Come to The Peak

Chapter 498: : Amazing Match

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The two looked at each other a few hundred meters, the air around them seemed to be frozen, and the roar of the beasts in the forest was endless, but no ancient beast dared to approach here.

They seem to know that there is a terrifying battle equal to the fourth-tier ancient beast.

I saw the blood on the young man in the blood robe started to roll up, exuding an amazing power, the blood gas faintly condensed around the **** dragon, roaring.

The **** long-handled sickle in his hand was put into the ring of Qiankun, his hands were guilty, and the whole body's blood was gathered between his hands.

The blood on his body was shining, and the body of the blood robe boy began to tremble, and a stream of blood-colored energy poured from his body into his hands. This blood-colored energy was the essence of blood, and he absorbed the blood of countless people to form in the body.

And Luo Yu let Luo Yan back a hundred meters away, blue eyes appeared a golden flame.

The water and fire true elements in Luo Yu's body were dry and exhausted. Luo Yu swallowed a fire lotus seed directly. Several fire lotus seeds were transformed into the fire true energy and quickly transformed into the fire true element.

The nirvana in Luo Yu's body began to riot and turned into a burning force flowing through the meridians throughout the body. A golden flame appeared on the surface of the body, which was mixed with purple.

Luo Yu's hands were virtually closed, and Nirvana Leiyan all converged in the palms of his hands. Luo Yu's whole body filled Nirvana Leiyan into both palms, condensing a golden palm-sized flamingo. The corner of the flamingo's mouth was a purple flame. Yu also introduced the newly refined fire Zhenyuan into the Firebird.

Suddenly, the golden firebird began to riot, and there were signs of uncontrollability. Luo Yu's face was pale, and bean-sweat flowed out. Bite it tightly. Use all your mental strength to control the firebird in your hand. Fire control in the method is also fully triggered.

The blood-colored light group in the blood-robe youth is also getting more and more prosperous. There is even a blood puppet roaring and roaring in the light group, giving out an amazing power.

The big golden flamingo in the palm of Luo Yu's hands is fully formed, looking at the blood robe youth.

"Luo Yu!"


"Let's die!"

k + positive version of KW first! ◇ hair

The two roared at the same time, the blood-sized light group in the head of the blood robe boy pushed and blasted to Luo Yu, and the blood-colored light group exploded after leaving the hand of the blood robe boy, turning into a more than ten meters long Scarlet dragon, roaring and roaring towards Luo Yu.

"Nine Essence Blood Dragon Strikes!"

Luo Yu looked pale, and the golden firebird in his hand flew out.

With a whistle, the golden flamingo turned into a golden fire phoenix with a wingspan of ten meters after leaving his hand, and after a cry, he covered the flames and bombarded the **** dragon.

"A hundred birds are rising!"

Rumble ...

A bird and a pair of figures collided together in mid-air, and a thunder exploded within a radius of 100 miles.

All the beasts and some Zongmen disciples within this range were shocked to look at the sound.

I saw a red cloud, a gold cloud, and two clouds of fire rising into the sky, mixed together into a beautiful dream cloud of mushrooms.

"This ... what's going on!"

A young man wearing a robe of Zongmen disciples stared at the mushroom cloud that was rising to the sky.

A companion wearing a green robe next to him was equally stunned.

"This ... this ... is this the King of Warlords fighting?"

Five or six Zongmen disciples in this area saw this scene, all showing their horror.

The place where the explosion exploded was shrouded in golden flames and blood-colored energy within hundreds of meters, and all the trees became dust and fly ash.

However, Luo Yu and the blood robe boy had been shocked and flew out. Luo Yu flew thousands of meters away, his body was full of black eyes and he passed out.

The same is true of the blood robe youngster, who fell seven hundred or eight hundred meters away, and his whole body was equally dark.

However, the boy in the blood robe did not faint, but glanced at the explosion area in horror, and could not care about Luo Yu, dragging his severely injured body to the forest in the distance and stumbled away ...


Luo Yu heard an exclaim before she was unconscious, and then she knew nothing.

Luo Yan had tears in his eyes and hugged Luo Yu. A pair of purple wings grew on his back and flew away holding Luo Yu ...

