Come to The Peak

Chapter 507: :world Tree

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The young man in the yellow robe took out his own gold storage bag, and Zhen Yuan went in and took out a larger white jade box.

The young man in the yellow robe opened the white jade box. In the box was a whole body of red ganoderma. This ganoderma exuded a strong vitality and a tempting medicinal fragrance.

"Six Pin Fire Ganoderma!"

Luo Yu was slightly surprised to see this.

Fire Ganoderma is a rare medicine of six grades. It is a rare medicine of six grades. It is of great benefit to the breakthrough. There are six grades in hundreds of years.

And this fire ganoderma has nine circles of texture on it, indicating that this fire ganoderma has also grown for nine hundred years, and another hundred years will be the elixir of seven grades.

This fire ganoderma is worth tens of thousands of yuan.

"Brother, is this fire ganoderma enough?" The yellow robe youth asked with a bit of pain.

Luo Yu heard his mouth go up and said, "Brother, this fire ganoderma is good, but it is worth up to 10,000 yuan. I am now a Sipin Castor. Do you think I will lack this yuan stone. It ’s not precious to you. ”

"What! You become a four-grade forgemaker and can make treasures!"

The yellow robe youth was naturally shocked when they heard that the 10,000 yuan stone founder who can make treasures is not too precious, of course, a lot, but Luo Yu has to knock him carefully This is certainly not enough, and young people in Huangpao also know this.

But this fire ganoderma is indeed the most valuable thing on him. Even the sword he used is only a four-grade, four-marked sword, which is far less valuable than fire ganoderma.

And Luo Yu looked at the young yellow robe coldly, and Luo Yan next to him was also glaring, while the ancient beasts had already yelled at the young yellow robe.

There was anxiety in the youth of Huangpao, and he quickly thought what else was in his storage bag.

"Wait, that! That thing should probably move him"

The yellow robe youth seemed to think of something, and the light in his eyes brightened, and he quickly probed into the storage bag. After the golden glow flashed, the yellow robe youth added another jade box.

This jade box is only the size of a palm, and it is green. The yellow robe youth opens the jade box, and the green light flashes. In the jade box lies a thumb-sized, green body seed!

That's right, it's the seeds, the whole body of green light flows, the crystal clear green tree species, and the leaf-like texture on it, exuding a strong vitality.

Luo Yu saw the green seed stunned slightly, then took the jade box mercilessly, and Luo Yuan walked over to look at the green tree species in the jade box, but the purple pupil shrank sharply. There was a hint of shock and ecstasy.

"Brother, good stuff, this time we really picked up good stuff"

Luo Yan's voice sounded directly in Luo Yu's mind through soul resonance.

Luo Yu heard a word, then looked at Luo Yan in surprise.

"Brother, this time we really picked up the treasure, haha, this guy probably doesn't know what this is, but this is the thing that makes the emperor crazy, so I'll tell you soon."

Luo Yu's crazy voice echoed in Luo Yu's mind. Luo Yu stared at the green crystal tree in the jade box in surprise.

The yellow robe youth looked at Luo Yu strangely.

"Is this really a treasure, this guy can't recognize him?"

This green crystal tree species was also obtained from an ancient relic when he was performing a mission. He did not know what it was, but the huge energy of life contained in this green tree species told him that this thing was not ordinary.

But he doesn't care much for his life. How precious is the treasure?

"Master Luo, this should be enough with fire ganoderma, I really don't have more brothers."

The young man in the yellow robe asked a little embarrassingly.

Luo Yu heard that the light of Qiankun and Xiaxia on her finger flashed directly into the Ganoderma lucidum and the green tree species, and nodded expressionlessly: "Thank you, Brother, for giving the treasure. Brother, do n’t forget, please go slowly."

The young man in the yellow robe felt a twitch in the corner of his mouth, and his heart was itchy with anger, his face twitched and he didn't say much, and turned and left.

One hundred meters away from Luo Yu, a pair of elementary wings condensed behind the youth of Huangpao and flew away.

Luo Yu also has no intention of killing people. Such rampant incidents are too common in the fiendish beasts, and Zongmen will not control them. Being robbed can only mean that you are weak and can't blame others.

Alas, alas!

At this time, the snow-white beast ran to Luo Yu's feet and shook his head, like a puppy that pleased the owner.

Luo Yu smiled suddenly, stroking the fur of the snow-white beast.

"This little guy is really extraordinary. It is indeed an ancient beast. It can be so powerful at birth, and it can make the powerful person suffer a small loss."

Luo Yu stroked the snow-white beast's head and smiled, while the snow-white beast narrowed his blue eyes.

"Hehe, elder brother, this little guy is also estimated to be a powerful one among the ancient beasts. Otherwise, there is no way to be more powerful, and it may not be one of the five ancient beasts of the ancient times," Luo Yan laughed.

"The five beasts of Taikoo!"

Luo Yu heard the words naturally a moment.

"What are the five great beasts of Swire?"

