he even appeared in Zixia Tianzong! Strength is so weird and powerful!

Luo Yu's head was a little bit covered, and he looked at the blood robe youngster and said, "Yang Yan, you weren't dead! How did you ... appear in Zixia Tianzong?"


The blood robe boy laughed strangely, and said, "Yes, Yang Yan did not die back then, but now I don't call Yang Yan. With a brand new name, you can call me alas!"



The name echoed in Luo Yu's mind like a blast, and now he is not Yang Yan, he is a cricket! What do you mean? Has he changed his name?

The blood-skinned boy sneered, his muscles squirming between the blood flashes, and turned into a more handsome face than Yang Yan.

The owner of this face is called 雩!

Luo Yu took a deep breath, suppressing the turbulent heart into calmness, and at the same time, the true elements in the body began to move at a high speed, and the strings of the whole body had completely collapsed.

No matter if he is called Yang Yan or Shao, Luo Yu knows that this boy is his own enemy of life and death.

There is no reason for it. It can be said that the collapse of the Yang family was caused by Luo Yu's birth. The blood debts of hundreds of warriors in the Yang family can be counted on Luo Yu's head. Yang Yan's father Yang Lie was killed by his father Luo Xingchen. dead.

The Luo family also killed hundreds of people in the battle with the Yang family.

Luo family! The Yang family, these two hundred-year-old family members had too much blood feud, and Luo Yu and Yang Yan had too much blood feud, so deep that they couldn't wash the Yellow River.

"Luo Yu!"

At this time, the young man in the blood robe talked.

Luo Yu looked at each other alertly, waiting for his next.

The blood-robed young man smiled with evil spirits: "Others don't know you, but I know you too well. After three years of martial arts training, from the day after tomorrow to the current Ningyuan Realm, I have to say that you are a genius, a true genius.

The speed of cultivation like you is also called a genius in the ancient times. If I am not mistaken, you should be instructed by an expert behind it, then there is an opportunity against the sky.

Otherwise you would not have grown to this point in just three or four years. "

The young boy in the blood robe said faintly.

Luo Yu's eyes narrowed slightly after hearing, without denying.

He could walk so fast without the old guidance of Hao, and some chances he met all the way.

But what about it, chance, and famous teacher are all factors that make a genius successful.

"I'm curious, and I want to see where you can go. Unfortunately, not to mention that you have a grudge against me, you are still a descendant of Luohe, so I can only hold back my curiosity and kill you today

And here is the end of your genius name, and the best place for your Luo Yu to be buried. "

The blood-robed boy chuckled and smiled.

It's an understatement to say that Luo Yu is about to be eaten.

Luo Yu heard the cold light flickering in her eyes and sneered, "Yang Yan, I don't care if you are now called Yang Yan or Yan, I don't want to know how you got to Zixia Tianzong and how you have this strength.

But I tell you, three years ago I was able to overwhelm you, and three years later I could do the same. There will always be only one winner between you and me, and that person will always be me! "

"Oh, oh! Really? Come on, let me take a good look at your strength. After killing you, I will **** your blood little by little and make you a part of my body."

There was a perverted madness on the face of the blood robe youth.

"Then try it, fight!"

Luo Yu drank softly, and his body surface was soaring. He shot at the blood robe youth, and punched out at the same time.


After the four tigers roared, the four tiger fists rushed away towards the puppet.

The boy in the blood robe shook his neck, and the blood color on the surface of the body agitated. The figure did not escape, and he shot at Luo Yu after the same punch.

The **** shadow of the fist turned into a **** bat shadow, blasting to the four tiger fist shadows.

Uh ...

After a few roars, the Tiger Fist Shadow and Bat Shadow exploded together, and immediately exploded and set off a wave of air.

The figures of Luo Yu and the blood robe boy were also handed over in the waves.

Luo Yu's fist wrapped Zhen Yuan into the face of the blood robe boy, and the blood robe boy blew out a punch and instantly turned his fist into a palm, holding Luo Yu's fist firmly.

At the same time, his other hand also became a palm knife inserted into Luo Yu's head, and the palm knife was as sharp as a real sharp knife under the package of blood-colored real yuan.

Before the sword arrived, Luo Yu's strength struck first. Luo Yu's face was aching and his head was a little bit sloppy, while the other hand cracked the open palm knife.

