Come to The Peak

Chapter 505: : War Smart!

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Just a moment ago, Luo Yu obviously felt that he had a peeping feeling. At this time, the feeling of others passing through his body was only felt.

The same is the strength of the consciousness in the spiritual realm, and Luo Yu can naturally feel the probe of the strength of the consciousness in the same realm.

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"Oh, I didn't expect someone to get on the sprint first."

Then there was a man's laughter outside the cave.

In the sky above the cliff outside the cave, a young man wearing a yellow robe with a golden wing flying behind him flew in the air, looking at the cave in the cliff with a slightly frown on his eyes and a pair of eyes Choked up.

At this time, a handsome young man in a white robe and carrying a snow-white beast in his arms was walking out of the cave, and a pair of golden wings popped out of the cave.

"Well! It's you, Luo Yu!"

The young man in the yellow robe screamed in surprise when he saw the flying out, and clearly knew Luo Yu.

Seeing Luo Yu, there was a chill in the eyes of the young Huangpao.

"Is this brother ...?"

Luo Yufei frowned and asked in the air a hundred meters away from the young man in the yellow robe.

"My name is Huang Xin, you should have heard of it"

The yellow robe youth said faintly, there was a hint of pride in the eyebrows.

"Huang Xin!"

Luo Yu heard the name frown, revealing a hint of thought, and then thought of something surprised and said: "It is Brother Huang Xin, the fifteenth on the Zixia monument!"

The top twenty of the Zixia Monument are almost all disciples who are trained in the spiritual realm.

Seeing Luo Yu's surprised expression, the young man in the yellow robe showed a little arrogance on his face, and then said lightly: "There was a strong fluctuation of the heaven and earth's vitality just now. What kind of heaven and earth spirit treasure should be born? Brother Luo, you can come first. Have you seen it? "

Luo Yu's eyes flickered, and the other party was attracted by the movements of the ancient beast.

Luo Yu shook his head, his face remained the same: "Brother Huang can be regarded as white. There is no birthplace of heaven and earth, and my brother has never seen it before."


The young man in the yellow robe frowned, and his face was a bit ugly: "I just felt that the source of the fluctuations in the vitality of the world is here. Brother Mofeiluo got something that he wanted to swallow, but he could share it with him. Don't be too greedy, it's a terrible beastly secret place! "

A strong momentum of the Huangpao youth permeated and spread to Luo Yu.

He is clearly threatening Luo Yu with his own strength.

Luo Yu sank and looked cold, "What did Brother Huang mean? I said no or no, Brother Fei could not believe it."

"Hey, believe it or not, you can't just rely on your mouth. So, Brother Luo Yu, let your brother check your storage bag."

The yellow robe youth said with a sneer.

However, Luo Yu's face was even more ugly when he heard the words. The other party obviously wanted to find trouble for himself. Immediately, Luo Yu's mouth was raised, and he sneered: "Brother wants to see my storage bag! You can take a look at 10,000 yuan. stone!"


The young man in the yellow robe first heard the words, and then became furious and said, "Boy, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you and hand over the heaven and earth spirit treasure you got, otherwise my brother would not be so kind to give up"

Threat, naked threat, but is Luo Yu a vulnerable person?

"Hehe, send you two words, dream!"

Luo Yu smiled sarcastically to the young man in yellow robe. That look was like looking at a fool.

The Huangpao youth was furious and said, "Boy, don't think that you have Master Lin as the backer, and I dare not touch you. This is a fierce beast, but no one cares about the battle here, and no one knows you. Life and death, I advise you to be honest and hand over your stuff. "

"I said you're endless, you can do it if you want to do it. There's so much nonsense."

Luo Yu scolded directly and mercilessly.

"Ah ...! Boy, you are trying to die! You forced me"

The young man in the yellow robe couldn't help hearing this, his face flushed with redness, the true elements in his body agitated, and the golden true elements on his body overflowed, exuding a powerful breath.

Luo Yu put the snow-white beast down, and the snow-white beast even floated in mid-air, and there were eight crackling sounds from Luo Yu's body, and eight true water species in the body exploded. The surging Zhenyuan was instantly full of meridians and Dantian.

The power of blood in the mud pill palace in Luo Yu's body was mobilized into the true Yuan. Nine blue lights rose into the sky, and Luo Yu's black hair became sky blue.

The momentum is rising steadily, in the middle of Ningyuan Realm! Late Ningyuan Realm! Ningyuan Reality is complete! The beginning of smart state!

The momentum continued to climb to the early stage of the spiritual state before stopping.

Seeing Luo Yu's rising momentum, Huangpao Youth showed a shocked expression, and then looked cold, with a hum in his mouth, Zhenyuan urged a punch to Luo Yu.


Suddenly, a huge golden punch hit Luo Yu, the air was shaken, and the roar came.

The young man in the yellow robe apparently shot with all his strength and did not stay.


Luo Yu snorted, and the same punch came out.

Roar Roar ...!

Suddenly eight tiger howls rang, and eight blue tiger fist shadows rushed out of the fist and bombarded the golden fist shadow.

Bang bang ...!

A series of slamming explosions sounded, and the eight-headed tiger fist shadow and golden fist shadow bombarded together, and a violent wave of true vitality swept away hundreds of meters away, blasting and falling against the rocks on the cliff.


Suddenly the yellow robe youth turned into a golden phantom and killed Luo Yu in the past. With a palm shot, suddenly a large golden palm print was shot at Luo Yu.

The cold light flashed in Luo Yu's eyes, and the golden wings flew and flew away dozens of meters away. The golden palm print was shot on the cliff, and a large rock fell.

After Luo Yu dodged, she turned her hands into a sword, oh!

Nine blue sword-mans fired at the yellow robe youth.

The young man in the yellow robe looked cold, and patted a storage bag, and immediately flew out a white sword.

The young man in the yellow robe wielded the snow-white sword, and cut out several golden swordsman swords to the swordmane.

Puff puff

The finger hair was cut and killed by the sword, and the remaining several swords were screamed to Luo Yu again.

Luo Yu pulled out the purple giant sword on his back, and also cut out several blue sword awns and cut them towards the sword awns.

Jian Mang and Dao Mang collided and collapsed.

"Two hits, I'm going to do my best this time"

The young man in the yellow robe was gloomy, and the golden real yuan in his body rushed towards the white sword.

The snow-white sword was golden and the sword was swollen.

"Boy, let me teach you how to respect your brother, cut!"

The yellow robe youth roared, and suddenly a dozen meters of golden swordsman slashed at Luo Yu.

The huge golden sword-mang was breathtaking, and the air was chopped out of the air.

"Respect brother! You are worthy of respect even if you are like this dregs!"

Luo Yu sneered, showing sarcasm.

"Ba Jian Returning to Heart!"

Then Zhenyuan rushed into the purple giant sword, and the domineering sword sentiment also came out, and a sword was cut to the yellow robe youth!

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