"Big brother, you don't know. There are four ancient gods and monsters in the demon clan. Naturally, they refer to the blue dragon, white tiger, phoenix, dragon and turtle basalt. These four ancient gods and monsters are the top of many gods and animals.

And among the many archaic beasts among the beasts, there are also five archaic beasts. These five archaic beasts are the earliest beasts born in the heavens and the earth, but this is just my guess. Now this little guy has not grown up and ca n’t determine whether it is What an archaic ferocious beast "

\\ l | &

Luo Yan explained.

Luo Yu nodded when he heard the words, and said nothing. Then the two men and one animal flew to the cliff again. Just now the cave was destroyed by Luo Yu and the young man in the yellow robe. Luo Yu had to reopen a stone. hole.

After a while, the Kung Fu stone cave was opened up, Luo Yu, Luo Yan and the small beast entered it, spread a piece of animal skin, and sat on the floor.

At this time, Luo Yu took out the green jade box again, and opened the jade box to lie quietly in the crystal green tree species.

"Second brother, what exactly is this thing that actually makes you so morbid?"

Luo Yu asked curiously holding the jade box.

Luo Yan smiled mysteriously and said, "Brother, do you know what the Emperor Wuxi desires most?"

"What is the strongest desire of the Emperor Wu Huang?" Luo Yu heard a word, and then said, "Naturally it is the breakthrough from Yuan Taiyuan to Dong Tianjing to enjoy the endless life and achieve the Emperor Wu."

"Hehe, yes, the first emperor of the Emperor Wudi who wants to break into the cave world, the first step is to open a small world in the cave, and the law of heaven and earth is coming."

Luo Yan said with a smile, Luo Yu nodded when he heard the words, this he heard Hao Lao said.

"But what does this have to do with this tree species?"

"The relationship is big. It's not that easy for the big brother to cut it out. If it fails, it is likely to explode, but one more thing is different, and that thing is the tree in your hand."

Luo Yu was frightened when he heard his words, and stared at the green tree in the jade box with his eyes wide.

"Second brother, don't sell offense, what exactly is this tree species, and you can pay attention to the world of opening the cave?" Luo Yu asked anxiously.

"Hey, brother, don't worry, there is a **** tree in this world, the real **** tree, the famous name tree, also called the world tree,

This world tree is the first spiritual root that was conceived after the birth of heaven and earth. It is the first ancient tree in the world. The world tree contains incredible power, and the seed of the world tree is the world tree species.

The world tree can only appear once in countless years. This world tree species is extremely rare, and it is truly unavailable. The law of self-pregnancy in this world tree species can help the Emperor Wu to open up the cave and become the emperor of the cave. World tree species are precious "

Luo Yan said with a smile.

"World tree species, helping to open the sky! Second brother, you say this green tree species is a world tree species!"

Luo Yu was not a fool. Luo Yi naturally understood that he was referring to the green tree species in his own hands. Luo Yu was shocked and looked ecstatically at the green tree species in his hands.

"Uh-huh, it should be. I can't think of any tree species other than the world tree species that can contain such a large amount of life energy." Luo Yan nodded solemnly.

"World tree species, opening the sky! This is the opportunity for Emperor Wuhuang to become an emperor!"

Luo Yu looked at the green tree species in his hands, and his face was more shocked.

He is still only a small Ningyuan realm, this thing is the treasure of the Emperor Wuhuang, but it is too far away for him, and once this thing is exposed, it will definitely bring him the scourge of death.

A tree species that can help the Emperor Wu to open the sky and create the Emperor Wu! This kind of thing can be called the real treasure of the heaven and earth. Is this a little Ningyuan martial artist who can keep it?

Once leaked, I am afraid there will be a bunch of hidden Emperor Wuhuang to grab it.

Thinking that Luo Yu's eyes were a little more murderous here, he regretted leaving Huang Xin alive.

Feeling the murderous sentiment from Luo Yu, Luo naturally knew what Luo Yu was thinking about, and immediately said: "Brother, in fact, you don't need to regret letting go of that guy. I am afraid that few people in this world except the Emperor Wu Huang know And recognize,

If that guy knew him, he wouldn't bring this thing on his body. It is estimated that it would have been dedicated to the four palms of Zongmen. Depending on the tree species in the world, I am afraid that it would be enough for him to accept him as a disciple. "

"Well, second brother you are right"

Luo Yu nodded in agreement, and her murderous energy converged, but there was still a bit of evil spirit in Meiyu.

"It is safest to kill him if you have the chance. After all, according to you, this world tree species is too precious and precious. This is an opportunity for the Emperor Wuhuang to become an emperor, and it will definitely make the Emperor Wuhuang in the Yuantai Realm crazy."

Luo Yu stole the cold light in the eyes of the world tree.

Luo Yan also nodded irresistibly, practiced to this point, and killed so many people. He and Luo Yu are definitely not kind-hearted people. Things that threaten themselves will have the opportunity to solve them without hesitation ...

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