Luo Yu raised her knee and slammed into the lower abdomen of the blood robe boy.

There was an anti-seismic force in the palm of his palm, and after shaking Kai Luoyu's fist, his body took a few steps back, avoiding the impact of Luo Yu's knee.

As soon as the blood-robed boy yawned, Luo Yu's hands became sword fingers, and hey!

Nine red finger hair swordsman shot at the blood robe young man with a split head covering his face.

He sneered, his face remained the same, and his hands were really bloody.

The two scarlet palm prints shot all the red finger hairs that were shot away.

At the same time, the palms of the two palms were combined into one point, and a huge **** blade slashed away from Luo Yu.

Luo Yu's complexion changed slightly. He had never seen the power of the blood robe boy before, but he wouldn't hit it hard. Under the soles of his feet, Luo Yu burst out and blasted away with a punch.

After four tiger screams, the four tiger fists blasted towards Scarlet Blade.

After a few clicks, the Tiger Fist Shadow was all chopped apart by the Scarlet Light Blade, and Luo Yu took the Tiger Fist Shadow to block the Scarlet Light Blade and fled away.

A **** light blade wiped Luo Yu's body and chopped it on the big trees behind him. Immediately, there were more than ten big trees clinging to each other and being cut off.

The attack speed and resilience of the two of them can be said to be the most top-level existence in the same level. The collision or dodge of each move is dangerous and dangerous.

A fiery red, a blood red, two figures met and met in the forest, one by one, the big trees were affected, chopped or shattered into pieces.

All trees within 100 meters collapsed.


After another hit, the two shot backwards and looked at each other dozens of meters apart.

Luo Yu was surprised. Yang Yan is really powerful today, and Zhenyuan's explosive power is similar to him. It should be in the middle of Ningyuan Realm.

In the same period of the Ningyuan Realm, this blood robe boy who was comparable to him was the first.

Although Luo Yu was shocked, her heart was not chaotic. She retracted a small number of Huo Zhenyuan and crouched in the corner of Dantian. The blue water Zhenyuan was transferred, like a surging river flooding the meridians of the body, at the same time Eight beeps.

Eight blue true yuan seeds exploded and turned into eight times the true yuan. The water-like true yuan in the meridians rose suddenly in an instant, making the meridians a little painful.

A dark blue energy in the mud pill palace was also mobilized and merged into the true element. Nine blue rays rose into the sky, the hair became sky blue, and the momentum of Luo Yu surged again, exceeding the limit of Ningyuan Realm. The level of the early stage of the spiritual realm.

Looking at the aggressively rising Luo Yu, his pupils shrank.

"What a powerful booster mystic, at least this is the booster mystery of the level, and the breath of the Luohe guy is the blessing of the power of the Emperor Wu!"

The blood robe boy looked at Luo Yu's soaring breath and turned his mind to determine the approximate strength of Luo Yu.

"Huh! You have the step-up secret technique, I don't have it. You have the power of the Emperor Wudi's nine bloodlines, but I am the Emperor!"

"Heaven-burning blood!"

The blood robe boy snorted and saw his black eyes instantly turned blood red, and ten blood rays rose from him.

The blood-stained young man's breath is soaring, and the Ningyuan Realm is broken in the middle! Ningyuan Realm broke late! Ningyuan Realm successfully completed in half a step! The early stage of Smart Realm!

The breath of the young man in the Blood Robe has also exploded from the middle of the Ningyuan Realm to the beginning of the Spiritual Realm!

Luo Yu squinted his eyes and looked at the same-blooded young man in a blood robe.

This is also the first time that he has encountered the opponent's Mystic Ascension and has not lost to his opponent.

Strong enemy! Really strong enemy!

The two soaring breaths met in the forest, and the air shock caused by the momentum caused a strong wind, and the air turbulently rolled up all the debris and debris on the ground.

Behind both of them appeared a pair of wings that began to rise, Luo Yu had a pair of golden wings, and behind the blood robe boy was a pair of blood-red meat wings, just like bat wings.

The two fluttered their wings at a height of 100 meters, and the sky above the canopy of the trees looked at each other.

Luo Yu, oh!

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Wicked, Devil!

Who is better than whom?

Thanks again for the legendary uncle ’s strong deblocking and the reward from Xiaoqiao and Gangbang

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