The battlefield where the two men were fighting was empty within a kilometer, and the trees outside the kilometer were crooked. In the middle there is a scorched black pit that is two or three hundred meters wide and more than ten meters deep.

A moment later, seven or eight disciple disciples rushed here to see such a scene, and the unrelenting vigor in the air, all stayed in place ...

Luo Yan flew away from the place holding the scorched Luo Yu and blasted towards the canyon where they were hiding.

Luo Yan is a dragon phoenix, how fast it flies, but more than ten minutes to the gorge where it lives, Luo Fei put Luo Yu lightly on the ground of animal skin.

Luo Yan looked anxious, and quickly took out a jade bottle from Qiankun Ring, poured out a round green elixir into Luo Yu's mouth, and then the demon Yuan crossed into Luo Yu's body and began to help Luo Yu refine the elixir.

"Brother, you must be fine."

Luo Yan saw blood dripping from Luo Yu's heart, who was in a coma. He had lived and died for three years, and he was inseparable. The countless lives and deaths of this person have long been inseparable from anyone.

Luo Yan's tears slipped down his cheeks and hit the ground into crystal clear crystals.

In Luo Yu's body, there was nothing in Dantian. There was only a ray of nirvana burning, without a trace of true elements, and there was a trace of cracks on the five internal organs and six internal organs, apparently suffering from severe internal injuries.

After the elixir entered the body, it was refined by Luo Yao's demon Yuan into a green energy and poured into the injured internal organs.

This green energy has a strong vitality. Began to nourish and repair the injured internal organs.

There was also a slight crack in Luo Yu's meridians, and there was no good meat outside.

Severe injuries, only the last time he was hit by Chiba's kill.

Luo Yu ’s phoenix bloodline is also beginning to work wonders. The pale golden blood has begun to recover Luo Yu ’s trauma, stab wounds on the bone, and a ray of nirvana in the body also exudes vitality to nourish the dry Dantian and prevent it from withering. Lead to a retreat.

Time passed by a little bit, and four days passed in a blink of an eye, and Luo Yan stayed beside Luo Yu every day.

Luo Yu was still scorched, but the flesh wounds had healed, and the internal organs of the body recovered quickly, but Luo Yu never woke up.

Luo Yu's spiritual power and soul power are about to overdraw due to excessive control of Nirvana Lei Yan.

But now Luo Yu didn't know that there was a change in his mind in Taichung.

In the Dantian Lingtai, there was a hollow in the gray space, but now there is a golden mist.

After these golden mists appeared, they immediately began to squeeze the surrounding space, like earthworms sleeping in the mud began to make small holes.

There was a small space full of gray spirits, and the space was full of thin golden mist.

If there is a spiritual state or a master on the scene, observing all this with divine knowledge will definitely exclaim.

"Open up the sea of ​​gods!"

That's right, this is the opening up of Dantian, Lingtai knows the sea, and the golden mist is the power of the soul that is rich to a certain degree.

And there is an illusive figure in this little golden space. This figure is golden translucent, just like Luo Yu. This is the soul of Luo Yu. Remember, it is the soul, not the spirit!

The warrior is logically a test of the warrior when the world breaks down to three levels of thunderbolt when he breaks through to the spiritual realm. At the same time, the thunder also has the ability to refine the powerful body of the flesh and purify the true element.

And the last one of the three thunder mines is the awakening **** thunder. This thunder has the effect of opening up the sea.

Why the ordinary acquired monster can break through to the innate demon beast can open the spiritual intelligence, is also the last effect of the wakeful sky mine.

However, the thunder that the demons broke into when they reached the spirit of the demon was six calamities. The thunder was one higher than the human race. However, the heavens have their own justice. The demons are more difficult to cultivate than the human race, but the life of the demons is ten times that of the rogue Times, life is even more scary when replaced by spirit beasts and **** beasts.

Humans generally have a lifespan of over 300 years when they are trained to the spiritual realm, Shenhuo Realm has a 500-year longevity, and Yuantai Realm has a thousand years of life. Therefore, the Emperor Wuyuan of the Yuandi Realm is also known as the Ancient Emperor Wuhuang, and the higher Emperor Dongtianjing Wuyi, that is, Shou Yuan has no fixed number, in other words, eternal life, of course, being killed by others does not count.

So why can Luo Yu open up the sea in Ningyuan Realm?

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